
The Day Bakemono Died

The land was owned by the Han family. It had been a peaceful and safe place. Away from the warlords battles over territory in the east. That was until the day Bakemono died.

Bakemono was a simple man with a simple life. A house on a hill. A wonderful wife and two beautiful children. He worked the land and made a modest living. Bakemono and his family never faced anything more dangerous than the occasional snake or wild rodent. Though if you asked Bakemono today about his life before "it" happened, he would tell you he cant remember much. All he can remember is how much he loved his family.

The day was much like any other. It was partially cloudy, warm with a cool breeze. That all changed when the monsters came. Warriors of all shapes and sizes. Marching from the east. Bakemono saw them coming and told his family to run inside. One of the soldiers lit a torch and threw it at a house, lighting the house on fire. Others began to slaughter the people running around. The Han families soldiers quickly came to engage in battle. Over one hundred Han soldiers versus only three"men". All one hundred, slaughtered. Bakemono froze in shock. Not knowing how to react, he ran to his house only to find the man who lit the first torch standing outside his house. The man was down the hill with the others just a moment ago. How did he get to Bakemono's house so quickly. The man looked at the house, then right into Bakemono's eyes. He smiled and in the blink of an eye he was no more than a foot away from Bakemono. He had stabbed Bakemono with a blade that had moved so fast in and out of Bakemono, not a drop of blood touched it. Bakemono fell to the ground...

Bakemono awoke some time later. The fires had died out and a thick fog had filled the air. Bakemono stood up to find that he was not stabbed. Just knocked out. He quickly ran into his now burned down house to find three burnt corpses. An adult and two children. He did not cry. He was to much in shock to react. Bakemono headed into town to look for survivors. As he was rounding the corner of one of the burnt houses, he saw one of them. The giant must have been at least eight feet tall. He carried a club the size of a horse. Bakemono hid behind a wall. He caught his breath and thought for a moment. The shock was wearing off now and he was angry. These monsters killed his family and ruined his life. He was so emotional, he didn't think, he just ran at the giant. With one swing the giant knocked Bakemono twenty feet and through a wall. Bakemono was lucky it didn't kill him instantly. He thought for a moment before getting up. Quietly he made his way to the church bell tower. He lept from the top of the tower onto the giant. Bakemono had landed on the giants back and grabbed his arms. He braced his feet in-between the giants shoulder blades and with adrenaline coursing through him and all his might, pulled the giants arms until he heard cracking. He had broken the monsters shoulders. As the monster screamed in pain, Bakemono picked up one of the Han soldiers swords and slashed at its ankles. The giant fell to the ground. Bakemono moved back and assessed the situation. The monster tried to stand but couldn't stay up. It lay on the ground breathing heavy until it finally stopped. Bakemono said "one"

Bakemono gathered up some armor from the fallen soldiers. He then headed to the fort at the end of town. Inside the fort was another of the monsters. In the center of a large room an animal like person on all fours gnawing on something. Its head quickly turned to look at Bakemono. It climbed onto a support for the second floor and leapt at Bakemono. Knocked to the ground and now being clawed at by a wild animal, Bakemono pulled out his sword. The creature grabbed the weapon by its teeth and threw it away. Realizing weapons wont work, Bakemono instead tried to imitate the monster and bit it. Shocked, the creature shot backwards. Bakemono then lowered and widened his stance as if ready to pounce. He ran at the animal and began to rip and shred the creature to pieces. After the monster was dead he said in an almost growel "two"

Bakemono saw smoke coming from the forest and set out to kill the last monster. When Bakemono found the source of the smoke, he found him. The one that knocked him out. The man dashed at Bakemono, but this time he was ready. He stepped to the side and grabbed the mans head as he lunged to stab, and threw the man to the ground instantly killing him. He then began to rip and shred the man to pieces with a smile on his face. He howled "threeeeeeeee" It was then that he heard a voice "Reggie". Bakemono looked over to see the faces of his wife and children... but something wasn't right. He looked in the puddle he had thrown the man into and saw himself covered in blood with a twisted smile on his face. The same smile the man who knocked him out had. Before blood muddied his reflection. Bakemono looked at the faces of his family and saw fear. He picked up the blade that tried to kill him, looked up at the night sky, and said "four".

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