
chapter two

Making unplanned detours, since there were a lot of people who needed help on her way back home, Carla arrived at casita, only to find that Mirabel was already in front of it with the kids and Señor Osvaldo. Deciding that she wanted to avoid the nosy kids at all cost, she didn't stop to hear what they were talking about and instead went in. The first thing she saw were people. A of them.

And she was gonna see later.

Carla couldn't help but think at that thought.

This celebration was going to be the first time she'd show herself in front of so many people at once since her and Camilo's gift ceremony, so she already knew that the townspeople were probably dying to know what she actually looked like now.

There was a mural in town of their family, and the portrait of her was only vaguely described to the painter, so they ended making her look like a combination of her mother and twin brother — which was actually almost accurate if it weren't for the switch-up of her face and hair. They drew her with the same hair as Camilo, and her mother's face, but it was actually the other way around — she had her mother's hair while her facial structure was almost identical to Camilo's excpet much more softer.

Not wanting to be in the way of the busy people, she quickly went to put the decorations and supplies in the table at the side that seemed to be full of them.

After placing the box down, she clapped the imaginary dust from her hands and turned around only to be met by a strong gust of wind as she saw her mami fretting and worrying about how Antonio's night will go.

Honestly, now that Carla thought about it, she definitely got her fretting from her mother.

"Did someone say, flowers?" A melodic voice suddenly sounded from above, successfully stopping Pepa's fretting and mini hurricane.

Carla looked up as the people around her all cheered. Isabella, go figures.

Out of all of her siblings and cousins, she's the one Carla envies the most. She was confident, pretty, and everyone loves her — not like her siblings and other cousins weren't, but Isabella was the one their abuela was proud of the most and it was very apparent. She was just perfect. Meanwhile, the only way Carla can make her abuela proud was by helping other people and doing everything she was needed to do, and the only way she could do that was when she was

Actually, scratch that. She was envious of all her family for getting gifts other than and

Well, maybe not of her hermana mayor, Dolores. She can't even begin to count the times she had to sit through her older sister's rants about hearing things she shouldn't have or how everyone was just absolutely loud.

Carla watched Isabella give her mami a bouquet before she decided to go check on her, herself.

Maybe they can find comfort in each other for their nerves for tonight.

"Mama" she whispered, trying not to startle her parents.

Pepa immediately turned around at the sound of her hija's voice. "Carla?"

"Yes, it's me." Carla whispered before gently grabbing onto both her parents' hands and leading them into a vacant room.

"What's wrong, mijita?" Felix asked when Carla appeared in front of them with a troubled look on her face.

"Uhm... uh— It's just– ..."

Realization dawned on Pepa after watching her daughter stumble over hr words.

"Oh, mi corazón..." She cooed as she brought her youngest daughter into a hug. "Everything will be alright. No one's going to think badly of you, so you don't have to worry about showing yourself to everyone. You don't even have to talk to them just yet, you just need to show yourself. Let's take baby steps first."

By this, realization hit Felox too, before he started caressing his daughter's hair, trying to aid in comforting her. "You're mama's right, hija, you don't have to push yourself."

Carla smiled and basked in the comfort that was her mother's embrace and father's touch, her nerves for tonight slowly disappearing. Although she knew quite well that this was only temporary — it will come back later when the ceremony actually starts, but she was grateful for her parents either way. "Thank you, mami, papi."

Carla knew that her family had been trying to get her to show herself more. To talk with other people. They didn't think it was healthy for me to always be hiding and putting myself down. And honestly, she knew that herself, but she just couldn't bring up the courage to actually do it.

Tonight, even though she was actually forced to show herself, she didn't resent the situation all too much. She, herself, to show herself but couldn't bring up the courage to, so maybe this one push of being forced to do it was going to help her. Just like her mother said, .

"I have to go find Antonio now, but remember that we'll also be there with you, so you don't have to worry too much. I'm sure Antonio will appreciate you there for his gift ceremony." Pepa said as she broke the hug and fixed her daughter's bangs, before cupping Carla's face in her hands and giving her forehead a kiss.

"And mijita?" Felix suddenly piped in, causing Carla to look over at him.

"Yes, papi?"

"Don't just do this for Antonio, do this for yourself, too." Carla smiled at that, before nodding her head.

Just as her parents were about to leave the room, she called, "Oh, and mami? I'm sure tonight would be just fine. It doesn't need to be perfect to go great."

Pepa looked over at daughter and smiled, "You're right, hija."

"But that doesn't stop me from wanting it to be a perfect night for my baby." Pepa added as an afterthought, causing Felix and Carla to laugh.

"Of course, mi amor."