
bubble guppies

Autor: Jake_Zick
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Chapter 1molly and gil

11 year old molly woke up one summer morning feeling kind of achy and tired. Thinking she had just slept weird, she shrugged it off and decided to go downstairs to get some breakfast. As she stood up, however, she felt herself shaking uncontrollably. Then her stomach began to feel queasy.

"Great. I'm sick." she groaned to herself.

*In the backyard*

she went upstairs and knocked on the door to their room. "she says you alright in there?" she asked. All that came from the other end was a groan. Maybe she just didn't get enough sleep last night and she's still tired... oona thought. "I'm coming in." she warned.

As he opened the door, she saw how awful molly looked. she was as pale as a ghost and shivering uncontrollably. "You ok molly ? You feeling sick?" Molly slowly nodded. "Can you please bring me a bucket? You know, just in case." she asked weakly. In a few seconds, oona got a bucket and placed it next to molly on the floor.

"I gotta go sis. Sorry. But I'm gonna send someone else to take care of you ok? As soon as they get here that is."

Molly wondered who it could be. Their parents were out for a day or two with Candace on some kind of road-trip to help calm sher down and she couldn't think very clearly right now so she couldn't try and figure out who it is.

*Back at the backyard*

oona was under the tree again, waiting for a certain someone to show up on cue. Suddenly, the gate to the backyard was opened Molly's childhood friend gil  stepped in. he has a crush on molly and hopes that one day she'll realize it, even though he constantly drops hints.

"hey guys. Watcha doo-" he stopped as she looked around the yard. "Where's molly She asked.

"In her room. she's not feeling so hot." 

Chapter 2: A Friend In Need

"she's sick?" gil  asked with a little bit of concern in sher voice. oona nodded. "Then how come you're not up there helping her out? Is she trying to sleep or something?" She asked.

Shaking her head, she replied "I knew you'd come here any minute so I came down to wait for you. I think this is a job better left to a professional." he winked at Gil , getting the hint, smiled and said "I owe ya one." As he went in her back door and up to Molly's room.

"he has another big chance where... he better not waste it." oona mumbled to herself. 9

Molly heard a knock on the door and, assuming it was oona, said to come in. Her eyes were closed, so she didn't know it was gil . That is, until she heard "hey molly. How are you feeling?" In a soothing voice that could only belong to gil . hearing his voice suddenly made her face start to burn up and her heart started beating slightly faster.

Is my heart beating faster? That's weird... And my face is burning up too. It might be part of the sickness but... I've felt this before... Maybe it's just nothing. she thought to himself as she opened his eyes and sat up.

"gil ? What're you doing here?" she asked.

he started walking over to her and sat on the edge of her bed. "Well, you know that I always come to your yard around this time of the day. I asked oona where you were and she said you weren't feeling well so I came up to check on you." She smiled.

"Thanks. I'm ok except I'm just feeling a little weak and cold..." she said.

Gil  thought for a moment and put his hand on her forehead. she felt her heart began to race again. Ok, this is not part of the sickness... Something else is wrong with me but I can't quite put my finger on it... Well whatever it is, it keeps happening to me... Ever since we took that trip around the world...

Her thinking was interrupted by gil . "Wow you're really warm. Is anything hurting? Like your head, stomach, or anything?"

"Well my stomach does kind of hurt a bit. Probably because I haven't eaten yet. And I've got a little headache too... And my face is burning too..."

"Hmm..." he thought out loud. "Well you don't seem to have anything very serious, just a little fever. It'll only last a few days, but you should make sure to get a lot of rest."

"Thanks gil. I didn't know you knew so much about fevers and stuff."

"You need anything?" he asked, starting to stand up.

Molly laid back down. "Not really, thanks. Actually, there is one thing I could use right now..."

"What would that be?"

"Some company." she said with a grin. And he grinned back. "I'd be happy to." he said, surprised but happy that she asked him to keep her company. "Wait, what about oona?" She asked. She went to the window and noticed she wasn't there. "Huh. Wonder where she went..."

"Maybe she has something important to do. shey, where's Perry?"

