
A class.. the hell.

"So the earth is all super mutated. Prehistoric dinosaur era?" Monty gave him a nod.

"Technology is advanced but the dinosaurs can take a beating. So it is just eh anyway." Monty nodded at him once again.

"Humanity left the earth, to return back to the stars. Mars and all the other planets have different life on it. Because we most likely sold them and got screwed in deals."

"The people who remained on earth also mutate from the over-saturation of the seismic whatever storms."

"Spatial distortions with high-level radiation, but yes. Correct so far." Monty said looking over his patient's shoulder. He leaned forward looking at a display only he could see. Moving the man's head, in an upward direction, he went back to work. "Keep looking that way."

"People have super abilities. If they don't, they get classes to help them advance to high levels like everyone else. The original earthlings or aliens depending on who you are talking to, believe themselves to have helped earth people before fleeing."

"They sold pocket areas in places all across the world giving way to all sorts of interdimensional creatures. If any of the other residents make it to Sovereign status, they and all those within their "Sovereignty" get to go up above." The man said pointing up. "The Milky Way Galaxy itself is alive and channels power to us and sends us places as well. Wanting us to become stronger. Seeing how it made us and all."

"Most everyone believes this to be the work of the God's or Goddess that rose up the ranks to Sovereignty."

"All the others, just think the humans who originally left are the Deities of old and blame them for a lot of the problems humanity face. So for the last few centuries, while fighting the aliens, we also fought each other. Well, shit sounds a little like what life was like when I lived." Taking a deep breath the man felt woozy. "Man, what the hell is my name?"

"That is correct." Monty removed his jack from the man. *Bzzt!* A spark appeared around them both. The man collapsed to the floor. "Well, shit.. that was not supposed to happen." Checking him over again, Monty found no irregularities in the man's bio make up. The node would now work decently enough.

"Ok. Here are some water and nutrient paste. I need to go. Someone has to do some work around here." The boy Monty set down a box and a small bottle. Looking upstairs, he wanted to check on his sister but thought differently about it. Heading outside he was determined to at least help her out and pull his own weight for once. One of the numerous reasons the group broke up was due to him. "Later... Michael."

An hour passed by. Opening his eyes he saw the name floating in the magic circle. "Michael. I dont' feel like a Michael." Looking over he saw all of his statistics. As a level 0, he was not angry or happy his stats were low. It was whatever at this point. Eating the food and water he felt content.

Name: Michael

Class: Extraction Summoner




Health: 30

Energy: 30

Physical output: 1

Magical output: 3

Vitality 3.0

Strength 1.0

Defense 1.5

Magic 3.5

Resistance 3.0

Agility 1.5

Intelligence 2.5

Heroism 0.5

Essence: 0.10

"Ok, this is neatish. Why didn't that brat tell me what each stat means?" Moving his hand through the floating screen caused it spread out. The sensation was unreal. Like placing your finger in jello, but having it turn to mist when pushed too hard. The particles rearranged back to normal before fading.

Michael started to walk around the first floor exploring. After a few minutes, he collected little information to use. "Ok, the knowledge in my head says the rooms have creatures in them due to the spatial whatever. I can go into them to conquer them and gain power and resources. The maintenance on the node should finish in a few days."

Remembering having run his fingers along the door in the living room, little traces of ice burned against his hand. "That is a nope! Way to cold to the touch." Turning to the pantry direction, he remembered how it felt cool but a little damp. "But we can't wait that long. The way they were acting. Ughghhh." Racking his head there was no choice but to go for a whammy play. But he still wanted to be smart about it. Out of all the options, the kitchen closet felt the safest.

Michael walked up to the basement door. Touching against the handle, the prompt appeared.

(Unconquered Dungeon. Basement ???? ???? )

'Screw it, here we go!' Michael steeled himself and opened the door. In a few seconds, the doors closed behind him and sealed shut.

Inside the basement was an enclosed habitat. Michael's body walked down the steps on autopilot. The good news, while he travelled his node kicked into gear. Traces of essence poured into him making him stronger. It was a passive ability of his class. The bad news, he missed out on getting a birds-eye view of the place. Small messages popped up that he could not read.

