
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Suburban Zoo

The suburb of Yangchuan City.

The lead cloud was low, and the biting cold wind was blowing in the face. The clouds covered the bare low mountains in the distance.

Since the cataclysm, there has been very little good weather. The bad weather alone is enough to make people feel deeply depressed, not to mention the man-eating monsters that haunt everywhere.

The empty and silent road stretched all the way to the foot of the mountain in the distance. A huge silver-white giant bear appeared in the field of vision, and the heavy footsteps fell on the ground and trembled.

This is a terrifying creature, and the terrifying aura emanating from it is enough to make any creature shudder.

"Master Xiong, why did you bring me out? I can't help you with my combat power. Nuomi would like to come out with you, so why don't you bring them!"

Behind the giant bear, a big goose about the height of a man was screaming and chasing hard, like a big flea.

The giant bear did not run, but just walked on four legs, more like a walk. Although the speed was not fast, the distance between the steps was too large. Each step could pull the big goose away. The big goose kept flapping its wings and half-flying. Half-run to barely keep up.

Early this morning, Zhao Xiong was going out again, leaving the circus to go hunting.

Although Big Goose Mouth expressed reluctance, he was actually quite happy about it. Whenever he faced Zhao Xiong, he would have a deep fear in his soul, which was the oppression from the bloodline and the level of life.

Although he didn't know why his boss frequently went out for hunting, he didn't want to know that after Zhao Xiong left, he would not worry about eating and drinking alone in the group, and there were several big dogs such as Bian Mu who were on guard outside, and the safety factor was very high. The days couldn't be more pleasant.

However, for some unknown reason, Zhao Xiong did not leave alone this time, but instead ordered to bring the big goose, which made his mentality collapsed.

There are ten thousand people who don't want to go. It's so dangerous outside, and Zhao Xiong's designation is to fight powerful monsters, so the risk factor is too high!

But Zhao Xiong had already spoken, and Big Goose dared to disobey his orders, so he had no choice but to follow along on the road.

Along the way, he didn't dare to take a step away from Zhao Xiong. Even if he had wings, he was exhausted.

"It's over, the goose is definitely dead this time."

Big Goose is very desperate, and doesn't understand why Zhao Xiong wants to bring himself out. At his level, let alone fighting, all he can do is create chaos.

Facing Big Goose's complaint, Zhao Xiong continued to walk without turning his head.

He raised his huge head and looked at the intersection of the low mountains in the distance, where the clouds were low and there was an unspeakable feeling of depression.

That is the destination of his outing this time, the area where the Yangcheon City Zoo is located.

The trip to the zoo was a dungeon that I thought of when I met the giant four-armed ape before. I thought that among so many animals, a few powerful monsters would definitely be born.

I hope I can provide myself with more soul stones. It would be even better if there are a few more atavistic beasts.

As for bringing the big goose, it is a natural test for him to evaluate whether he is eligible to get the bloodline of the 'Shangyang'.

But this way, according to the current situation, Zhao Xiong's face is a little dark, even if this bloodline is fed to pigs, it is better than to him.

Leaving the urban area and staying in the suburbs to the west of Yangchuan City, there are no dense high-rise buildings in the city, only scattered villages are scattered on both sides of the road, and the population density is relatively small compared with the urban area. Due to the lack of prey, There are not many mutant creatures that haunt along the way.

Along the way, there were only a few mutants who didn't know whether to live or die when they saw Zhao Xiong, not only did they not run, but they dared to come up to deliver them, so they had to accept the soul stones they sent with tears.

Looking around, these villages along the way also have traces of being attacked. There is blood on the ground, and there are messy footprints left by monsters. There is no one, and the villagers have already evacuated here.

Zhao Xiong remembered that the survivor camp that Chen Tian and his party went to was located in the northwest of the city, which should not be too far from here.

However, Zhao Xiong is not interested in this, and has no idea of ​​going to the human camp. He just wants to focus on the soul stone and follow the route marked on the map to the place where the zoo is located.

"Master Bear!"

Seeing that Zhao Xiong ignored him, the big goose had to flap its wings to catch up as soon as possible.

Once he is separated from Zhao Xiong in the wild, he will definitely be left with a dead end. Those monsters who are extremely greedy for flesh and blood will never let go of the delicious goose meat.

Walking all the way, although Zhao Xiong didn't deliberately hurry, his speed was not slow at all. After an hour's journey, the sign in front of him was already marked with the words "Zoo".

We have arrived at the area where the zoo is located.

At this time, the gate near the zoo was full of birds, and there was no half-person figure, and a faint rancid smell filled the air.

Turning into the exclusive passage to the zoo, as soon as I stepped into the boundary, I saw several rabbits the size of wild boars on the side of the road.

These rabbits were born with blood-red eyes, and several sharp teeth ripped through the cleft lip, revealing **** flesh and tissue.

Chi Chi!

They dig the snow-covered soil with their mouths and are digging up the roots of the plants below to eat.

"Did these rabbits escape from the zoo?" Zhao Xiong was a little curious.


Several rabbit monsters heard the movement and noticed that something was approaching. They raised their heads suddenly and stared at it with straight eyes.


They were not afraid and attacked the giant bear that was as huge as a mountain for them.

There are too many brainless mutants, and Zhao Xiong doesn't care.


He didn't even need to attack, just the terrifying aura emanated, and immediately caused several rabbit monsters to fall to the ground with blood and no sound.

A small amount of soul stones emerged from the rabbit's corpse.

Zhao Xiong collected the soul stone and continued toward the entrance of the zoo.

"This rabbit...it feels so weird."

The big goose looked at the dead rabbits lying on the ground. They were bleeding from seven holes, and their eyes were still staring at themselves.

Big Goose couldn't help trembling, and quickly followed Zhao Xiong who was walking away.

After a while, following the signs on the ground, Zhao Xiong came to the entrance of the zoo.

The gate of the zoo was closed, and there were no people. There were drift marks left by car tires on the snow. It seemed that someone had driven a vehicle to flee here in a hurry.

The park was dead silent, silent and surprisingly quiet, and there was no messy scene of monsters rampant as Zhao Xiong expected.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Xiong turned his eyes to the depths of the zoo, where... it seemed something was wrong.

As we continued to approach, the visitor notice board at the entrance of the zoo came into view.

The original standard handwriting was covered and blocked with a small blackboard, with several lines of large characters written in crooked fonts. After careful inspection, it turned out to be a tourist code.

"Dear tourists, welcome to the city's largest zoo, which includes most of the animals in the world, and guarantees to create a suitable environment for each animal. I hope you and your children can enjoy sightseeing.

When sightseeing, please abide by the following rules to ensure your safety, otherwise you will be at your own risk! "