Chapter 3: Staying Over

"hey molly, do you mind if I run home real quick? I need to ask my mom something. Plus, I left my phone there."

"Sure go ahead. I'll still be here." she and gil  giggled. "Ok I'll be back in a sec."

*At gil 's house*

gil  walks through the front door and goes to his mom, who's in the kitchen. "hey mom? Is it ok if I stay at Molly's house for a few days?" he asks.

"How come, gil his  mom asks.

"Well, molly is sick and I want to help her get better. I figured that it would be easier than walking over every day and then back every night."

His mom thought for a minute. "Well since their parents and sister aren't home you'll have to ask Molly herself. If she says you can, then you have my permission as well." 

"Ok thanks mom. I'll send you a text after I ask her." he gives his mom a hug and goes back across the street.

*Back at molly house*

gil  walks into the backyard and sees oona sorting out tools or something. "hey oona." she waves at her. "Listen oona, is it alright if I stay here for a few nights so I can help molly get better? I already asked my mom and she said it was ok as long as you guys said it was." oona nodded and gave sher a thumbs-up. "Thanks oona. Now I'm going to ask molly.

he goes inside as oona continues sorting her tools. gil  knocks on the door and walks in. Molly is asleep. Smiling, she sits down where she was earlier and strokes his hair. Suddenly, he gets an idea and quietly walks downstairs.

A minute or two later, he returns to Molly's room holding a bowl of soup. As he gets closer to her, she opened her eyes and looked at him with  the bowl. "hey. Thought I'd bring you some soup to help you feel better." he said with a warming smile.

There it goes again... My face is burning up again... she thought. It seems like it's happening whenever gil  smiles at me or says something nice or even just touches me... Maybe

"Molly? Are you ok?"

"Huh?" she said as she snapped back into reality. "Oh sorry. Kinda zoned out there."

"Something on your mind?" he set the bowl down on the nightstand.

"No... It's nothing really."

he wasn't convinced. he sat down right next to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Something's bothering you. I can tell. Come on, you can tell me about it." Again, her face starts burning up. As soon as his hand touched her shoulder.

And this time, he notices. However, he doesn't say anything about it. "I'm not really sure what it is, gil . I just... I don't really feel comfortable talking about it right now. Maybe later... If you're still here that is."

"Oh that reminds me, I was going to ask you if I could stay here for a few days or so. At least until you're better."

"Of course. You're always welcome to stay here." she said as she took a sip of the soup.

"Thanks molly. I'll let my mom know. I already asked her and oona." he sent a text to his mom saying:

"They both said yes."

A few moments later, she got a text from his mom saying:

"Ok. Take good care of her. But remember that oona is there too.

Chapter 4: Strange Feelings

"So do you need anything else molly

"I think I'm gonna close my eyes and try to get some rest. Do you mind staying in the room for a bit?"

"Of course not." His smile caused Molly to smile and, once again, blush. he notices and asks her about it. "Your face is burning up, are you alright?"

"I think it might be part of the fever..." he shakes his head at this. "It's not the fever. Something's causing it. Come on you can talk about it right?"

"I'm not entirely sure what it is myself. All I know is that at times I can feel my heart beat faster and my face burns up. It's never really happened before, not like this. It's only been happening while you've been helping me get better..." 

gil  himself honestly had no idea what was happening to molly . Normally, he would've been able to figure it out right away but for some reason he just couldn't. he thinks for a moment. "Honestly molly , I have no clue what it is. Maybe as you're getting better you'll figure it out." he gets up and walks into the bathroom and turns on the sink. A moment later, he comes out with a slightly wet and warm washcloth. "Let me put this on your head. It'll help. You should get some rest too."

he puts the cloth on her head and she closes her eyes. In no time, she's asleep. gil  looks at the clock. "1 o'clock already..." he says to himself.

Maybe 2 or so hours later, molly wakes up. she looks around to see if gil  is there. Sure enough, he's sitting on the edge of her bed as he was when she fell asleep.

"hey molly. Whatcha dooin?" he stared at her for a second. "How long have you been sitting there?" she asks.

"Well I never left. Just in case you woke up and needed something." he smiled at her, causing her to smile back. "I thought you'd be a little creeped out or something..." he said.

