
Chapter 0071: Waiting for a Rabbit by a Tree Stump

"Huh? Isn't that car... someone's car?"

Lin Xuerou was stunned for a moment, feeling that this car looked familiar, like the one Chu Nan was driving in the afternoon!

With doubt in her heart, Lin Xuerou turned her head, only to see the van parked at the school's main entrance, hastily honking its horn a few times. Once the security guard raised the barrier, the car roared away from the school at high speed.

And the figure in the driver's seat, wasn't it the very person she so desperately wanted to avoid?

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuerou's impression of Chu Nan was once again greatly reduced.

This guy drives so recklessly at school, just like Chen Youliang, trying to look cool and suave, without caring about the lives of so many students walking on the road!

Hmph, no matter how much this kind of person tries to please me, I will definitely never like him!

The swiftly departing Chu Nan had no idea that his behavior had just provoked the ire of the beautiful Lin once again.