
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Atlantis visit

Zhao Xiong is out.

With the improvement of the power of the three laws, his combat power has increased significantly, reaching more than 70,000.

This is an extremely terrifying number. At this time, Zhao Xiong can easily kill himself when he was just promoted to the Nightmare level.

The strength has increased too fast!

It has only been a short period of one month. Compared with the veteran powerhouses such as the God of Merman and other racial gods, Zhao Xiong's strength can be completely described as taking off.

Since he was promoted to the Nightmare level, the rise in combat power has never stopped, and it is improving almost all the time. Even Zhao Xiong himself is surprised.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is also a reasonable thing. Other Nightmare levels can't kill the same level, they can only practice step by step, but Zhao Xiong can kill.

He has a strong bloodline, and has exchanged many powerful equipment and skills through the store. In all aspects, he is stronger than the ordinary Nightmare level, and it is not easy to kill the Nightmare level.

To use such combat power to rush resources to serve oneself, kill opponents and earn Soul Stones to buy stronger goods, is simply profit and profit. Under this virtuous circle, it is strange that Zhao Xiong does not become stronger.

However, Zhao Xiong has finally encountered a problem. After reaching the Nightmare level, increasing his combat power and advancing to a higher level is completely different from the previous bloodline evolution. He needs to understand the power of the law.

At this time, Zhao Xiong didn't know what level he had reached in the Nightmare Rank, and he didn't know how many places he could rank in the Mythical Creatures, but he realized that he seemed to be in a period of confusion.

After the power of the three laws had improved a bit, the comprehension process had to stop because he couldn't see the road ahead.

There are still hundreds of fire seeds left, but there is no previous insight. It seems that he is walking on the edge of a cliff and will fall off if he is not careful. Zhao Xiong has to end the retreat.

The fire can no longer guide the way forward. This is a very puzzling thing, and Zhao Xiong never thought that such a situation would occur.

Is there an upper limit to the power of the source that can be absorbed by a living being?

The loss of the law made Zhao Xiong begin to doubt where his strength was at the Nightmare level, and how far he was from the next level, it was completely unknown.

There is no description of this situation in the bloodline inheritance of Indestructible Kuanglei, which is really a headache for the bear.

Zhao Xiong tried to inquire about the original sin of gluttony, and wanted to get some clues. However, although gluttony grew up from a young loli to a girl and has a certain ability to think independently, he still relies on instinct for growth.

Original Sin can increase its power as long as it continuously absorbs the negative emotional energy from countless creatures in the world.

As for the slaughter that had just been promoted to the Nightmare level, I don't know this issue. The law of blood has not been fully controlled, and there is a long distance from the so-called confusion period.

Zhao Xiong shook his head helplessly, and no longer had the idea of ​​asking others. After all, other Nightmare-level creatures were completely unfamiliar with him. Even if they were willing to talk about it, Zhao Xiong might not dare to believe it. It is possible to deviate from the original route.

As the current hegemonic creature in this world, the road ahead can only be walked by himself, and no teacher can give him popular science.

After leaving the customs, Zhao Xiong has nothing to do for the time being. At present, the whole world seems to have quieted down and entered a short period of peace.

In the ocean, the land of the four seas was occupied by Zhao Xiong, several racial gods were killed, and the water tribes such as the salt water tribe and the merman were all enslaved by the dragon tribe.

The shark people, one of the murloc branches, also declined due to the fall of the **** of sharks. The other murlocs did not intend to take revenge for him, but instead divided the shark people's territory.

This is not a strange thing for the murlocs, the law of survival of the weak is the law of their race.

The murlocs have basically given up the idea of ​​​​compromising the ocean. After all, there are deep diver groups in the deep sea, and the near sea is the dragon clan led by Zhao Xiong. They can't provoke any of them, so they can only give in.

However, the gods of the murlocs believe that the period of peaceful coexistence between the two major forces of the deep sea and the near sea will certainly not last for too long, and it will be broken sooner or later.

One of the two sides will withdraw from the stage of aura recovery, or even both sides will lose. Maybe the murloc will have a chance to rise by then.

Compared with the previous chaotic disasters on land, there have been changes. Basically, all countries have gods born, harvesting the power of faith through various channels, and even different gods for faith, breaking out **** wars, causing a large number of casualties .

With the existence of gods, it is more or less useful. The mutant species that occupied the city were eliminated, leaving a lot of human survivors alive.

Some of the more intelligent evolutionary species and mutant species are aware of the danger, and they have fled the human city and went to other places to develop, so that human beings can barely find their living space.

And with the appearance of gods, although humans lost their dominant position, in general, it was a good thing, at least getting rid of the risk of extinction.

However, most of the gods of the land countries are new gods born not long ago, and their current strength is at the level of the fierce ranking list, which is temporarily incomparable with these ancient gods in the ocean.

It will take a while before a nightmare-level existence can be born, and it is because of this that Zhao Xiong didn't find them.

After reaching the Nightmare level, you will get more Soul Stones than the Fierce Level.

However, the Kaiyuan Dynasty was not so chaotic. The gods here were killed by Zhao Xiong and escaped. Except for himself, no one dared to jump out and call himself a god.

The guardian giant tree escaped into the space, and has not appeared in the outside world again, which shows Zhao Xiong's deterrent power.

Using the name of Zhao Xiong, the royal family has already begun to recover the country. At present, the large northern cities centered on the imperial capital have successfully returned to the control of the royal family.

However, the Indestructible Crazy Thunder sect is still the same, and it has not expanded too much. Zhao Xiong is not surprised. After all, the dog bear's teachings are indeed not very attractive.

This is not the complete version, otherwise all the tools developed by human beings will be destroyed, and everyone will return to the great hunting era.

Zhao Xiong is not interested in these at present, this sect is actually dispensable, and he just wants to find out the reason why he is confused about the understanding of the law.

It's just that I only consumed dozens of sparks, and I didn't find any useful information. It's really annoying.

And just when Zhao Xiong was at a loss, a fleet came to visit Long Yuan.

It was an Atlantean, and the leader was the Atlantean general who greeted Zhao Xiong before.

The other party quickly explained his intentions, saying that the God of the Sea was about to be born, and he hoped that Zhao Xiong could help him, for which Atlantis was willing to pay expensive fees.