
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs


The number of enemies is +1 again

Since he came to this parallel world, Zhao Xiong has lost count of how many enemies he has provoked, and this time he provoked not only one, but a large group of foreign evil gods!

Being watched by the evil **** means that Zhao Xiong has to face a terrifying world with countless horrors lurking.

From the information conveyed by their roars, it can probably be judged that one day in the future, the membrane of the world will disappear, and they will not need a medium, no need to breed young, and will come directly to the real world as a real body.

It is really scary to think that countless giant tentacles that stretch for several kilometers appear from the top of the clouds, the depths of the ocean bottom, the icy mountains and many other places, and come to the world.

Hmm... The effect of my enemies has become more and more powerful, and if I continue to do it, God knows what kind of terrifying existences will be provoked.

Thinking about it really scares bears.

But after thinking about it, Zhao Xiong didn't panic at all, as long as he worked hard to improve his strength, it would be fine.

It's still early before the arrival they say, at least it has to be counted by year, otherwise why would the twelve-eyed evil **** and the rabbit-headed evil **** abandon their real bodies, give birth to the advent, and fool the fool.

"Who can't blow cowhide, wait for you to come."

On the day they really come, Zhao Xiong believes that his strength will not stop there. Maybe by then, he will have his napkins and stoves set up, and when they come, they will be skewered and grilled like a sizzling squid. eat.


The surrounding area is still collapsing, this alien dimension won't last long, the aquarium no longer exists, only a pile of ruins remain.

Zhao Xiong planned to take the big goose out of here first, and looked back to see if a miracle could happen, but was stunned to find that the big goose had woken up.

But the goose who woke up was not really awake, and was in a very abnormal state. The blood-red color filled his pupils, full of terrifying madness.

The cells in the body began to divide frantically, the sharp and thin teeth clustered in the goose's beak, the feathers were torn, the twisted flesh was squirming as if alive, the granulation protruded, the body grew wantonly, and soon it became a The deformed bird monster exudes a disgusting smell of depravity.

The big goose was assimilated by the void.

Zhao Xiong was silent, watching the mutated goose gradually lose its normal form and become extremely distorted. He didn't try to save or interrupt it, because it was useless.


After the mutation, the big goose made a sharp neigh, and the deformed wings with lost feathers fluttered, eyes full of madness, and attacked Zhao Xiong, the sharp claws showed no room for mercy.


A sigh.

After a while, Zhao Xiong was safe and sound, and the deformed goose fell to the ground, completely losing its voice.

The blood-colored soul stone slowly emerged.

The big goose died, but the strange changes on his body were still there. Countless blood threads spread out from him like vines, extending around, and soon merged with the ground. The body and limbs also turned into the stems and leaves of plants, and the flesh and blood were all there. Blooming and mutating into a weird bird-shaped plant.

Zhao Xiong Muran, when Feng Yu and the others left, only Big Goose chose to stay, and it ended up like this. I don't know if he regretted the decision he made at that time.

"I will avenge you."

Zhao Xiong rarely picked up the soul stone, turned around and left this alien dimension that was about to be destroyed.


Inside the zoo, ripples suddenly appeared in the empty square that was originally empty, and a huge giant bear appeared out of thin air, returning to reality from another dimension.

This scene is really incredible, but unfortunately no one witnessed this scene.

The bear's paw stepped on the solid ground and felt the reality of the real world. Staying in an alien space would produce a sense of unreality, where the laws were incomplete, unstable, and would collapse and die at any time.

Zhao Xiong turned his head to look back, and he could no longer feel the non-existent aquarium behind him. The alien space completely collapsed. The remnants of the two evil gods and the vegetative goose disappeared together in the endless void.

With the fall of the evil god, the evil will shrouded in the zoo has disappeared, and the creatures who enter here will not be mutated by the spiritual pollution of the evil god, but those creatures that have been polluted can no longer return to normal.

The zoo was dead silent. Almost all the living creatures were dead. There was no need to stay, so Zhao Xiong left immediately.



The survivors camp located in the northwest of Yangchuan City encountered an emergency. The siren suddenly sounded loudly and rang through the camp, causing all the people in the camp to panic and turn into a pot of porridge, because this was the alarm before the monsters attacked!

The panicked people pushed each other, crowded, and even looted supplies. Fortunately, the army suppressed the riot in time, and no casualties were caused.

Under the eyes of soldiers with live ammunition, people gradually restored order, and under the leadership of their respective officers, they evacuated according to the pre-arranged evacuation route.

The troops in the camp gathered, the engines of dozens of armored vehicles roared, and the top of the camp all looked solemn, looking forward, there were really monsters approaching the camp!

However, the monster that caused the crisis in the camp was not the "Thunder Roar" they had been guarding against, but another list level that they had missed.

The gray fog quietly diffused around the camp, exuding a strange breath and a dead air.

At first, people didn't notice that it was wrong. They thought it was just ordinary fog, which would soon dissipate. After all, it is very common to have smog in the northern winter.

However, until the dispatched reconnaissance soldiers returned to the camp to report and found that a mysterious funeral procession was approaching the camp, the complexion of the top of the camp suddenly changed greatly.


None of the ferocious monsters that can make it to the list are not scary. Thunder Roar dare not provoke them, and the Undertaker can't provoke them either.

In the previous list, it was mentioned that Thunder Roar and The Undertaker were forced to retreat after a conflict. They all thought that this strange thing had left the scope of Yangchuan City, and the focus of prevention had been on the terrifying giant bear.

Who knew that the mourner didn't go far, and appeared near the survivor's camp at this time.

"How is the arrangement for organizing people to evacuate?" Gu Xinglan asked.

"The order has been issued. Everyone should evacuate according to the arrangement during the previous exercise. There should be no problem." Chief of Staff Chen, wearing golden glasses, reported.

The Undertaker is very strange. There is no record of actively attacking humans in the known information, but it will assimilate all the creatures that block the team's forward path, making it a member of the funeral team. No matter whether it is a human or a monster, none of them can escape. .

No one knew what the mourners team's route was and where they were going. They could only try to make way for it. Humans couldn't stop it at all.

In the currently known information, only Thunder Roar had stopped the mourner and made him retreat, so the combat power of Thunder Roar would be shocked by people.

Zhou Xinglan looked at the fog surrounding the camp. Although it was not clear whether the mourners were coming towards the camp, avoiding it was undoubtedly the best choice at the moment.


Just after the conversation between the two ended, a soldier hurried over to report, "One group of people failed to retreat. People got lost in the fog and couldn't get out, and finally returned to the camp."

"Report sir, the 3 teams failed to evacuate!"


Soon after, the signal soldiers came back to report.

A strange gray fog has shrouded the camp, and humans can't get out. Even the compass and more sophisticated instruments all fail in the fog, and they can't tell the direction. No matter which direction people go, they will eventually return to the camp.

"The Undertaker... Sure enough, he came to the camp."

The upper echelons of the camp were all in a heavy heart.

What does it want to do! ?

A terrifying cloud hung over everyone's heart.


Gu Xinglan let out a turbid breath, and his eyes became firm again: "Pass my order, all troops, including the awakening camp, all gather in the camp area A, ready to fight!"