
The Start-A Novice Researcher Begins

Jenna was not taking the initial trip well. Her nerves were causing breakfast to swirl unhappily in her stomach. Everyone else sat showing calm faces; some even prepped for sleep. Jenna wished she were half so calm.

"People! Heads up. We are initializing transport. Palm tabs will only work in network until we arrive at Caletone. The trip will take 18 Earth hours, or 6 universal partels. If you have any problems during transport you can tab the medic or send an inquiry. Safe journies."

The trip android gave the preset speech and then returned to its housing for the journey. Trip androids had limited functions and seemed a waste of space and resources to Jenna; however she wasn't paying for it.

With her stomach in knots Jenna activated her palm tab. The name was misleading since the device was imbedded in the back of the hand. The tab opened an interactive holo directly linked to an eye implant. You had to have the connection code and genetic link to see specific holos. Jenna sent a medic inquiry for a soothing patch. Moments later the android set a small container down. Opening the flat box, Jenna removed a clear film and attached it to her neck. Relief came within moments.

The trip was a boring affair. People would go to the cafeteria and then back to their seats. Except for basic facilities for waste and cleansing, there were no other options, because this was a research trip not a vacation.


Caletone. The Bright World. Two suns sat in the sky. They were not as strong as Earth's star but they created a habitable zone for the planet. No human had ever been there even though records show they should have been to the planet. Sentient beings lived on Caletone though. Scaled beings. Some had heavy brow plates that seemed to protect their eyes. These same species had long tails with spikes at the ends. Another species appeared to be more Earth-like. Scales were present but no tails and the heads had a familiar shape.

The expedition called for a study of the two species. Caletonians had just recently approved a group to live on the planet and use the time to learn about each other. The research group had taken over a year to decide on and even longer for full preparation. Noone was entirely sure of what to expect. Now that the trip there was almost over, Jenna began to feel some excitement. She couldn't wait to begin.


Jenna made sure the wrap arounds were secured over her eyes. She had heard that despite being habitable the dual suns could cause side effects for those unused to them. She stepped out of the transport and walked down the air track behind her senior colleagues. They finally stopped in a group inside the landing building.

"Welcome! Welcome to Caletone! Tonight you will stay here in the human settlement of Solar. Ha! Ha! Like that? The delegates from the Caletone Research Committee will talk with you and help decide who goes where. And-"

"Excuse me! I am Dr. Jespro and as lead I will decide which of my people goes where." The tall woman stated very firmly. Her face held no smile and she had a puckered mouth, almost looking as she had soured plums stuck in her teeth.

The Solar representative smiled but stated no less firmly, "I am afraid that Caletonians make those decisions here. If you read the charter it is one of their requirements since certain areas are off limits depending on various factors. Do you wish to stay?"

Dr. Jespro frowned but nodded. She grabbed her stuff and asked, "where is my room?" It was obvious she was not used to having to take directions.

"Of course. These young ones have the task of directing you each to your living quarters. Some of you will have to share but we hope the lodgings are satisfactory. In one partel you will be escorted to the dining hall and everything can be discussed. Please rest in that time and look around the living space. The observatory is open and makes a great retreat."

With that, the group was lead by a group of teens or young adults. Most of the group was 2 to a room. Four of the group were led to smaller rooms, barely the size of a closet, fit for single occupation. The rooms were located just off the main hall.

Jenna stepped into the room and set her bags down. She new Dr. Jespro would page the group, or some of them, shortly. She did not like being told what to do. Until then then Jenna decided to quickly wash the trip away and change into a new outfit. After cleaning up, Jenna lay down on the bed to rest.

A knock resounded. Jenna sat up looking slowly around her. Suddenly she left the bed and opened the door. A young man stood before her smiling slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt, it is time for the evening meal."

"No, no. I didn't realize I was so tired. I am sorry I took so long."

The young man stepped back and held an arm out as if the direct her. Jenna quickly shut the door and stepped beside him. They walked to the next door and soon all four had joined the rest of the group in the dining hall. Jenna looked around the hall. She saw her first Caletonian.