
File 1.0 – [Red Ghost and Spiders]

A dark and moist, covered by rust, staircase led to the darkness of an old underground facility used twenty years ago by the already obliterated Hungary. Now it was a no-living zone like many other around the planet.

Even after twenty whole years the Earth was still covered by traces and scars of the Third World War.

The control room, situated deep inside the facility, was illuminated. It wasn't big. The entire surface of the northern wall was covered by a transparent screen. Now it was black and covered by dust.

In the middle of the room was seated a person with a black bag on his head. His whole body was tied to chair with belts.

On the floor there were many dried bloodstains.

Suddenly someone's whistle could be heard from the dark depths of the facility. It was accompanied by the typical sound of the not enough oiled wheels.


The automatic door swiftly opened, and another man entered inside the room.

He was young, in his twenties. With a habitual movement he moved his black wavy hair exposing a pair of beautiful green eyes.

His straight nose along with refined thin lips gave him some strange charm, sometime so useful.

He dragged behind a small trolley filled with many metallic objects: many surgical knifes of different measures, pincers, a small saw, some syringes filled with colorful substances and many other things.

On his shoulder were hanging three sacks filled with blood.

He stopped right before the other man. Still whistling he took one of the syringes, and suddenly injected its content right in the man's neck.

The next second the man, until now unmoving, suddenly twitched. – "MmmHHh" – An unidentified moan arrived from under the sack.

"Good!" – Commented the young man. – "Fortunately, you're still alive!" – He removed the sack. Under it there was something which was a human face one day. Now it was only an amass of dried blood.

Both eyes were gouged and only two bloody holes looked and the young man. Eyebrows were also cleanly cut. The only part which was in somehow good shape was the mouth.

"Have you thought about my offer, Jeffers?"

The man named Jeffers remained silent. – "Still persisting." – The young man sighed and took a pair of scissors. With some quick and experienced movement, he completely removed all the Jeffers's clothes.

"Oh, nearly forgot…" – Mumbled the young man and started a giving Jeffers a blood transfusion. – "No one here wants you to die."

Once it finished the young man took a pair of pincers and a small scalpel. – "What do you prefer, Jeffers?" – But he immediately understood his error. – "Oh my, I forgot that yesterday I gouged your eyes. Sorry!"

"In my left hand I have a pair of pincers…" – He carefully observed Jeffers's reaction. – "…while in my left hand I have a simple scalpel. The choice is entirely yours."

Suddenly he neared Jeffers's left ear, the only one remaining, and whispered. – "I would recommend you the scalpel. It's very normal but I'm very good with it…"


The spit was sudden, and the young man couldn't evade in time. His smile disappeared for a moment. He took out a piece of white cloth and cleaned his face.

"The worst choice…ever!"

He placed the scalpel back sit on the floor near Jeffers's right foot. The pincers gripped on of his nails and the young man started pulling. Weakly at the start, he slightly raised the strength of the pull.

His gaze never leaved Jeffers's face. At first it was only twitching uncontrollably but once the nail started coming out, he could no more control himself.



Once he stopped screaming the young man asked the question. – "So, don't you want to give me the position?"

"…Fuck…you…federal dog!" – It was the first thing Jeffers told to the young man in two days filled with pain.

'Such willpower…one can't help but respect it…but I have my work to do.' Thought the young man and started working on the second nail.

The screams filled the whole room.


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The young man didn't notice at the start, but an annoying red dot continued blinking directly on the surface of his right eye. It was a new notification on his NC.

NC, or Neural Communicator, was introduced right after the War as the more practical substitute of the more traditional phones. It was integrated directly into the eyes and the brain.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

'Who is the bastard…!?' The young man had to stop pulling out the seventh nail. He concentrated on the blinking red dot.

'[You were added to a new chat.]' He was very surprised. His NC was specifically made for him and was untraceable and extremely secure. It was unthinkable that someone managed to add him to a chat group.

He frowned.

'Open the chat.'

Immediately on his eye was projected a blue screen.

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

'[Unknow ID joined the chat.]'

There were seven people with him in this chat room. The fact that he couldn't see their ID made his frown even deeper.

'[Unknown ID changed the chat name. The new name is "SPIDERS"]

He observed for a moment, but no one wrote anything. 'Need to show this thing to Malek after I finish here. He will discover something.'

