
CEO Daughter Want To Have Fun

Emma is a child who was thrown into an orphanage by both of her parents because of Emma's strange power, when she grew up Emma realized that her power was being able to return to the past and into the future.

Kayyisah_Azka · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Bab I. Strange Power

Hi, my name is Emma Saputri, I'm a middle class student who lives alone in Jakarta

(Indonesia capital city) I have a strange power from birth It's not certain what power it is, when I turned 3 month old I could fly the objects because of that power my parents threw me into an orphanage because they didn't want an abnormal child, from a young age I was raised by the caretaker of the orphanage, because she takes care of me she also knows that I am different from other children so sometimes she doesn't even want to look at my face, five years have passed and now i am five years old, today on my 5th birthday everyone at the orphanage wished me happy birthday, and of course one of my friends at the orphanage also wished me birthday for me, her name is Diana "happy birthday my friend!" I smiled and said thank you, at a glance I could see Diana's disliked face to me, maybe because of my beautiful face she became jealous ..., well I was born with beautiful face and intelligence like a a 20 year old person, sometimes people ask me this, "how can a five year old kid be this smart you must be a genius!" I sometimes just reply "I don't know I answered the questions that were said to be difficult because I know." they just smiled and left, because it was long enough in the orphanage, I tried to get out of the orphanage, I did many ways to get me out of the orphanage, for example, to persuade the head of the orphanage and others but all failed, when I was 6 years old I had made up my mind to escape from the orphanage and of course I was looking for information before I ran away from the orphanage, like where my parents live and so on, of course finding information is not easy, I need to sneak into the head of the orphanage's room always messing up the documents in there, because because of my extraordinary intelligence I managed to find it, for some reason the head of the orphanage kept my data in his drawer as if it were my data very important. when I opened the last page of my data, it was clear that my biological father was a famous brand entrepreneur, even though as far as I know my father was an office worker, thinking hard I found the answer in the tucked in data. I don't know how the head of the orphanage got this data. It turned out that my mother left my biological father when she got pregnant and remarried. with the office employee's affair, because at that time my mother really fell in love with the office employee's good looks, when they finished getting married my mother told me that she was pregnant someone else's child, an office worker, or you could say my stepfather didn't accept it. He immediately told my mother to abort me, who was still in the womb, my mother begged me not to do that, because mom always begs my stepfather to agree not to abort me but with one condition that I must be thrown away when I'm big enough, I was surprised when I read the complete data, then a question arose in me. who is the head of the orphanage? Why does he know this complete story? without thinking I took the document and then ran away with some of the money I took from the drawer of the head of the orphanage, he was very dark that night, silent, and no one but I know where to go, I opened the data and took a small note containing the address of my biological father's company, because I never left the orphanage i don't know the way, Suddenly someone in a black suit came to me and asked "what's wrong? are you lost?" when I saw him I was immediately fascinated and accidentally said "uncle is very handsome!" The uncle was very surprised and smiled a little, "so can I help you?" I then gave the paper containing the address to the uncle, the uncle was surprised and said why do you want to go to this place? I then replied "because this is my biological father's company..." the uncle was surprised and looked at me and said "aren't we a little alike?..." I nodded because it was a fact, my red eyes and black hair are similar to the uncle's, "ok, since it's already late at night how about you come with uncle?" I'm afraid because I'm afraid he means bad, "hey calm down child, I'm not going to do any kind of kidnapping" This uncle is very... suspicious! But somehow I can't refuse, because at one point I want to feel I believe in this uncle and I'm suspicious too I was confused, so confused I couldn't think anymore and then followed the uncle, I was told to get into a car that looked luxurious, when I was in the car I was immediately drunk because not used to driving a car, my uncle who realized that immediately leaned my head against his thigh "sleep, small children should get enough sleep" for some reason it feels warm... at that moment I fell asleep,

"I've never seen your figure like that Mr. CEO" "Shut up or I'll fire you"

"Okay Mr. CEO~"

"Don't make fun of me."