
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Dragon Treasure House

After telling Zhao Xiong all the known information, the third elder is ready to retire, and it still has a lot of follow-up finishing work to do.

The vast majority of the dragons did not know the crisis they were facing, and they did not expect such a big change to happen suddenly.

The dragon king was killed in a rebellion, the underworld passage was hidden, and the dragon family changed hands. A bear became the leader of the dragon family. It was necessary to appease the dragon's emotions to avoid accidents.

If there are other situations, it can be solved, but if Zhao Xiong is angered, it will be over.

Before the three elders left, Slaughter split off a progeny and parasitized it.

Just killed the Dragon King, Zhao Xiong does not think that the Dragon Clan will sincerely regard him as the so-called Dragon Lord, and a little measure is still necessary.

Although these dragons basically pose little threat to him, Zhao Xiong has always hated trouble the most and likes to stifle trouble in the cradle.

Regarding the parasitism of the symbiotic daughter, the third elder did not have any objection and accepted it without resistance. It also understood that the relationship between the two parties was not close, and it was best to do the same.

However, the daughter did not directly control and take over the opponent's brain like the previous parasitic zerg queen, but just hibernated in the head of the third elder to monitor the mind.

Once the three elders are hostile to Zhao Xiong, or make a violation, it will trigger the backlash of the child.

And if it wants to get rid of the child body, it will be noticed by the massacre body at the first time.

After the three elders left, Zhao Xiong went to the treasure house of the dragon clan. The dragon clan used to be one of the top races in this world. Although the glory is no longer, there are a lot of treasures left in the treasure house.

These are the old books left by the dragon race, and even if they are not used, they can be used to improve the body shield.

Although there are restrictions in the treasury, it can't stop the existence of Nightmare Level, not to mention the little guy of Longyuan Spirit following him, there is no place in the entire Longyuan world that cannot go.

Soon I came to the inside of the dragon family treasure house, where there are few dragons usually come, and it was covered with a thick layer of dust.

However, this is normal. Before the aura recovered, the Dragon Clan had no worries about invasion by foreign enemies, nor did they have aura for cultivation. They were just eating, drinking, and having fun all day long.

Looking at the treasures in the treasure house, Zhao Xiong's eyes lit up. Although the long years of erosion and the serious evacuation of spiritual energy have caused most of the treasures here to lose their former power, there are still a few that are of the same level as the "Dragon Cover". treasure.

Zhao Xiong transformed those useless treasures into advanced materials for the Aegis of Body Protection, which greatly increased the energy of the Aegis of Body Protection.

The second-order body shield can absorb several attacks of the ordinary nightmare, which is much stronger than the first-order, can resist a lot of damage, and can restore energy to a certain extent.

With the recovery speed of the shield, no matter how many monsters of the fierce level and below, it is impossible to break the defense of Zhao Xiong.

It is obviously impossible to deal with him with a sea of ​​​​tactics.

It didn't take long for the inventory in the Dragon Clan Treasure House to be almost cleared by Zhao Xiong, and a few pieces of useful equipment were retained.

A pair of claws, a water-repelling bead and a pair of dragon scale armor.

The claws are all dark blue, flashing with an icy cold light.

Although the power is now severely drained, the texture of the claw itself is still extremely sharp, and the lethality is amazing, enough to tear the defense of nightmare-level creatures.

After refining it, the claws fit perfectly on Zhao Xiong's front paws, emitting a faint blue light, and no one dared to underestimate the damage it could cause.

The Water Disposal Bead is a special treasure. Although it does not have any power in itself, it has some special functions that allow the holder to walk in the water like walking on the ground, and even the vast ocean can open a passage.

This is the good news of the landlubber. Although Zhao Xiong can separate the water and waves, the force required to separate the sea is very large due to the terrifying pressure of the sea.

As for the last dragon scale armor, it is called the Wanlong armor by the dragon clan.

However, the Wanlong armor is currently in a damaged state, and there is a wound that has been penetrated on it, which reduces the power of the Wanlongjia by more than half. Zhao Xiong is very surprised, what kind of existence can break the Wanlongjia.

After all, this pair of scales has lost seven or eight percent of its power since ancient times, but it can still resist attacks from Nightmare.

The ancient powerhouse of that level must be an existence in the outer domain. Zhao Xiong is too lazy to think about it, but this ten thousand dragon armor is very suitable for himself. Next is Wanlongjia, which will definitely give the enemy a headache.

If the Dragon King was wearing this Wanlong Armor at the beginning, Zhao Xiong would have to work hard to kill it, but he didn't know the reason, and he stayed in the treasury to eat ashes.

With the help of the balance of the dragon's breath, Zhao Xiong quickly refined the Wanlong armor and successfully wore it. This magical weapon can freely switch forms.

Countless scales spread out, drilled into the silver-white fur, fit on Zhao Xiong's body, formed a pair of armor, and gradually hidden, if there was an external attack, it would appear.

After becoming the co-owner of the dragon clan, all these things are cheap Zhao Xiong, even if the dragon clan has an opinion, he dare not mention it.

"If this pierced damage can be repaired, the power of Wanlongjia should be restored."

The penetrating wound of Wanlongjia was at the heart, and its previous owner was killed by one blow.

Zhao Xiong felt that as if the breach could be repaired, it might gradually restore Wanlongjia to its former strength.

However, this ten thousand dragon armor can only be used by dragon creatures, but I don't know if the ten thousand dragon armor will be rejected after the skin of Venerable Shenlong is replaced.

At present, Zhao Xiong has been wearing the skin, and he has no plans to take it off for the time being. After all, the skin is so domineering. The reason for changing the skin before was to bring misfortune to the east and prevent the Chilong guys from targeting him.

But now the strength is stronger. The com is strong enough to resist the call of the Blood Council and is not afraid of anyone, so he can appear in whatever image he wants to appear in, and no one can control it.

For the next period of time, Zhao Xiong stayed in the treasury, continuing to use those useless treasures to improve the body shield, and at the same time comprehending the will of the spirit of Longyuan.

The spirit of Longyuan represents the source of the laws of this sub-plane, and has infinite mysteries. Although it is not as complete and huge as the real world, it also has great reference value, which can make Zhao Xiong's laws not small. promote.

No one knows how strong the real Nightmare is. At present, Zhao Xiong has only fought against the Ancient God Finger and the Old Dragon King, and neither of them can represent the real Nightmare combat power.

This level so far belongs to the groping stage, and even the humans who have defined these stages do not think that there will be creatures reaching the nightmare level at present, which only exists in theory.

However, Zhao Xiong felt that in the depths of the ocean, there might be a stronger nightmare level. After all, the ocean is the largest ecological environment in the world, and it is much wider than the land.

There are many more deep-sea beasts and ancient ancient existences sleeping under the deep sea, so it is still necessary to improve their strength as soon as possible, and the nightmare level is only the beginning of truly entering the extraordinary sequence.