
Can I go back again?

Autor: Lazydude
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 44.5K Modos de exibição
  • 11 Chs
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What is Can I go back again?

Leia o romance Can I go back again? escrito pelo autor Lazydude publicado no WebNovel. I watched Re zero recently. Subaru "Stop It" made me feel sorry for him. That's why I decided to make a fanfic about him and give him a golden finger. More than the Re zero fanfic itself, it's about S...


I watched Re zero recently. Subaru "Stop It" made me feel sorry for him. That's why I decided to make a fanfic about him and give him a golden finger. More than the Re zero fanfic itself, it's about Subaru himself. I don't think I will continue to write it for long tho.

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