
Building an empire in another world with an empire-building system

Last_Warrior · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

chapter 4( very short chapter)

"send scouts out to scout the area and find this creature and have our mechanical engineer and science create a new weapon and war machine so that we may prevent more loss to our soldier" Alex said

thought this would be the perfect time to tame these creatures all he needs to find the queen and he can tame them all.


At this time the system popped up a quest.

[ new quest tames all the queens and when it's completed you will receive 2 scientists with an IQ of 400 and a random pack that will give you special abilities].

Alex was excited about the pack but he was more excited about the scientists because they can help to develop the empire much faster.

[tame the nano queen when completed will be rewarded an ability pack and a random character summon].

Alex was even more eager now he had two quests with pretty good rewards and all he had to do was tame the queens

'Alex don't underestimate these creatures Unlike the ones from earth they are much stronger and won't submit to anybody you need to prove you can defeat them and then they will submit, after they submit they will automatically become a clan under you and will take the form of there master which is you this is so that you can develop faster an stronger' Alex thought.

"When the scouts return I want 10k soldier prepared to leave so we can go and tames these creatures so we can expand faster also order some people to construct a temporary home for them" Alex said although he didn't know if he was going to win it's better to be prepared for if he does tame them

(A/N: I don't know if I'm going to continue this story)