15 minutes later he was on the first floor.

"Ugh what the hell?!" Michael shook his head dispelling his daze. He caught the sight of his clothes. He no longer wore the medical skin suit. It was replaced by a weird bracelet on his left wrist and form-fitting mage robes. "Well, these are comfy." Feeling a tingle in the back of his head, Michael's vision blurred.

A slight stumbling and mumbling of hysteria would have made some think he was a drunk having a really bad day. If they saw anyway.

In a few seconds, it was over. "Neat! I have abilities. So I just need to look really closely at it, this will get it to work." Staring at the bracelet it started to glow.

(Extraction Bracelet: Space unlimited. Prevents Possession of Summoner. Purpose; Stores Essence, Material, and Extraction Summoner gear.)

'No stat boost. But it can house all summoning material. Just need to get some.' Shaking his head Michael started walking. 'So this is a forest or something. In a basement... man I kind of miss 2019.' Turning his head round and round, traces of sunlight touched against his face.

Landscape matched dense locations of a South American jungle. Trees so high in the air, you couldn't see the top from down below. No growls or tweeting of any animals. No sound of bugs even. A dead forest.

Except all of the trees. All the giant trees. After wandering around for a few hours Michael gave up searching for something huge. Taking small gains would have to work.

'Let me try this extraction thing.' Michael places his hand against a tree that was entwined on another. Moving along to the base roots that wrapped in on each other he started the process. 'Ok, ok, nice and slow. First time if I fail shouldn't be a big deal.'

As his hands dug into the roots various brown and green mist traveled up his hands to the chest. While Michael groaned from the intense energy invading his body. His heart throbbed in his chest, as his lungs started to inhale and exhale on a different rhythm out of his control. The color of the iris changed from white to brown. The outer rim a deep green.

"Haaa," exhaling deeply Michael sat in the dirt. He went over the different notifications that floated his vision. "Alright, I know a little more what to do now. I can extract information as well so far. So that's great. There's a freaking essence store but I cant access it due to my level and I cant do it here in the dungeon unless in a safe zone. Which did not go up from doing my first extraction. Which this is definitely not a Safe Zone. No traveling caravans in these places in years." To keep from feeling sorry from himself, he dived deep into the information he acquired. "None of that now. Everything will be ok. Have to keep telling myself that. Get started on making my way hopefully I can get some headway. Definitely hope I have something to take back."

(Vitality 3.0→ 4.5 Strength 1.0→ 2.0 Defense 1.5→ 2.5 Magic 3.5→ 4.0)

(Language Low Beast, Low Fae, Low Elven, Low Spirit)

(Beast Applications Low, Medium, High acquired)

(Fae Applications Low acquired)

(Elven Applications Low acquired)

(Spirit Applications Low acquired)

(Essence distributed based on class and body. Remainder place in bracelet.)

(Would you like to start building?)


(Choose the application to start.)

"Right. If the kid would have talked to me more, I would have known what to use. If the sister was not going through something, I could have asked her." Michael spent a few minutes musing about what he needed to build before giving up. "Can't rely on what they need. They didn't even invite me to there guild propery really. So screw it. I build what I believe I need. Would help if I remember some of my own personal likes. Oh, wait, any recommendations their essence thing. Wait talking to you is like speaking to the earth or something right?"

(First application built, determines the outlook of your future Sovereignty.)

"Ah, right. So let's see... I have low everything. Most applications I have are with the Beast. So no brainer there." With a single thought, the prompt expanded showing a hovel. "Time to build."

(Hovel built.)

"That happened way to fast. Let me check why here." The solution was simple. The place was oversaturated with energy. More and more the place seemed barren nothing fought back against the building or removing of essences. "If this is so easy, whats the catch?" With a throb of energy in the back of his nodule, Michael understood why. "Bloody hell that hurt. If that happens every time. me and that kid are gonna have a problem."

(Would you like to continue?)

"Yes, build four more Hovel's" Turning from the prompt, he understood a little more. "They didn't come here because its to low level for them. That and that they can't enter." Michael mused out loud a little to much. But hearing sound made him feel more comfortable.