"Why would I be? I love having you around. You can stick around as long as you want.`` Molly felt herself blush as she said that and gil noticing, blushes too. They sit and stare at each other for a moment. 

gil  breaks the silence. "You need anything?"

"I'm kind of curious about what oona doing..."

"Me too actually. I'm gonna see what she's up to."

*At the backyard*

oona wipes the sweat off of his head as she finished her project. gil  comes out back right on cue. she waves at him "hey oona. What're you up to?" he asks.

she points at the bed-like object. "Is that what you've been working on all this time? What is it?"

"You need a place to sleep, don't you?" She hadn't thought of that. All she thought about so far was helping molly. 

"Guess you're right. How're we gonna get it upstairs though?"

oona pulls out a small capsule and presses a button on the top of it. she tosses it on the bed and the bed vanishes. "Now all you have to do is push the button and toss the capsule. The bed will pop out." 

"Thanks oona. How can I ever repay you?"

"While you're staying over, you have to confess to her. No more hints." 

hesitantly, he responded. "Ok." And he takes the capsule upstairs.

Chapter 5: Confessions 

*Back in molly room*

"hey gil. What was oona up to?"

he held up the capsule. "she gave me a place to sleep." he said as he pressed the button and tossed it on the floor next to molly bed. his bed was so close to hers that there was practically no gap between them at all.

"Oops. I guess I put it a little too close..."

"I think it's fine. But you can move it if you want." For some reason, she wanted hisbed to stay close to her he couldn't really tell why. Wait a minute... he thought to himself. Could it be that maybe I'm... No. I've known her forever but we're just friends. Right? We're best friends, yes, but I don't think I could be... But I feel like I am

gil  decided to keep his bed where it was. "hey gil?"

"What is it molly he asks with a sweet smile.

he blushed. "I'm not exactly sure how to say this but... I think I--" she was cut off by a knock on the door, followed by it opening. oona stepped in the room. molly glared at her oona simply nodded, backed out of the room, shut the door then walked away. 

"What was that about?" gil  asked.

"Listen, gil . I'm not really sure how to say this but... I think I'm in love with you." she blushed. 

he was stunned. "W-what makes you think that?"

"When you smile at me, my heart starts racing. Whenever you touch me, I can feel my face getting hotter. You're so helpful to me and you're always so... Nice. Sometimes I feel myself staring at you without noticing." 

he was completely shocked. Speechless, even.

she continued. "I wasn't sure at first but I thought about it for a while and I realized... Ever since that time we all got trapped on that island during our trip around the world. When I was sitting and staring at the sunset, I was about to give up. But then you came and sat with me. You convinced me not to give up and then reminded me of oonas map. You saved our entire summer, gil! And at that moment, when you had refused to let me give up, I saw you as a whole other person. Not just as a best friend... But more than that. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." she took a deep breath and grabbed her shoulders, looking straight into sher sapphire eyes. She was about to cry. 

"I love you, gil 

Chapter 6: Together At Last 


"You don't have to say anything... I know I ruined our friendship now. I just had to say it, I couldn't take it anymore. Since you only think of me as a friend..." he trials off and his eyes start to water. Then he begins to cry quietly, but loud enough that he shears it. 

"No... You're wrong gil

She looks him straight in the eye. "Gil. Stop crying. Please. You're not going to lose me as a friend."


"I promise." She wipes her tears with her hand. "Molly..."

he sits right in front of, her their faces inches away from each other.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that. Remember on that island when I said 'this isn't the molly I fell into this situation with'?"


"That's not what I had meant to say, exactly. What I meant to say was 'this isn't the molly I fell in love with'."


She moves closer so their foreheads are touching. "Gil, I love you too." he wraps his arms tightly around her and she does the same back, tears running down both of their faces. They're so lost in the hug that they don't notice oona open the door and walk in. 

"Well well well. It took you two long enough..." she said, causing both to jump away from the hug and look at oona with guilty expressions. 

"oona! Uh... We were just... Uh... Just...".

oona shield up his hand, causing Molly to stop talking. Looking at both of them, she nodded and walked out without another word.

