
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Awakened Power


The brief conversation between Chen Tian and the others was not over yet, and the mutants that had been trapped under the abandoned iron cage had broken free again.


This monster's body is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye, and it appears in front of several people breathing.

Nails as sharp as knives can easily disembowel a person.

Feng Yu was shocked and quickly waved his weapon to resist. Chen Tian's face didn't show any turbulence. After facing monster attacks many times, Chen Tian was basically not panicking.


Before the mutants could attack, a loud gunshot sounded.

Big Goose was holding an old-fashioned rifle, with blue smoke coming from the muzzle, and the impact of the bullet jet interrupted the mutant's attack.

The bullet hit the mutant species, creating a shallow blood pit, and finally barely broke its defense.

But this little injury didn't have any effect on the mutants. He turned over and got up from the ground, the bloodthirsty light in his eyes even more intense.

"It's such a joke."

Several people were dumbfounded, fast speed, strong attack power, and not weak defense power. For ordinary people, this is almost a terrifying monster with no shortcomings. How to fight this one.

"Let's run, brother cute!"

The big goose ran back.

Feng Yu and Chen Tian were stunned for a moment, and immediately followed, this thing really can't be beaten, and if they continue to fight, they can only die in vain.

Several people retreated to Yanyan and Feng Yue's side, and fled with the two little girls, planning to escape from the circus. At this time, they no longer cared about the danger outside.


The mutant's hind limbs exerted force and their muscles exploded, which was as terrifying as the grasshopper's bouncing power. It landed directly in front of several people, blocking the path of escape.

The girl screamed in fright. In a hurry, Chen Tian threw the iron rod in his hand and smashed it. As a result, before it hit the mutant, he slapped it and flew out.


The iron rod let out a sharp whistling, flew past Feng Yu's ear, and embedded directly into the wall behind him, causing Feng Yu to break out in a cold sweat.

The terrifying degree of mutants is beyond the scope that ordinary people can handle. None of the unfortunate people caught by it before can survive, and it is difficult to leave a whole corpse.


When Chen Tian and the others were in a desperate situation, suddenly a large net was thrown from above, which happened to be wrapped around the mutants.

The mutant immediately struggled violently, but the thick hemp rope soaked in tung oil was so strong that it couldn't break free for a while, and as it moved, it wound even tighter.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Zhou Yunguo took the two people downstairs panting and shouted to the people hiding everywhere in the circus: "Let's get out of here while the monster is trapped!"

It was Zhou Yunguo, who was the head of the regiment, who led the two to put the big net on the mutant species.

But no one thought that this thing could trap it for how long. Everyone didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​suppressing it. They just wanted to run as far as they could with the time they bought.

Following Zhou Yunguo's cry, many people who were hiding in the corner and dared not move ran out and ran towards the gate. Some people were so frightened that they dared not move, they were trembling and couldn't stand up at all.

"Captain, where are we going?"

Chen Tian asked quickly.

"Let's go out first, wait for Xiong Da to come back." Zhou Yunguo said.

"Captain, be careful!"

At this time, Feng Yu exclaimed in surprise.


The hemp rope can trap the mutants for a much shorter time than they thought. As the bone spurs grow again, the sharp edges and corners directly cut the hemp ropes. The mutants regain their freedom and immediately attack the nearest Zhou Yunguo.

A large, hooked knuckle clasped his shoulder.


Zhou Yunguo felt a sudden pain in his shoulder, warm blood splattered everywhere, and an arm connected with a large piece of flesh and blood flying out.


The mutation happened so suddenly that everyone couldn't react at all. Feng Yu only had time to shout and saw that Zhou Yunguo's small half body was cut off by the mutant species.



Under the extreme excitement, Feng Yu inexplicably felt that his brain was blank, and he entered a magical realm. The time around him seemed to have slowed down a bit, allowing him to barely capture the movements of the monster in front of him.

The heart in the left chest beats abnormally fast.


The blood is surging, and the strong heartbeat like a drum can be clearly heard.

It was as if something in the depths of the blood had been stimulated, and a fierce qi was surging in the palm of his hand, trying to release it.

Feng Yu subconsciously swung this force towards the mutant not far away.


An invisible air flow flew out from Feng Yu's hand, turned into a wind blade, and directly hit the mutant species.


The invisible wind blade is extremely powerful, it can easily cut off the bone spurs on the body of the mutant, and even cut it on the body of the mutant with unabated power.

A huge blood-drenched incision was drawn on the mutant's body.


The mutant was in pain, and jumped backwards. Zhou Yunguo could not help but let go of his claws. This middle-aged man who had lost a small half of his body fell to the ground.

"Gah, what's the situation!"

The big goose was trapped again. What's the matter? Feng Yu waved his hand, and then there was an extra wound on the mutant species that chased them everywhere.

Could it be that this guy has super powers?

"Feng Yu, are you awake!?"

Chen Tian reacted immediately.

"I do not know either."

Feng Yu shook his head blankly, only knowing that he really wanted to kill the mutants just now, and then he felt an air current in his palm, and he waved it out subconsciously.

"Don't care what it is, that guy is here again, use your super power to kill it!" Big Goose shouted.

Sure enough, the mutants attacked again, and they soon arrived in front of Chen Tian and the others.

Feng Yu instinctively threw out two arms.


The wind blade formed by the two air currents shot out again, and the sharp edge turned into substantial damage and landed directly on the mutant species.


The two blades staggered, cutting out a huge X-shaped wound, with bone deep visible, causing the mutant species that came to fall to the ground, with blood gushing out.

"Strong, brother!"

Big Goose was amazed: "Quick, while it's sick, let's kill it with a few more wind blades!"

Feng Yu also knew this, he didn't dare to delay, he continued to wave his arms, wanting to kill the mutants.

Soon, several wind blades swept out and landed on the mutants, but this time the damage was much less than the previous ones.

Without waiting for Feng Yu to wonder, a sense of emptiness rose in his body, so weak that he could barely lift his arms.

The palm of my hand was empty.I couldn't let out any airflow.

"Go on, dear brother, this thing is about to die!" the big goose monster cried.

"Brother, come on!"

With a leg injury, Feng Yue, who was supported by Yanyan, was also cheering for her brother.


Feng Yu looked weak and even more embarrassed: "I seem to be empty."


Several people suddenly looked at each other.

Although the mutants were wounded by the wind blade, they did not completely lose their combat power and were still very dangerous.

How could Feng Yu's hope for a comeback disappear at this critical time!

Looking at the mutants that got up from the ground, a few people had no choice but to clench their weapons again and prepare to do their best.


At this moment, the familiar barking of dogs came from outside the circus.

Three giant dogs bigger than bulls rushed in from the door, went straight to the mutant, and surrounded it.

It was the three evolutionary dogs, Border Shepherd, Rottweiler and Doberman. They came back with their trophies and noticed the danger here when they walked nearby.

Seeing the three dogs come back, Chen Tian and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now the mutants are really dead, and their lives are also saved.

"How are you, Captain!"

Gouzi besieged the mutants, and Chen Tian and the others hurried to check Zhou Yunguo's injury.

Zhou Yunguo, who was lying on the ground, still held his breath and didn't die, but the small half of his body was torn off by the mutant species, his flesh was blurred, and the ground was dyed red with fresh blood.


Zhou Yunguo reluctantly opened his eyes, looked at Feng Yu with relief, his lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say a word, his head tilted, and there was no sound.