
Chapter 89: Andy and Alyssa

Andy and Alyssa

  Alyssa messaged me a few hours later, while I still laid in my bed, sulking; she must have been a morning person, which was the opposite of me. "Sorry, beautiful, I was sleeping."

  "Did you wanna meet for breakfast?" I asked, even though I had yet to sleep.

  "Sorry, I have a date. I'm seeing Andy again!"

  Andy? Who the fuck was that? "Oh, Andy," I added a sad emoji.

  She took a while to respond, "Yeah, this is the 5th time. I think things are getting more serious. So we are meeting without the expectation of sex for the first time. I am so excited, I think I'm falling in love Kavi..."

  "Oh wow, that's amazing. I hope you have a good time. Will I still see you tonight?"

  She sent a picture. She was standing in the shower, her finder held up to her mouth, in a shushing motion, "I'm looking forward to you making up for that lack of sex tonight. Dress slutty babe, cause we're hitting a rave."

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