"That was weird..." gil  said. molly suddenly backed away from him She looked at him with a confused look. "I don't think you should be too close to me for a long time. I don't want to get you sick." she says.

Molly if worst comes to worst I'll end up being sick with you. And there's no one I'd rather be sick with than you." he suddenly tackles her and wraps his arms around her "hey! What're you doing?" she says with a giggle.

"Let's lay here. Just us two. You look tired anyway, you could use some rest." She winks and snuggles against him.

"Ok. Why not." he says as he hugs here "But are you sure? Plus, it's only like 3 and-" he puts his finger over her lips. "Shhh. Don't talk. Just close your eyes. You need some sleep, you're still not feeling well. Oh, and I have a little present for you when you're feeling better." 

molly starts to speak again but is shusshed. she's not really tired but apparently gil  is. His eyes are closed and he's snuggled against molly. he must already be asleep... Huh. he actually looks really hansum when he's sleeping... she thinks to himself.

She closes his eyes and hugs him even tighter. 

oona chuckles quietly. "She got this far already..." she whispers to herself. "Frankly I'm as surprised as they both were. Now she has one last thing to take care of. I give sher a week." And she walked downstairs to get something to eat. 

Chapter 7: Sore Throat

molly awoke first, glancing at the clock and noticing that it's that it's only 12 in the morning. she's a little disappointed that she woke up. she was having a very pleasant dream. she and gil  were playing in the park, just the two of them. Pushing each other on the swings, running around tagging each other, and even just sitting together under a tree.

she suddenly coughs loudly, causing her throat to hurt. "Ow..." he whispered to himself.

"Molly? You ok?" Apparently, her heavy coughing woke gil  up. She moved off his chest and sat next to him. "You need anything?"

"I'm not sure... My throat's hurting a-*cough cough*-a lot..."

"Give me one second. I'll be right back." he quietly gets out of the bed and tiptoes out of the room, trying to not wake up oona. No more than a minute later, she returns with a bottle of water and hands it to molly .

she takes a sip. "Thanks gil. You didn't have to get me one you know."

molly the reason I'm here is so I can help you get better.

"And because-*cough*-you like being around me."

"Well... Yeah..." She blusshes.

"And I like having you around." she opens hiet arms. "Now come here." Without shesitation, he jumps into her arms and hugshier  "It's still really early in the morning. We should go back to sleep." gil says.

"I don't think I'll be able to for a while. I don't really feel tired anymore, and my throat is going to keep me up for a while anyway..."

"But molly, you need sleep."

molly shrugs. "I can't sleep anymore, at least not right now. Don't worry about me gil, I'll be fine. You should go back to sleep yourself."

gil  suddenly starts mumbling something that molly can't quite make out. he raises his voice just enough so she can shear a familiar song. 

"Gitchee-gitchee-goo means that I love you." She sings quietly and slowly. 

molly yawns. "he's a really good singer..." she thinks to herself. "His voice is so... *yawn* ...soothing..." 

"gil ... I-" he puts a finger over her lips. "Shhh... Just close your eyes." And she does so as he gives her a peck on the nose. Snuggling up against him, placing her head right under his, she closes her eyes and soon falls asleep with molly . 

Chapter 8: A Day Alone With molly 

Gil woke up as the sun began to shine through the window, right onto their faces. he looks over at oonas bed and notices that oona isn't there, but there's a note on her pillow. From where he is, he can't see it though. he's about to get up and look at it but stops as he looks next to him and sees molly  sleeping right on his arm

She looks so pretty... How have I never noticed that before? 

he wraps her arms around her and pulls her closer to him. She sighs contently in her sleep and snuggles against him. A minute or so later, she opens sher eyes and looks at Gil , who looks back at her. 1

"Good morning." he says with a cute giggle. molly notices that the sun is reflecting off of his eyes. his beautiful, sapphire eyes... They shine so brightly in the sunlight... she suddenly realizes that he's staring and blusshes. 

"Good morning." she says, slightly nervous.

"You alright? You seem kind if nervous all of a sudden."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. It's just... I've never noticed how pretty you looked... Has it really taken me all these years to realize it?" 