'Now, back to work.' He sighed. Torture wasn't one of his favorite pastimes. Not even in the top 100.

But this guy, Jeffers, was a dangerous terrorist.

He placed a bomb in one of the weapon factories of the European Weaponry Corporation, or simply speaking EWC. He worked, even if in an unofficial manner, for the European Federation so it was his work to resolve this mess.

Jeffers was suspected to have connections with the Revolutionary Unification Army (RUA), but it wasn't important right now.

'What do I do with you, Jeffers…' He was thinking about what sort of mutilation inflict on the Jeffers's body then…


[Unknow ID: Oh, we have someone new here? Nice to see some fresh blood. 😊]

[Unknow ID: I don't care…]

[Unknow ID: Boring. You're a boring piece of shit!]

The young man was reading these useless messages but didn't write anything.

[Unknow ID: So, you can call me Tarantula. Who are you?]

He still decided to ignore the question, but the next message shocked him.

[Tarantula: Oh, don't want to answer? I see. You're only shy.]

[Tarantula: Let ME introduce you to everyone here. So, the boy here is named Serj Lomonosov. He was born in 2051 in the actual West-Russian Kingdom. Now he works for the European Federation. For any more information…]

[Tarantula: …you can pay! Hahahahahahahahaha.]

[Unknow ID: Just die.]

Serj paled but quickly regained control. 'How does he know about me? He is a very accomplished hacker, or he already knows me.'

[Unknow ID: I'm interested, Tarantula.]

[Tarantula: That's why you are my favorite here, BoldSpider73.]

[BoldSpider73: Yeah, love you too.]

While Serj read their conversation trying to acquire some information about them Jeffers moved, and this made Serj remember his current objective.

He ignored the new messages for a moment and returned to the prisoner. The last nails weren't effective, so he decided to take the scalpel. – "Jeffers, my friend. Have you ever thought about…" – He stopped talking for a second, captivated by the sharpness of this surgical tool. – "…becoming a woman?"

Jeffers's whole body trembled.

"Well, being a woman isn't bad at all. Do you mind tell me where the bomb is?"

Jeffers clenched his teeth but remained silent.

"I respect you, Jeffers. But that won't change anything."

The made a decisive cut between Jeffers's legs.



Jeffers was breathing heavily. He lost much blood, but another transfusion arrived in time,

He still didn't tell anything to Serj.

'What now? With every passing second he has less things to lose…Damn it all!'


Serj decided to read some more messages but the first one he saw made him shiver.

[Tarantula: That was great, Serj. Good work. I really loved to sound of his testicles being cut of.]

[Unknow ID: You're sick.]

'They can see me?!'

'How is that even possible????!!!!!'

'It should be absolutely impossible to hack!'

[Unknow ID: Come on, Tarantula. You'll give him a fright…]

[Tarantula: Oh…you're right…Sorry Boy. But I know how to redeem myself!]

'What is he talking about?' Thought Serj.

[Tarantula: Call this number and make this Jeffers talk. This will break him.]

[New number identified.]

It was a rare situation when Serj absolutely didn't know what to do. But he was a resolute person. 'Let's try it.'

'Call the number and share the call with Jeffers.'

Suddenly a long line of *Beep* appeared inside the Jeffers's brain. He was surprised and murmured something like "what…now…?"

After a whole minute of wait a woman's voice answered. – "Hello?"

Jeffers started trembling. His face became pale. – "Lisa…"

"Dear? Is it you? Where're you? They told me that you were transferred somewhere…"

These questions made Jaffer tremble even more. – "I'm…ok…"

A long pause followed on the other side. – "Little Annie is waiting for her daddy to return..."

'Stop the call.' Mentally ordered Serj.

"Jeffers, I know where they live. Do you want to hear little Annie's voice here? In the same room with you?"

While he was speaking Serj's face was stiff and covered by black lines. 'Tarantula…to use this method…bastard…'

Jeffers remained silent. Serj sighed and started walking towards the door. He stepped a bit louder then normal so Jeffers could hear him. – "Stop!...Don't touch them…monster…"

"You know what I want."

"…Ok…the bomb is in…"


[Tarantula: <3]

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