
BTTH:Unlimited Upgrade System

Lin He,18 year old,a guy who love reading BTTH novels but hate the MC. (F**k NTR!!)

Roderick666 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 4:Meeting Xun Er II

Arriving at the door,Xiao Yan knock the door twice before entering the house.While he knocking the door,someone is watching him from afar.But that for the future events.

"Xun Er,are you there?,Xiao Yan ge ge is looking for you"ask Xiao Yan while walking toward one of the rooms.

Before he can open the door,a small girl jump while clinging on him.The small girl naturally is Xiao Xun Er.

"Xiao Yan ge ge,I'm worry about you!One of the Xiao Elder is inform that you screaming like dog in heat,what happen to you?"ask Xiao Xun Er while showing worried face.

"I'm fine Xun Er.Just having a little nightmare"reply Xiao Yan with smooth and natural expression.

"Oh,ok then.Xiao Yan ge ge why are you looking for me?" ask the petite girl with confused face.

'Too Cute!!'think Xiao Yan madly while on the outside his face show no expression.

"Oh,I'm planning to buy a suprise for you!"reply Xiao Yan while bring out the green jewelry to Xun Er.

"Oh,it so pretty,thank you Xiao Yan ge ge"say Xun Er while inspect the jewelry.While the little girl is on her own world,Xiao Yan is thinking seriusly.

'If I remember correctly,today is the day for the cultivation test right?'think Xiao Yan while searching his memories.Not sure if it happen or not,he ask Xun Er:

"Neh,Xun Er,is it today the xiao family will announce that today has cultivation test?"ask Xiao Yan.

"Oh,Xian Yan ge ge, perhaps you have forget about it?And yah today there will be cultivation test"ask Xun Er with teasing tone while grap Xiao Yan hand and walking out of the house.

"Let go Xiao Yan ge ge,we will be late if we not hurriedly"said Xun Er while walking to the training field with Xiao Yan.

"Yeah,lets go!"answer Xiao Yan full of confident.While thinking in his mind:

'Yess!!Fuck lolicon hater,did I'm care shit about it?!!And finally this is my time to go on limelight.HHAHAHAHA!!!'think Xiao Yan cursing and excitedly.