
Chaos wielder

"In the vast world of Agorth, arcane powers emerged two centuries ago, plunging humanity into chaos. As people gained abilities, they faced a new threat: dungeon dwellers emerging from mysterious structures. Amidst the devastation, four heroes rose, establishing the stronghold of Midgard. Among them is Eric Alastair, descendant of one of these legendary heroes, wielding the arcane power of Chaos Fire. Follow Eric's journey across worlds and realms as he harnesses his power, confronts ancient evils, and seeks to forge his kingdom in a landscape teeming with elves, dragons, vampires, and the quest for ultimate domination." # cover is not mine. if the owner wants me to remove it please write in comment. all the art works are not mine either. all the credit goes to the owner.

Dreyson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

27. Test of talent

"I wonder who was that bitch who seduced sir Draven like tha-"

before lenn could continue any more a sudden fist greeted him on face as he took a few steps back.

"don't you dare talk about my mother you fucker!!"

As lenn was about to retaliate. someone suddenly came in front of Edward and stopped lenn's advance.

"you should stop now, I don't need to remind you right? what will happen if you touch even the strand of his hair?"

A girl with slightly curly red hair stood in front of Edward and smiled slightly while reminding lenn of consequences of touching a direct bloodline.

lenn's face pales as he understood what he was about to do.


Meanwhile in one of the towers surrounding the platform.

Draven looked at the screen in front of him with cold eyes.

"which branch family is it?"

"they live in the North of the city while their main source of income is in monster products, making them one of the slightly more rich and one the important branches in the family."

A man in formal Buttler attire standing behind Draven answered in a respectful manner.

"is that so? then transfer them to the monster feces field of work."

"will do sir."

Buttler said as he left the room to fulfill his master's command.

at the other side of the room a long red haired man was sitting on a lavish chair with a green scroll in his hand, while three people surrounded him .

Currently Their faces were extremely ugly expression, as if someone had given them shit to eat.

but the man on the lavish chair was extremely calm as if he was already aware of the scroll's content before even opening it.

as the other three continued to read the content of the scroll their expression became even uglier.

They were Ryland, Cynthia and Allvar the rest of the children of Aldrian.

After reading the content of the scroll the first one to speak was Ryland.

"It is basically a slave contract! they want us to hunt for them and even give them the full spoils of war as if it's the most natural thing in the world!!"

His short stature, standing at just 5 feet 4 inches, makes him appear unimposing and easily overlooked. His hair, resembling a tangled mass of fiery tendrils, does little to enhance his overall appearance. his downturned mouth seems permanently etched into a frown.

Even after all this he was the man feared by the masses. currently the vice leader of the family and had a duty of eliminating monsters in the outer region of midgard. he was likewise powerful enough for that position as he was one of the three SS rankers of the family.

Allvar also joined in.

"it's not only that, we would also gain hatred of other factions and races for joining the beast faction. The only safe option is to stay neutral and stay out of their business."

Allvar gave a logical solution but missed something very important which was explained by Aldrian himself.

"to stay neutral you need to have enough power to back your decision, which we currently do not possess."

"father is right, we will be dragged into their conflict Even if we try to stay neutral, moreover we will also be losing the protection beast faction will be providing."

"So what!? do you want us to bend a knees !?"

Ryland said in a slightly agitated tone.

"relax Ryland, father why don't you go and talk to your friends I'm sure their advice will be more helpful than ours."

Draven suggested as he took the seat near the window from where the platform was easy to see.

"you are right I was planning to meet with them anyway."

Aldrian said and also took a seat near the window, storing the scroll in his dimensional ring.

"Now shall we see who has the best talent among your children."


After lenn and his friends left Edward was left alone with the girl.

the girl turned around and Edward was able to see her deep golden eyes.

"hey don't worry about those guys, they just act strong against weak. but with your status as long as you don't touch them first you're safe. So make sure not to do that again alright."

after telling him that, she left as unexpectedly as she came.

"Hey wa-"

before Edward could say anything he experienced a slight rumbling from the ground.

a part of the platform in the middle split open as a man size cylindrical glass container came out of it.

Edward looked around and saw everybody looking at the cylindrical container with curiosity.

"it seems Even they don't know what it is."

As everyone was wondering what was the container for. a pillar of fire came from the sky landing near the container. revealing a man engulfed in yellow flames.

As the flame vanished, everyone could see that man had what you call a scary presence, it wasn't that he was ugly or anything , in fact he looked quite attractive with blond hair style in army cut and light green eyes. it was what he was wearing which was scary.

A bloodied armour with pieces of burning flesh still hanging on the side. yet the man was not least bothered by it.

"I am your test supervisor zeferino Alastair , you will be ranked by your performance in two tests. first you're Mana quality and second by your Arcane power."

Zeferino paused for a moment and looked at everyone and slightly released his aura. which made everyone feel suffocated as if they were drowning.

" your positions in the family will depend on your talent, Anyone of A rank and above talent will be given a position in the main family, for those with B rank and below talent, they will be sent to branch families. so if you have low talent don't blame anyone but yourself Much less do drama here."

after zeferino was done speaking, not many people were standing on the platform. most of them were sprawled on the ground taking heavy breaths, while some had already fainted from pressure. yet there were some who were still standing, three of them to be clear.

one of them was a girl who had protected Edward earlier, while the other two were guys.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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