She giggles again and blushes. "Yeah but it's ok molly . What matters is that you know how I feel about you. ive been trying to get you to notice for years and I still can't believe that I finally confessed... By the way, how're you feeling?"

"Eh... Not too much better..."

"Aw... that stinks...'

"Yeah I know..."

gil  looks over at  bed. "hey, there's a note on oonas bed."

"Oh right, I was waiting for you to wake up so we could look at it." They both get up and walk over to the note. molly picks it up and unfolds it.

"What's it say?" gil  asks.

she reads it out loud.

Dear molly and gil . Or should I call you "newfound lovers"? haha just kidding. Anyway, I'll be out for the day so you guys basically have the whole house to yourselves. I won't be home for a few hours so enjoy yourselves.


P.S. Guys, don't go too crazy. I'm sure molly is still sick. 18

she folds the note and puts it in her pocket. "So now what do you wanna do, gil?"

"Well, I'm not too pleased that she called us 'newfound lovebirds', even though it IS kind of true..." They both chuckle.

"Well I can't go outside, I don't even think I can stay out of bed for very long..." she suddenly shivers.

"You ok Phin?"

"Just a little cold... I think I'm going to lay down..." she walks towards his bed slowly. gil  decides to help her over. "Thanks gil. What would I do without you?" she flashes him a smile. Not one of her normal smiles, but a smile full of love. gil  blushes as she smiles at her.

"I guess you'd be laying here in bed alone."

"And that's why I'm glad to have you around."

"Always happy to help." She gives him a hug. "So, do you want me to get you anything?"

molly feels her stomach start to churn and she clutched her stomach. "Urk... gil, I need you to go out of the room for a minute or two.. I think I'm going to throw up.

Without hesitation, she gets up and walks out of the room and then downstairs.

"Glad I asked oona to get me this bucket..." she said to herself. she throws up a few times and then lays in her bed, groaning. "Alright gil... I'm done..."

She walks in holding something in her hand. She places it in molly hand. 

"A mint?" she asks.

"Yeah, it'll shelp your stomach settle a bit. Plus, it'll get rid of your vomit breath."

she puts it in his mouth. "gil, you're the best!"

She blusshes. "Why thank you." They both share a giggle.

"I know it's early in the morning, but... I think gonna get some more sleep. Care to join me?"

"Of course!" She hops into bed with him and they snuggle together, soon letting sleep overtake them. 

Chapter 9: Better Already

oona wakes up before anyone else. she gets out of bed and gets dressed, then looks over at the pair sleeping together.

"Should've known that extra bed was a waste of time... Oh well." she puts her hand on molly forehead. "Well she doesn't feel warm anymore, it looks like she sweat it all off last night. How about that." she chuckles as she walks out of the room. 

An hour or so later, gil  wakes up. She notices that molly is still sleeping and gets up. Like oona, he puts his hand on her forehead.

"I don't feel sick anymore, gil." she said as she opened her eyes.

"Well you don't feel very warm. You must've sweat it off last night." she sits up. "You feel weak at all? Or a headache or anything?"

she sits quietly for a moment before answering. "Nope. I feel as good as new!" molly jumps out of bed and hugs gil . "Thanks gil. You're the best!"

"Um... molly ... Remember I told you there's something I wanted to... Give you wshen you got better?"

"Oh right." she pulls away from the hug. "But is it ok if I give you something first?"

"Um... Sure. What is it?"

"Close your eyes." She does.

Gil slowly leans toward her. Very slowly. Soon he can feel her breath on his face.

"Gil ? What... What are you doing?"

"Just keep your eyes closed and trust me."

he puts his hands on her shoulders and, for a brief second, plants his lips on hers

Did that... Just happen?she thought to herself. he  just... Kissed me... he has no idea how long I've been waiting for him to do that! Oh right, I've gotta give her her  present now. I've always wanted to do this...

She suddenly tackles him onto the ground and kisses him. she gasps and almost pulls away, but soon she finds himself kissing back.

