
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Information on Nancheng District


The female awakened screamed miserably. Her physique was very strong. She was cut in half and did not die soon. She could even struggle violently.

It's just that her lower body has been chopped off. With the vigorous exercise, all the intestines in the abdominal cavity are squeezed out. Not only is it painful, but this tragic appearance makes the scalp numb.

However, her pain did not last long, and the tentacle blade swung again, cutting off her head, resulting in the life of the female awakened.

The other end of the countless blood tendrils was connected to Zhao Xiong's left paw, and a strange scarlet eyeball turned left and right on the back of the palm.

As the Awakened, called Yajing, was killed, the gray-brown body returned to its original normal appearance, and most of the tentacles of the symbiote began to retract, leaving a few tentacles to turn into fresh blood again, swallowing the female. Awakened.

Bloodshot wrapped the corpse into a cocoon, and there were bursts of creepy chewing sounds.

"Well enough."

With the female Awakened being killed, Zhao Xiong was quite satisfied with Massacre's battle. To deal with this Human Awakened, he let Massacre do it alone, watched by himself, and observed its fighting ability.

This is the first battle after the birth of the symbiote "Slaughter", but the combat effect is good. As a natural cold-blooded killer, its body is a weapon, and its liquid body can change into various forms.

The blade that the tentacle turns into is caused by its skill 'alienation', and it turns into a sharp weapon, which can cause great damage and should not be underestimated.

Not to mention the physical strength of the female awakened, the smoothness of the incisions on both sides of the buildings can be seen. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as cutting iron like mud.


Another thing that surprised Zhao Xiong was that after the female Awakener was killed, seventy or eighty soul stones emerged from her corpse.

The chunky man who was killed just now didn't explode. He thought that soul stones could only be exploded from monsters. Now it seems that in addition to ordinary people, they can also be obtained from awakened people.

Accepting the soul stone, Zhao Xiong looked to the other side. A large net made of blood had already **** the man in the jacket. The two Awakened who escaped into the mall did not run away.

The jacket man also tried to mobilize his supernatural powers to counterattack, but as soon as the blade ignited flames, the symbiote used the sharp beard blade to directly cut it with the knife and hand.

The man in the jacket was extremely weak, the spikes that bred cut through his skin, and his ears were bleeding from the sound wave attack just now.

Obviously, the jacket man's body surface defense is far inferior to that of the female awakened person. If Zhao Xiong hadn't let the symbiote temporarily keep him alive, this guy would definitely die faster than Jing.


The man in the jacket let out a painful moan, and was pulled into the air by his tentacles, a few meters off the ground, and brought to Zhao Xiong.

Zhao Xiong said, "Tell me what you know about the monsters in Nancheng District."

"You can talk!"

Although the man in the jacket was in great pain, he couldn't help but be shocked that a giant bear could speak human words.

But when his death was imminent, he couldn't care about so much.

"Will you let me go if you tell me the information?"

The man in the jacket asked, but before Zhao Xiong could reply, he immediately sneered and shook his head: "I think too much, you are a monster, how could you let me go? You should eat me after asking, right?"

"Since I'm going to die anyway, why should I tell you?"

The man in the jacket shook his **** broken arm with a sarcastic look on his face. He obviously knew that he had no way to survive, so it was useless to be afraid.


Zhao Xiong thought for a while: "As long as your answer satisfies me, it can make your death less painful."

He didn't try to deceive the jacket man. It didn't make much sense. After he finished speaking, the symbiote immediately turned the liquid body into a **** torture tool that made scalp tingling, and shook it in front of the jacket man.

Looking at the terrifying objects that materialized, the man in the jacket turned paler and realized that sometimes death doesn't seem to be the most terrifying thing.

"You can't do this!"

"Why not?"

The jacket man's face was extremely ugly, but he finally gave in, knowing that the giant bear with terrifying abilities in front of him would not reason with him. If he angered him, the process of death would become extremely difficult and tortured.

It didn't take long for Zhao Xiong to get some information about Nancheng District from the jacket man, which was quite useful.

There are indeed several powerful monsters born here. They are suspected to be of disaster level, causing a lot of casualties. At present, the area where they are located has been listed as a restricted area by the survivors.

Moreover, Nancheng District is densely populated, and there are indeed a lot of human Awakeneds born. There are about ten Awakeneds who have seen or heard of the jacket man alone.

Awakened people have different abilities, some have special abilities, and some are transformed into beasts. So far, I have never seen anyone with the same ability.

Some of these Awakeneds are mixed in the group and remain calm, while others like Jacket Men and Female Awakeners join forces to form small teams, but everyone's purpose is the same, to live a better life.

As for the short and fat man among the three, he is actually an ordinary person without any ability, but his wife, after the blue moon, merged with the canary that the man carefully raised as a baby at home, and became a horrifying creature. Human-Headed Bird.

The human-headed monster bird is bloodthirsty and eats human flesh, and it is cruel by nature. However, for some unknown reason, it listens to the words of the short and fat man and becomes his thug. Anyone who dares to provoke him will face the attack of the monster bird.

In order to get the very powerful human-head monster, the two men in the jacket invited the chubby man to join the team and endured this guy's irritable temper.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I was trapped by this stupid thing.

"A fusion of humans and monsters..."

Zhao Xiong was a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect the human-headed monster to be a fusion of humans and animals to become a brand new monster. This is a bit novel. I haven't seen it in Beicheng for so long, and I regret it was too fast. It's dead, should stay and study it.

But it was too late to regret it. The body of the human-headed monster had already been slaughtered and swallowed up, and not even the bones were left, so he had to give up.


While Zhao Xiong was contemplating, a fiery flame suddenly appeared on the man in the jacket, turning himself into a man on fire. The extremely high temperature flames burned all his clothes in an instant.

"let me go!"

The jacket man shouted angrily.


Burned by the flames, the blood tendrils wrapped around the man in the jacket contracted subconsciously, and the slaughtered limbs made a screeching sound as the flames burned.

However, this symbiote from another dimension did not release him as the Jacket Man imagined, giving him a chance to escape.

Slaughter is a product from another dimension. In the movie, the symbiote's fear of noise and flames does not exist in it. Otherwise, when Zhao Xiong let out a supreme roar, Slaughter would have trembled.

But being burned by the flames, it should still hurt a lot.

"Damn low creatures."

A large amount of fresh blood surged, extending from the bear's claws, forming a monster head.

Slaughter was very angry, he opened his **** mouth, his mouth full of sharp teeth, and directly bit off the jacket man's head.