
Burning Strings: A warlock of the Magus world Fanfic

A new soul reincarnates but did he reincarnate or merely an illusion of his mind. If he did then why did he? Will he survive in this unforgiving world. Will he be destined to damnation like the ones that came before him or can he cut the strings and be free of the puppeteer? A new protagonist, a new path, a new adventure. Why does this world inspire so many different worlds? What happened to the original Fang Ming? Who could use a rank 9 magus as entertainment or more specifically what? What is the truth of this world? Is this a dream or a nightmare? Is it heaven or maybe it is hell. ........................................Warlock of Magus World Fanfic............................... 7000 words a week. this will be a bit trippy. it will have many Sci-fi and Fantasy concepts it will also dance more towards cosmic horror. I don't own anything relating to Warlock of The Magus World. this is my first peice of litrature. I hope you enjoy it

evodbz134 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 6B: The Hunt part 2

They had been riding for a week by the time they reached the edge of Cuvelon. They were quickly running out of meat while they rode hard. His young master couldn't stand the hard bread any longer. He expected his young master to have prepared better after his experience on their journey to Eagle's Roost. So, they decided to hunt some deer and get it smoked at the border outpost at Autumn's Hold.

He watched Fawkes fly, Locke thought, 'bird brain was more apt for a few men he knew than for fox. The intelligent bird was more competent than a lot of humans he knew.'

So, they dismounted from their horse. "Roran watch the horse," Leylin instructed the middle-aged man. His young master detached his Bronzewood bow and filled his quiver with arrows while he grabbed a hunting spear.

Soon enough, they heard the red eagle sing. His young master followed the song with absolute trust. He followed his young master as they disappeared into the woods. They trudged between the trees, the ruffling. His young master took a small vial from a leather pouch on his belt and smeared it on his clothes while asking him to do the same. Locke recognised the smell after working at Red Eagle Traders for two years. HEM 1 he thought? He looked at his young master with a questioning look.

His master, sensing his inquiry, whispered, "It is HEM 1 of mountain thyme, willow bark, and distilled liquor. We sell it as a life-saving disinfectant, but what others don't know is that it has excellent odour-masking attributes. That could be used for hunting. "

"Young Master, why don't we advertise that? Wouldn't it increase the sales?" he asked.

His young master looked at him like he was stupid and said, "It's too expensive for use by common hunters; even the entire year's income will not suffice."

"But my young master, certainly some noble will buy it," he said. He saw his young master roll his eyes at his clever suggestion.

"Yes, some among the nobility will buy it to show off in front of their peers, but it would be a rare occurrence. As such, it would be much better to keep it a secret to use it as an advantage during battle," Leylin whispered.

"It would help us scout without alerting the hounds," he explained, scratching his head.

"Enough, we are getting there," his young master instructed. He crouched and muted his steps, signalling him to be silent. His young master had spotted a wild boar drinking from a water hole. His young master lased an arrow with what he thought was venom and drew his bow and cocked the poisoned arrow. He didn't see the target. He could feel the entire woods. His young master stilled as the red fletching cut through the air. The red flash penetrated straight through the boar. The boar cried out in pain and sorrow, but the venom was swift. Its cries turned to a whimper as the venom sapped the life from the animal. Happiness is an impossible dream in this world; all most people could wish for was a quick death.'The boar was luckier than most', Locke thought.

"Young master, wouldn't we be poisoned if we ate this?" Locke asked.

His young master gave him that look again, "The poison I used will ablate when the meat is cooked. Furthermore, it is not harmful in small doses. "

"But young master, wouldn't it be cheaper to just use more arrows than an esoteric poison?" Locke asked.

His young master looked at him thoughtfully and spoke, "Just because I need to eat doesn't mean I don't love nature. One arrow, kind and quick, and the job is done. If you need to kill, kill, but if you do it because you enjoy it, you should stop, or you won't recognise yourself after a while. I do not take pleasure in the act Locke, nor do I enjoy unnecessary cruelty. If I have to kill, I will; if I have to inflict pain, I will, but not solely for pleasure. " His young master spoke with conviction and wisdom beyond his age.

His lord told him, "Locke, carry the boar," staring at the now-dead animal as they trotted to it. After turning around, he began to march back toward their improvised camp. They arrived to the camp where Roran was waiting after travelling for almost an hour. They fastened the animal to Roran's horse and a homemade sledge. Just a few hours' riding brought them to Autumn's Hold. They arrived near Autumn's Hold just after lunchtime, despite the boar's slowing them down.

Not wanting to leave too much of a trail His master asked them to make camp in the woods nearby. While Roran went into the nearby town to get the meat smoked. He had wanted to go to the village; the monotony of travel was tiring him out, but his young master forbid him from doing anything of that sort. His young master said he does not know the meaning of subdued or suppressing his presence. His young master also instructed him to not start a campfire.

So they waited while Roran got the meat smoked and cured. Once Roran returned with the provisions, they would meet him further down the road. They met Roran a little while after sundown, northwest of Autumn Hold. The supplies they should hold till they reach Felddorf in the kingdom of Alto.