
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Sasha, Travis, and another girl could be seen sleeping in a small room. The first one to wake up was the girl. The first thing she did was to get out of her bindings. Which to her surprise was very easy. The ropes that bound the kids were only tied loosely around their wrists and legs. Next, the girl looked around the room and saw that there were other kids in the room with her. Besides the kids, there were three backpacks.

The girl had thought back to the last moment she remembered before she woke up here. She was in a room filled with kids that were going to the same school as her. The instructor was just about to go over the school code when a group of armed men shot the instructor and threw canisters of what she came to know was some sort of sleep gas.

Before she could go deeper into her thoughts Travis and Sasha begin to stir and begin to start to wake up. The girl then helps them by helping them get the bindings off. Sasha and Travis are very confused when they become fully awake. They are not nearly as calm as the girl was when she woke up.

"Who are you?" asked Sasha to the unknown girl. Both her and Travis were up against the wall while facing the girl. Although Sasha and Travis didn't know each other well they were at least familiar with one another.

"My name is Taylor. I was kidnapped from a military academy in Malgove. What about you guys?" Taylor said quickly while she was checking outside through the only window in the room. When they heard she was kidnapped as well.

"I'm Sasha and he is Travis. We were in transport to a Malgove Military Academy. They wouldn't tell us the name until we got there." said Sasha calmly.

"Well, it would seem that this is an intense entrance exam because I couldn't learn which military academy I was in either," Taylor said matter of factly. When she turned back around to face Sasha and Travis they both looked terrified.

"But the government will come to rescue us right if we can't handle it right, I mean I'm an A-grade Super after all," Travis said ushered.

"Well, we'll have to survive until then. Do either of you have any military training?" when Taylor asked that question both Travis and Sasha shook their heads no.

"Fine, then I'll take point. Each of you grab a pack and let me know what you find in it. Then we'll scope out the area and see what to do next." said Taylor as she went to grab a backpack and look in it. Both Sasha and Travis went to do the same. What they found was some food, water, a nature survival guide, a map, and a compass. With a few variations like how Sasha had a knife while Taylor had a rope.

"Ok, lets head out now," said Taylor. All the kids got up and started walking to the door. But something was bothering Sasha. She felt like this was too easy. Why would the schools use this as the entrance exam? Why wouldn't they just do a tournament or exams? Sasha understood that they would be extreme but to this extent.

'No this is not right' Sasha thought. And her voices agreed with her. Something wasn't adding up. Then just as they were about to step out of the door Sasha saw a flash of lightning glide over

" The collars aren't on us," Sasha said as she went to feel her throat.

"Yeah and this is an entrance exam. They need to see what you can do. They even gave us new holo watches. Let's get going." Taylor said annoyed.

"But we don't even know what we're supposed to be doing. You saw the maps. We have no destination. This place is safe for now. Also, they gave us access to holowatches instead of just leaving us without them. That means they are planning to get in contact with us. Why don't we wait till then." Sasha said as she put down her pack.

Although her reasons were sound that's not the reason she wanted them to stay. Something in her was telling her to be cautious. And that something was very loud.

"Don't leave this cabin! You have no idea why you are here!" screamed the male voice. He was definitely the more paranoid of the voices. And if staying in what they now know was a camouflaged cabin would shut him up for a bit while waiting for some more information Sasha would oblige.

"What if there is no information. Listen I'm not about to get a poor score because you are scared of some woods." Taylor said as she picked up Sasha's bag and shoved it at Sasha.

"Ok, ok ladies let's just calm down." Travis then got in between them and put some space between them. Which made Sasha and Taylor look at him with a warning in their eyes. Travis then second guessed if he should have said anything at all. He had no doubt in his mind that these two girls could be dangerous. Sasha's lightning had already started dancing around her skin. While fire started to surround Taylor's fists.

"Now, lets put this to a vote and since both of you guys already said your points I vote to stay. What Sasha said makes a lot of sense. How about we wait for a couple of hours and if there is no news then we go with Taylor's plan." when Travis finished speaking both girls harrumphed and went to a corner.

They spent an hour like that. Sometimes Travis and Sasha would talk to each other, but it was mostly spent in silence. As an hour past, each of the kids began getting anxious. The male voice was right when he said that they had no clue why they were here. The things in there packs made them think it had something to do with survival, but that's all they guessed.

When Travis went outside to use the bathroom he noticed that there was a barrier all around them. Something like a big dome which further confused the kids. How was this going to determine which school they would get into? It wasn't until an hour and a half went by when they got there answer.

Death Games could be read in big bold letters on there holowatch.