
Chapter 1

" Eda, what dress will be okay for my date with Andrew?"

" I think, the purple dress will be okay," I looked at the dress.

" If you say so,"

My mother comes in.

" Where is my beautiful daughter going?"

" Mom, I have a date with Andrew,"

" you and this your Andrew, do you love him that much?"

" Yes, I do, very well, " I looked at the time.

" Oh shit, I am very late, mom I am leaving, "I quickly leave

My name is Miranda, I have been dating Andrew for over 3 years now. Today is our anniversary, I am so happy. I arrived at the place

" Why were you late?"

" Sorry about that,"

" Let me call the waiter,"

He called the waiter, the waiter comes.

" what can I get for you, you want the usual?"

" Yes,"

" give me the same thing," The waiter left.

" you have become more pretty,"

" Of course, I am very pretty,"

The food comes, we laughed and talk about various things not knowing this was all a plan to get me outside of the house. I got a phone call.

" Sorry, let me pick up the call,"

I went to the bathroom to pick up the call.

In the phone Eda was crying.

" Eda, what is going on, why are you crying?"

" Miranda-, " she was sobbing

" Can you tell me what is going on?"

" Your mother..."

" What happened to her?"

" She is dead," I dropped my phone.

" Miranda, are you still on the phone, answer if you are on the phone,"

I left the bathroom and I meet with Andrew.

" I am leaving?"

" What happened?"

" I can't explain right now, I am leaving,"

" Let me go with you," We went to my house immediately.

I saw my stepmom and my stepsister with my Dad all looking down. Eda comes to me.

" Miranda, I know it is a shock to you but you have to be strong,"

" Where is my mother?"

" She is dead,"

" She was alright when I left this morning, what happened?"

" It is your bad luck for having such a witch as your mother, " my dad said angrily

" Dad, what are you talking about?"

" You don't need to know, " he turned to Eda.

" Take her back to her room,"

" Dad, explain to me what happened, " I was crying

" Miranda, come let's go,"

Eda forced me to go back to my room. I was in my room crying.

" What does my Dad mean by that?"

" Miranda, your mom got into a car accident and your dad believed that your mom went to see her lover,"

" What, why will my dad believed that?"

" That, I can't tell you,"

" I see, Eda, I want to be alone,"

Why is this happening to me, why? Mom, why did you let me be in this world alone? How can I cope without you? I was able to go forward knowing that you are by my side. I went to the kitchen to get some water and then I saw it.

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