This is the life story of a girl. The becoming of her fears Her insecurities Her indiference and the constant loniness she befriended. It's a dark telling of how life molds one person into her worst nightmare. -------------------------------------------------- This story will be wirtten with heavy dark and gloomy tones. It will be partly depressed and partly joyful. No real beginning, end, or middle.
I don't know if this will even reach you. I dont know If this consolation for the guilt and regret you left me with or a way for my mind to not completely shatter. I have gone back and forth between all the memories I have of you but with time they have become more and more vague. After you left those feelings I had were burried deep within me somewhere; I can't seem to find a trace of them no matter how hard I look.
I want to ask how you are, where you are, and if I can simply come and see you. Is your smile still as warm as I remeber? Have you gotten used to your new form? Do you think of me? Are you even still around?
I have been trying to stay strong. I have been trying not to completely go crazy. I have tried to be a better person. The same person? or maybe I just want to be who I was with you?
I miss you so dearly. I miss you so much. I wish you could have stayed. I wish you were still around. I wish I could see you again. I wish so much for you existence to be left.
Why did you go? Was it painful? Did you know? Do you know?
Please ... I beg ... I implore .. come back .. come back to me.