

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 22

From what Lorcan told me they were his friends. They were nobles from Katnar and they were war buddies. They fought together against robbers and invaders. So their friendship was quite deep. They would meet every now and then and today I was supposed to look pretty and entertain them with my music. Fine. The only thing that bothered me were my clothes.

 Lorcan personally took out a blue outfit with brocade elements and a red sash to underline my waist. I was supposed to look like a living ornament. 

I was curious about his friends and the war stories. I'd like to present myself like a warrior too. I know I've lost my kingdom but I did try to protect it. 

I looked in the mirror, the young man was looking at me with amber eyes, his hair was pinned and some sparkling gems were already attached to strands of his long hair. He didn't look manly at all. I knew they would look down on me. Looser that became the Lord's boy toy. I suddenly felt very pitiful.

Gelda opened the door without knocking.

"We need to hurry up, sir."She rushed me.

I should have told her to knock before she enters but I said nothing. She was a free servant and I was a slave. She always addressed me "sir" which was generous enough. Gelda helped me to get dressed and even pinned more jewelry on me, ruby cufflinks and a matching brooch. 

"Oh my good sir, you look amazing." She was pleased with her work and when I saw myself I truly looked like a living sparkling doll. 

"It's time, you need to go, sir." Gelda almost pushed me out of my room. I walked down the familiar corridors hearing my lonely steps. As I was approaching the dining room I heard some laughter. They were already there, sitting and drinking I guess, judging by the sound they were making. I practiced so many times that it was already engraved into my body. I took a deep breath and entered the dining room.

 "Apologies my Lords for being late." I bowed a bit and slowly approached the Lord. I only took a short glimpse of the other two men in the room, I focused on Lorcan. My Lord immediately put his cup aside and smiled widely.

"Well my little prince, you finally made it." He pointed me to a seat next to him. I sat down obediently and faced the other two men.

It was the host's duty to introduce us so I waited. 

"This is Kian Murreyson, son of Edmund and Cloe from the House of Patterton, former prince of Deremoth, these are Gael and Rowan. They are Lords from Katnar.' 

Their introduction was lacking but maybe Lorcan wanted me to know only that much. 

"It's a pleasure." I nodded and took a good look at them. 

Gael was blonde with blue eyes, well built and his appearance was common, neither very handsome nor a pain for the eye. Rowan had black hair and a beard. His brown eyes were drilling holes in me. Somehow that man made me more uncomfortable.

"I believe it's time to eat." Lorcan swiftly ordered the servants to bring the food. The table was set very quickly. The food was still warm but not very fancy, most of it was meat.I guess these men ate stuff like that. I have chosen a few pieces, some vegetables and a bit of groats. 

"A prince huh, well well. How did you manage to survive the slaughter?" Gael hit the most uncomfortable topic for me in an instant.

"Bravo Gael, to start a new acquaintance from such a question, I doubt you will be able to make friends with the prince." Rowan suddenly came to my rescue.

"It's all right my lord, I was often asked that question. I was captured by the prince of Moreta and then during an auction sold to the highest bidder. It was a merchant, later I was brought here as you can see." I managed to compose the speed of my speech and I hoped I was able to look indifferent. I looked the blonde guy in the eyes, challenging him to dare me ask another uncomfortable question like this.

Gael suddenly smiled.

"I must say the little prince has guts." He raised his cup."Let's drink for the war spoils." 

Bastard. I didn't raise my cup, I felt offended.

Lorcan laughed and they drank, all of them. Luckily they started talking about some incidents from their past. It was a fight with some barbarians from the northern mountain range. They were talking about how they defeated them and their great warrior, the red head as they called them. Later Rowan told an interesting story about a ship that came to Katmar's harbor.

"They had all their heads saved and even their beards were gone, instead they had tattoos on their heads with weird symbols, some of them even on their faces. I'm telling you they were a sight to see. Most of the people were getting out of their way. However they caused no problems. They only bought some supplies." 

I knew them, once a small group came to my father and they had a meeting. They were talking about the trade. I suddenly heard myself speaking.

"They are Wenards and they are excellent sailors. They often trade with rare spices. As far as I know they shave their heads and tattoo them to gain favors from the goddess of the ocean. The higher ranked have tattoos on their faces." 

They looked surprised at me.

"How do you know that?" Rowan asked.

"They visited my father once and I'm familiar with the weren language that they were using as well." I took a sip of the wine I was given. There was a moment of silence till Lorcan decided to add some more information about me.

"Kian is very talented, he speaks four languages, sings and plays zither." 

"Does he?" Gael looked at me again as if I was some curiosity.

"Will we be able to hear his music?" Rowan asked Lorcan.

"Sure. Kian, can you play for us?"

"Of course, I'll bring my zither." I stood up and left the room. I was only a few steps away when I came across Gelda.

"Is there anything you need, sir?" She asked.

"I left the zither in my room." 

"I'll fetch it for you sir." She immediately turned around and went to my room. I decided to go back, before I reached the door I heard them talking.

"That's a pretty little thing you've got yourself. I must admit he is even prettier than many girls I fucked with." It was Rowan's voice.