A slight breeze passed over. A green mist that touched his nose. Essence just checking him of it's own accord.

The guild conquered all of this a long time ago. Then abandon it when they found something better. But someone let the place build back up. But who really?

"The essence records show it was a member of their guild last, but the amount here is astronomical. There is time dilation, so that's great. A day here is an hour outside. I build some forces and show my worth. Hopefully, it comes good enough for them to accept me."

The plan was set. Get stronger, build up an establishment, prove your worth and get his personal memories back. But then again they would not really be useful anymore. Considering the years that have past.

(Would you like to continue?)

"Crap I need to gain some levels. I have nothing to fight yet. I cant build the other things till I can gain some levels. Build a Fae, Elven, and a Spirit home. Away from each other." Standing up and dusting himself off, he made up his mind. "Alright, let's get some workers started and going."

Each Beast hovel could hold 10. The Elven could hold 4, the Fae 5, and the Spirit 2. Which was extremely weird. Before Michael could continue a voice dragged his attention, then a new prompt.

"What do you want us to build?" A rat person about four-foot or so stood before him. Face very close to it's animal counterpart, but human features were their. Michael didn't even hear him approach. Behind the ratman, four others stood there waiting.

"Why are all of you naked?!"

"There are no clothes in the house Boss? Too poor to dress your own henchmen. Shame on you!" The ratman said seriously before laughing. "Hehehe, but it is ok. We don't mind being poor. Besides no mate nearby, so who cares. No need to impress. No infrastructure, no laws, or city. Everything is fine. Just us and nature!" He said wiggling his torso.

The others joined suit. Cheering and laughing.

"Right... I will get on that." Michael looked at the other Homes in the distance. No one arrived from those. "Ok, that cant be good? Oh wait, there is that prompt. What's it say?"

(You lack the skill Command. Only one race available to control based on level.)

"Fucking hell! How the heck did I not catch that?"

"Don't worry boss. You only need us. So what do you want us to build first?" Behind him, five others joined up, then another group till there stood 50.

"What can you build? I take it, there are no building tools inside either?" Michael asked dejectedly. The ratmen raised their hands up. Then their feet like hands at him. Seeing him just stare, they showed their tails next. "Oh."

"We are the tools. But the bigger things will require us to become stronger. We can shape earth and wood essence naturally to help speed up. Which we have a lot of around here." The headrat gestured around.

"Ok, Fine Haon. Build a wall a good distance away from here. No one travels alone. Group of three or four. Minimum of two in case of emergency." Michael then looked at the next prompt.

(Rank awarded. Pawn. Level gained. New applications are available.)

"Sweet!" Michael said jumping about. Looking down, he noticed the ratmen looked bigger. Stronger or healthier, but different. "Huh, you guys are different. Thought it would be a bit before you all got stronger?"

"Well yeah usually. But this place is bursting with essence remember. The only thing slowing our growth down, is you." One of the other ratmen said. He didnt mean anything by it. Just stating the obvious. "You named him, how about the rest of us?"

"Fine." Pointing at each of them Michael named them using the Irish numbers he remembered.

A few creatures made from tree bark came around. At six foot, they would be intimidating if they weren't so skinny. They were not hostile.

"What would you have us do?" Voice bellowed out. Slightly scratchy in a way

"Oh, boy your skinny. You are workers as well. It is safe to assume you came out next due to the build order. Build a wall with some of the ratmen. Can you do something about the trees in the area? No way in the world, them so close togethor is good for their continued growth."

"No, it is not good for them. If not for the over saturation they would have died out. Five of us will help with building the wall. The rest of us do our best to separate some of our silent brethren." The treeman said before walking away. The others followed quietly.

"Ok.... quiet they are." Before Michael could look at the new builds he collapsed. His bracelet glowed with the essence pumping into him. The essence in the area poured into him knocking him out cold. The feedback and the increase of his damaged nodule he overloaded a bit. This time Michael didn't wake up for three days.

"Fucking hell! This crap is getting old." Michael stood up looking around. He was in a house of sorts hopefully he was not in an enemy's house. Seeing that he was uninjured he stretched up looking. Focusing on the walls and dirt he finally received a prompt...

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