
The talk

Broly's P.O.V

After I sat down mom just sidled a the newspaper over to me the headline just read "new hero saves hostages from bank robbers". After I read I heard mom say "do you have something to tell us Broly" as she said this she had the mom look in her eye when they know that child is doing something dangerous and couldn't stop it. I took a deep breath I started to talk "I'm the hero in the photo I deiced that want to use my power to help people". After I said this mom asked "why do want to do this". "because when you have the power you are responsible for using it the right way" I said. Mom got up and said "but why this way there is plenty of other ways for you to do good" her voice sounds like she was about to cry. This voice broke my heart but I deiced what I wanted and I was not going to back down so I said "this is the only way I know how, because I'm saiyan a warrior". "then do what you want but don't expect me to watch you kill yourself" she said with tears raining down her face as she went upstairs.

After that dad did something I wasn't expecting "I need a beer do you want one" he said as walked to the fridge. I nodded my head as he garbed 2 beers from the fridge and lead me to the backyard. After that, we sat down on the lawn chairs and looked at the sun. As I took a drink from my beer dad started to talk "you know she is just worried about you" he said. "I know but it's my life and it should be my decision," I said as counted drinking. "Yes, but I and your mom looked after and raised that life for 10 years," he said. "I know but why are you so cool about it," I asked as I turned to him.

Dad took a drink from his beer leaned back into his chair and said: "I'm not cool with it I'm just sure there no way I can talk you out of it". I sighed and leaned into back into my seat "I guess I have to do something about mom right". Dad shook his head and said, "no just give it time she will realize that this was going to happen sooner or later". I looked back at the sun and leaned into my chair then I and dad just spent the whole day just drinking our beers and enjoying the sun.

At the same time, 3 rd person p.o.v

Inside of a meeting room of an unknown place we have seen a group of people seat around a large table. The group is made of men and women of different races and ethnicities. There is a white screen in front of them with a black projector sitting on the table in front of them. Then the door at on the opposite side of the room opened and a tall light skin white man walked in. The man was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red tie. As he walked in the others got up to great him but raised his hand to stop them. The man walked up to the screen and had then had the lights turned off. "all right I'm sure that all of you want to know why you are here" the man said. His voice was strong but calming at the same time. The others just nodded then the man turned on the projector. The project showed a picture of a Mexican man "who can tell who this is" the man asked.

A black woman that was sitting in the back spoke before anyone else "that is Pablo Escobar the largest drug dealers in history F.B.I took him down last year". The white man looked back at women and asked her name "Diana Berrigan F.B.I sir". Diana is a tall woman with a slim s-shaped build and long wavy black hair. "Well agent Berrigan your answer was almost 100% correct I give A-" said the white man. Diana looked back him and asked, "what didi get wrong agent Burke". The newly identified agent Burke turned back to the room and said: "Pablo Escobar was not the largest drug dealers in history but just a face for him". Then a picture then changed to a picture of the back of a man's head. The man had black hair and light black skin was you all could tell from the photo. "after the F.B.I arrested Pablo he told us something that we could not believe that he was just small finish in an even bigger pound" everyone in the room was just looked like they had heard that God was dead or something.

"The looks on your faces is the same look I had when I found out" said agent Burke. "now when the Bureau found out they launched a full-scale investigation into the claim but Pablo was killed in prison before we could get more information from him" after he said that the slid changed to a picture of a now dead Pablo Escobar . Burke turned back to the room and said: "after 1 year and millions of tax dollars later all we have to show for it a picture a name and a city". Burke turns the slid back to the of a man head "our normal means were not getting us anywhere so the Bureau deiced to think out of the box because of that you all are here" he said. Then continued with "you are the best agents that America has to offer F.B.I, N.C.I.S, C.I.A., N.S.A and local law enforcement" said agent Burke as the agents started to look at each other. "Your job is to find me this man," said Burke and continued by saying "All we know is that he is in Dallas and that he goes by the name of Don".

Guys this be the last chapter till the weekend so enjoy it

nayeem12creators' thoughts
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