
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Circus Change

After killing the mutant crab, the weaker chameleon loses its camouflage and is even more pitiful. Zhao Xiong shot him to death without even resisting a single move. The two mutants together provided more than 300 souls. Stone, it is not a small harvest.

It's a pity that the atavistic giant four-armed ape escaped. Zhao Xiong guessed that the guy ran out of the suburban zoo in the city. I wonder if there are other animals running into the city.

After all, other than there, there can be no apes in the urban area.

Zhao Xiong felt that there should be a lot of mutant species near the zoo. The number of animals in the circus is not large, but Zhao Xiong and Simba the lion, as well as the monkeys that failed to evolve, were born.

According to the proportion of evolutionary mutation, the probability of animal mutation in the zoo should be higher. Maybe there will be other monsters that mutate from large beasts, such as lions, tigers, leopards and elephants.

Zhao Xiong plans to clear out the nearby monsters first, and then he can travel for a while to go to the zoo on the outskirts of the city to sweep around.


It didn't take long for the dogs who were left behind to arrive here, but the battle was over long ago, and only the task of cleaning the battlefield was left.

Zhao Xiong threw the chameleon on the ground and asked the dogs to find a way to bring the two prey back, while he went to the next hunting place alone.

The fighting strength of this group of dogs is not good, and the strongest Ronaville dog has just broken 100 fighting strength, so fighting is useless at all.

It's okay to let them do some chores. It's a pity to throw away the monster corpses. It takes time to bring them back. Having these dogs here saves a lot of time, energy and trouble.

The special life of the symbiote can be cultivated. As long as it is provided with enough energy to devour it, it will soon be able to grow up quickly. After leaving the infancy, it is at least a "disaster-level" biological weapon attached to the body.



After Zhao Xiong went out to hunt, the people in the circus were basically not idle. The guard team proposed by Zhou Yunguo had already been formed. More than a dozen young men in the regiment formed members. Everyone trains.

These circus performers have basic skills, so it is not too difficult to train them.

At the same time, they also made some simple equipment and weapons to fight against possible dangers.

In the past, circuses used a lot of equipment to perform performances. Although they were all of a performance nature, many of them became lethal weapons when they were improved, and a few bows and arrows were also found in the warehouse.

The arrow opened up, which was enough to threaten people's lives, but it was not clear when facing monsters.

They can only practice cold weapons. The Kaiyuan Dynasty does not allow civilians to carry guns. It is impossible to have them in the regiment. There are only a few sedative guns. This thing can at most have some effect on dangerous monsters. Hit several needles in a row, and then hold it until the anesthesia effect occurs.

The women in the regiment who could not participate in the battle were mainly responsible for some logistical work. Two little girls, Yanyan and Feng Yue, were among them. A group of women gathered together, chattering, and gossip was inevitable.

"When is a day like this going to end?"

An elderly middle-aged woman complained while working, "I can't go out after staying in the regiment all day. Even the power supply is limited, and my mobile phone is turned off. I'm almost suffocated."

"Sister Yu, what are you thinking? Wouldn't it be nice to stay in the group, at least it's safe and warm."

A woman of the same age said, "Look at how cold it is outside, it's freezing, and there are so many monsters hanging around. It's better to be bored than to go out to feed the monsters."

Sister Yu said sadly: "I know, it's not that we can't calm down, we're used to running around all day, we were suddenly locked up, we couldn't go out, and we couldn't even watch a video on our mobile phone. ."

"I think it's better to be uncomfortable than to die. The corpse of the monster brought back by Xiong Da is still lying in the yard, we can all see it.

Darling, such a big toad, giant tortoise, Simba the man-eating man, and that fish monster with only half of its body left, you can see which thing is not scary. "


Sister Yu sighed, suddenly changed her tone, and whispered: "Speaking of that black fish, I think of Xiaoya and the others, the three of them died so miserably, they were swallowed by monsters, and Master Zhang was the only one left. Escaped alone."

"Yes, Master Zhang's life is really big, and he survived by himself after going out with four people."

"Hey, I don't think it's just a matter of fate."

Sister Yu's gossip energy came immediately, and she didn't feel bored: "Master Zhang is usually a thief, and he is desperately trying to get oil and water into his own pocket when he is doing shopping. His human nature is very inferior, maybe It was he who killed several other people and escaped alive from the monster's hands."

"Sister Yu, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, I don't like to hear this. Why am I talking nonsense? This is what the cook who sleeps with Master Zhang said! The cook said that Master Zhang had nightmares when he slept at night. Ya they stop pestering themselves!"

Sister Yu sneered and said, "If it wasn't for what I did at the time, I'm sorry to Xiaoya and the others, how could they be so guilty and have nightmares every day."

A few people fell silent after hearing this, not knowing how to reply. Yanyan and Feng Yue also looked at each other, not daring to speak, and quietly listened to the gossip of the elder sisters.

Finally a woman shook her head and said, "Anyway, it's been so long, it's a good thing to be alive. Only Master Zhang, who came back alive, knows the truth at that time, so let's not speculate. ."


At this moment, there was a sound of the door outside, and a staggering figure walked away quickly.


The soulless Master Zhang returned to his dormitory, his expression was always in a trance, as if he was sleepwalking.

He closed the door and got into the bed alone, but he couldn't help but mutter: "I didn't kill you... I didn't kill you... You didn't run away..."

"Stop pestering me... I also want to live... I don't want to die"

"Ah... hoo..."

In the quilt, Master Zhang's body suddenly trembled violently, screaming in pain, like a dying beast, his body unexpectedly underwent an unknown mutation.



The tingling sound of bone dislocation kept ringing in the bedroom, the exposed thighs became twisted, the pantyhose and shoes on the lower body were broken, revealing sharp toenails, not like human feet, like the feet of evil spirits. .

The body hiding under the quilt actually began to bulge out of shape, and sharp bone spurs pierced out of the quilt. The original skin couldn't keep up with the speed of the mutation, and was roughly propped up, torn apart, and exposed under the skin. The **** muscle tissue, flesh and blood is squirming and growing wantonly, like a skinned monster.


A sharp, **** fingernail pressed against the wall, leaving a bright red finger imprint. The knuckles were thick and hooked, not like a human at all.

Not long after, a deformed and hunched figure broke free from under the tattered quilt, revealing a bloodthirsty gleam.