Chapter 10: Making Breakfast

As she breaks the kiss, she whispers in his ear. "I've been saving my first kiss for you. I waited for years until I got the chance... We already told each other how we really felt, so I knew I had to do it soon." 

"I never realized that it meant so much to you... And I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize how you felt about me. For a while now I've had feelings about you. But I never understood what kind of feelings. Now I know that it's love. I also know that I... How do I say this... I--"

sssshe's cut off by his stomach growling. gil  giggles. "You're hungry?"

"Uh... Yeah... Just a little hungry. Didn't want to ruin the 'moment' though... heh..."

gil  looks at her suspiciously but decides not to press the subject any furtsher. Besides, ssssshe's starving!

"Well we can have another 'moment' in a bit. For now, let's go eat!" *wink*

"hey, gil ? I know this might be kind of an awkward moment to ask, but... Will you go out with me sometime? Maybe in a few days?" 

She smiles at him. "Of course I'll go out with you! But I get to decide when and where *wink* And I won't tell you either. Yet."

"Ok, sounds good to me. Let's go eat!"

gil  stands up, and just before molly can, she stops her. "hey woah woah. I'LL make us something to eat. I have an idea for what to make but I want it to be a surprise."

molly nods. "Ok gil. Call me down wshen you're done."

"Ok." She smirks as she walks away.


gil  is making pancakes. Some kind of "special" pancakes.

"I hope she likes them... Then again I did use a special ingredient. Ok tshey're just about done..."

"What're you up to gil ?"

She jumps, nearly dropping the pan holding the pancakes. "Jeez oona you scared me! I'm just, uh, making pancakes for me and molly ."

"Some kind of 'special' pancakes?" she asks suspiciously, noticing the peculiar shapes of tshem.

gil 's face reddens deeply. "Uh... N-no, just n-normal pancakes... Why do you ask?"

"Oh come on gily" he puncshes her in the arm. Not too hard, but hard enough to make a point. "Only molly can call me gily No one else. We clear?" he hisses. 

"Ok gil , sorry if I offended you. Anyway, I can see the pancakes." she smiles and puts her hand on his shoulder. "she'll love them. Trust me. Good luck, I'm going to the mall with Vanessa."

"Later, oona." she walks outside. "Ok, they're done... Now to set up the table and-"

"gil! You done down there yet?" molly yells from upstairs.

"Almost!" She yells back. "When she finishes setting up the table, she quietly walks upstairs. She manages to get into his room and behind him without him noticing.

molly feels something cover his eyes and becomes scared for a moment, which gil  notices when she jumps as he covers his eyes. "It's only me." he whispers, and she immediately calms down. "Now come on."

They walk downstairs, him still covering her eyes. "I hope you like it, molly ..." he says as he moves his hands from her eyes.

molly jaw drops slightly as she notices what he had done. All the curtains were closed and all the lights were off, so the only thing lighting up the kitchen was the candle she had lit in the center of the table.

Then his eyes move to the table. There are two plates, side-by-side, and two chairs in the same position. On the plates are 3 pancakes. One shaped like molly head, one shaped like gil 's head, and one in the shape of a heart.

"What... What's all this for?" she asks in awe.

She giggles. "I guess you could call it our first date."

Chapter 11: It Happened

"A date? Right now?`` Molly asks a little surprised.

"Um... Is it ok with you? I probably should've asked you first but I wanted to surprise you... If you don't like it then we can do this another time."

"Are you kidding? I love it! I only said that because... Wait here a minute."

As molly runs upstairs to do something, lets hed outside the mall where oona is. she lied about being with Vanessa so molly and gil  could get some alone time.

oona pulls out her cell phone and dials Candace's number.

*Ring Ring* "oona? What are you doing calling me? We're in the car a few hours away from home, what is it?"

"It's happened."

"What happ--wait... You don't mean..."


"Oh. My. God. she finally...? And he...? How did this happen??"

"molly was sick yesterday. gil  came and helped her get better,she's fine now. she finally discovered that she had feelings for him too."

"Oh my god. I never thought it would happen..." 

"Well I gotta go sis. Tell mom and dad, there's a few more people I should tell.

They both hang up. oona immediately pulls out a walky-talky and holds the button. "Anyone there?"

