
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Lord of the Storm: Talos


After an unknown amount of time, the violent shaking finally stopped.

The whole city is in disarray, with broken trees, collapsed houses, and a devastated and dilapidated scene. High-rise buildings are crooked and may collapse at any time.

There were countless cracks in the ground, and a lot of dust filled the sky, making the already gray sky more gloomy, like a gray world that lost the sun.

Except for the intermittent aftershocks, there was no other sound in the whole city, the silence was bleak, and the lives were withered, and it was unknown how many lives were lost in this sudden disaster.


Beneath the pile of ruins, a huge figure emerged from the ground and lifted the dilapidated buildings that fell from the tall buildings.

It was the broken corpse of a giant spider, the carapace was broken, the arthropods were broken, and the foul-smelling body fluids flowed everywhere.

The spider's head has been smashed, full of deep scratches, and the dead can't die anymore.

As the corpse of the giant spider fiddled out from under the ruins, another huge bear claw came out, lifted the corpse, and a giant bear covered in dust crawled out from under the spider.


"It's so good, why the mother has an earthquake!"

Zhao Xiong, who was disgraced, spat out, ate a mouthful of sand in the earthquake just now, and said angrily.

However, although there have been many accidents, fortunately, the Nightmare Spider was successfully killed at the last minute. Apart from being a little embarrassed, he was not injured in the earthquake, which is a very good result.

"Master, this may not be an ordinary earthquake."

Slaughter stuck out his head from his left claw: "I feel the smell of fire nearby."


There was a hint of surprise in Zhao Xiong's bear eyes.

He heard the word "tinder" from the statue of the Blood Council. To this day, he still doesn't quite understand what this "tinder" is. He only knows that it involves the origin of this world, and its specific use is unknown.

The Blood Council was very interested in Tinder, and they "recruited" MPs everywhere, cultivating **** to work for them, and tempting MPs to use Tinder to exchange power for themselves in the Council.

The symbiote, a life in a different space, can perceive the existence of nearby fire, and it was originally sent by the Blood Council to the real world in order to allow the members to perform their tasks better.

According to this, this earthquake was caused by fire, and it is indeed not ordinary to be able to cause such a large fluctuation.

"Can you sense the location of the fire?"

Zhao Xiong asked.

"It can be vaguely sensed, further south of the city." Slaughter pointed.

Zhao Xiong took a look. The direction that Massacre sensed was the center of the earthquake, about a few kilometers away.

"Master, do you want to go and have a look?"

"No, there are more important things to do now."

Zhao Xiong refused without hesitation.

Killing the Nightmare Spider got 1300 Soul Stones, plus some scattered mobs killed along the way, at this time his number of Soul Stones was 4560, enough to buy Divine Fragments.

Open the mystery shop and choose to buy.

The divine fragment worth 4100 soul stones finally arrived.

"You have successfully purchased the Divine Fragment of Lord Talos, Lord of Storms. Do you want to use it?"


Zhao Xiong did not immediately absorb the divine fragments, but first rested his spirits. He had just experienced a battle, and his state was inevitably affected.

This time, we are fighting against the divine fragment of a god, and the chaotic evil camp. If the opponent affects his will, it will be a terrible thing.

The location does not need to be shifted. This is the site of the disaster-level monster "Nightmare Spider". In the eyes of most creatures, there is no one that dares to approach it in a short period of time.

Besides, after an earthquake, it is unknown how many living creatures died.

Slaughter was on guard around him. After Zhao Xiong had adjusted to his best state, he was ready to absorb the divine fragments.

"let's start."


In an instant, a terrifying storm force burst out from within the giant bear.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, divine fragments are suspended in the void, exuding indescribable might.

On the surface, Zhao Xiong closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, but his consciousness had already set off a huge wave, and the wind was surging.


The dull thunder sounded, accompanied by a terrifying huge lightning, and a huge hurricane swept over, turning the sea of ​​consciousness into a chaotic world of chaos.

If it cannot be stopped, the entire sea of ​​consciousness will be destroyed by it, and Zhao Xiong will become an idiot.

Of course, you can't let this happen.


A terrifying roar of a giant bear resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

An incomparably huge giant bear composed of thunder appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and its ferocity erupted, suppressing everything.

The Thunder Giant Bear also has a thunderstorm raging all over its body, but it is different from the divine power raging in the sea of ​​consciousness. This power is full of wild anger and comes from the primitive demigods of ancient times.

The giant thunder bear stepped down on all fours, the earth-shattering aura swept in all directions, and the thunder rolled, making the entire sea of ​​consciousness tremble.

This is Zhao Xiong's sea of ​​consciousness. In his territory, after the giant bear appeared, the power of the divine fragments was immediately restrained by the power of thunder and gradually suppressed.


The hurricane drooped down, the lightning flashed, the thunder devoured each other, and even strands of divine power were stripped from the divine fragments and merged into the giant bear's body.

"who is it!?"

At this moment, a violent voice came from the fragments of divine nature, "Humble ants, how dare you steal my divine power."

The divine fragments shone brightly, and in the center of the raging storm, a vague figure gradually appeared.

This is a deity wearing half-armor, broad shoulders, tall, with keratinized protrusions attached to the body, several pairs of upside down wings on the sides of the lower limbs, one eye is covered by a blindfold, and the other hollow eye socket is deep. There was a thunderstorm brewing.

An aura of tyranny, evil, and destruction pervaded him!

Lord of the Storm, Talos!

Zhao Xiong immediately recognized the identity of this figure.

However, this is not necessarily the true face of Taros. As a collection of will and priesthood, the gods have many images, and they appear under different circumstances, and their appearances are different.

At this time, Taros was obviously very angry, and roared angrily: "Damn thief, who dares to steal my power, you will definitely pay a painful price for your stupid behavior!

I want to rip out your soul and throw it into the eyes of the wind! "

"Fuck you! Who told you that I stole it. Mr. Xiong bought it with soul stones!"

Hearing Taros' scolding, Zhao Xiong was also furious.

"It's all been put on the shelves, so what are you doing here with Lao Tzu!"

Zhao Xiong didn't feel that this product had anything to force, and he didn't have any self-consciousness as a commodity.

What's more, he already knew that this guy was just a divine thought left in the divine fragment, not a real **** descending.

I can still be frightened by you?

"You are seeking your own death!"


The Thunder Bear ignored him, and let out a roaring roar again, suppressing the divine fragment that turned into the image of Taros.

The huge thunder slammed down from above, hitting the divine fragments continuously.

The Talos in front of him was really just the divine sense left in the divine fragment, which contained a powerful force, but it was difficult to release, and he could only retreat under the violent offensive of the thunder giant bear.


The thunder rolled, and the raging storm was almost torn apart.

Talos, who was at the center of the storm, was still uttering violent and angry curses, but his voice had been drowned out by the violent thunder and could not be conveyed at all.

Zhao Xiong exerted all his power in one go, and the divine power contained in the divine fragments was immediately extracted.

Two completely different thunder powers that are related to their origins gradually merged.

Zhao Xiong kept absorbing, plundering, and comprehending the priesthood information and origin laws contained in the divine fragments, which made Talos' figure become more illusory, as if dissipating.

And the giant bear composed of the power of thunder is gradually absorbing the power, gradually becoming clearer, more solid, and more lifelike.