"The whole gang, minus gil . Whatcha need?"

"Nothing really, I just need you guys to meet me outside the mall ASAP. I'll explain everything when you-"

"hey oona." A voice says behind him.

Standing before him are members of the Fireside Girls troop 46321, of course without molly .

"That was quick. I see you got the whole gang, Gretcshen?"

"Yeah. We were already like a block away so... Anyway, what is it you need to tell us?"

"First off, do you know where gil  is?"

No oona raises an eyebrow and smiles.

"They're... Together?"

oona nods.

"Is anyone else with them?

he shakes his head, his smile widening.

All of the girls gasp at once. "Does that mean..." They all say together...

"Now you're getting it. Don't go looking for her, they need a little more time alone. Just so you guys know."

Gretcshen turns towards the other girls. "Ok girls, let's get back to what we were doing! Thanks for the heads-up oona. I can't believe it's happening after all these years..."

"Neither can I, Gretcshen. Neither can I. See you girls later!

"Bye oona!" And they leave.

*Back in molly house*

Molly what are you doing up there?"

"Hang on l. You'll see in a minute."

Gil walks downstairs in a nice plain white tee-shirt and black pants. Her hair is combed neatly back.

"You didn't think I was gonna just stay in my regular clothes for our first date did ya?"

She giggles as they sit down to enjoy a breakfast date. They ate and talked about what's been going on lately, the weather, and other stuff.

*About 20 minutes later or so*

"Wshew... I'm stuffed!" Molly says as he finished his pancakes.

"Me too, I don't think I can eat another bite!" She yawns. "Wow, I'm feeling kind of groggy too..."

Gil smiles and pick up the plates. "You go lay on the couch and relax. I'll clean up out here. If you're tired there's no harm in closing your eyes."

"Ok." She lays down on the couch, puts a pillow behind her head, throws the couch blanket over sher and closes sher eyes while Gil cleans up the kitchen. Just as she's about to fall asleep, she feels someone on top of her.

Inches away from her own face is gil's  face. "shey. Mind if I join you?"

She pulls the blanket aside. "Sure."

After they get comfortable, molly asks him something. "hey gil, what did you put in those pancakes? They were amazing."

"A special ingredient." he smiles.

"What kind of 'special ingredient'?"

he smiles wider and blushes. "Love."

"That's kind of kinky, don't you think?" she replies jokingly.

"Yeah it is but I really did make them with love." She kisses him on the nose and, in return, receives a kiss on her lips. 

"I love you gil. You know that?"

"Yes. Yes I do. And I love you too molly." They both yawn and close their eyes, snuggling against each other. "gil, let's not fall asleep right now. It's a little too early." They both giggle. "Besides, we can just cuddle here and watch TV." she says.

And for the next few hours, that's exactly what they did

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What if, just before Lyanna Stark was kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen, she had given birth to a son fathered by Robert Baratheon? Even though Robert and Lyanna were only betrothed and never married, Robert declares the child as a rightful heir to the throne after emerging victorious in the rebellion and securing the throne of Westeros. This challenges the Targaryens and creates tension with the Lannisters, who see the boy as a threat to their own power. At the same time, a guy from Earth, a big fan of Game of Thrones, suddenly wakes up in the body of that very son. He gains a special system that lets him copy the skills and abilities of living beings, giving him an advantage in the dangerous world of Westeros. However, certain abilities copied from certain living beings come with restrictions due to the biological structure of the human body. With knowledge of the future and his growing powers, he finds himself in a position of great potential. As Robert Baratheon's son, he has a real claim to the throne, but taking it won't be simple. He faces enemies at every turn, from the Targaryens to greedy lords and even his own family, all of whom will try to stop him. He must survive in a world full of betrayal and danger, while also accepting the heavy role fate has given him. With his system helping him learn and grow, he has a chance to outsmart his enemies and rise to the throne. But will he be able to do it before time runs out? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't own anything else except my MC. The Game of Thrones TV Show belongs to their respective creators ________________________________________________________________________________ For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/Midnightblade0

MidnightBlade007 · TV
28 Chs


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