

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs







....I fumed trying to resist the temptation to run to Selena and Joyce and give them a taste of their own medicine.

The bell rang before I could think again. "Omg we're gonna be late for class." Melanie panicked. Well who wouldn't? Mrs Thorn's English class was not something to joke with. We ran. We ran forgetting Melanie suffered an asthma attack until she had a little difficulty catching up and we had to stop for her to catch her breathe.

"You're late Miss Miller and you Miss Carter." Mrs Thorn frowned at us, we bent down, our hands on our kneecaps. We were trying to balance our ragged breathing.

"We're Sorry Mrs Thorn." we said simultaneously.

She raised an eyebrow. "Don't be late again. I'm only letting you in because you two are one of the best students I have." She said walking back to the front of the class. Melanie picked the seat in the front of the class and there was only one left. My insides cringed as I looked at the seats and those next to and behind it.

Sean, Aaron, Selena and Palome, the most annoying beings to walk the earth. "Heyyy Ari." Aaron waved at me.

"We saved the seat especially for you." Sean said touching the seat.

" Miss Miller, you're distracting my class. Get a seat!" Mrs Thorn snapped.

" Yes ma'am." I said as I billowed towards my seat glaring at Sean and Aaron.

"Ugly." Palome scoffed spraying her sanitizer around the corner all of us sat.

"Palome." Mrs Thorn furrowed her brows.

"Ma'am I can't stand dirt, there's some dust on my table. On my last appointment with my doctor he said to pay attention to my environmental hygiene." She replied checking her nails.

Mrs Thorn shook her head and continued the class. It was well going well. I smiled, after having to take in Palome's offensive words. Selena became quiet, Sean and Aaron weren't kicking my the leg of my chair acting like idiots like they normally. "Finally." I heaved a sigh.

You know those moments when you speak too soon. Yeah I spoke too soon. Wayyy too soon. I frowned with disgust as I felt something oddly wet on neck I touched it and I gasped.

"what the...." I turned to my right and saw Aaron putting a large straw in the mouth before I could protest another spit ball landed on my forehead. Aaron smirked and waved the straw at me.

"It's wayyy too peaceful." Sean whispered from behind and started kicking my chair and nudging my head forward. All through it was spit balls and my head almost hitting my table as they began to kick my chair.

"Aa..." A spit ball went into my throat and I began to choke.

" Sccccooorrreee." Aaron mouthed.

"Whoa brah." Sean grinned.

"Ew." Selena laughed.

Melanie ran to me. "You jerks." She scowled.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mrs Thorn yelled, anger lacing her voice. Before she could give us detention the bell saved us.

"Bro! I saw that." Michael gave Aaron a hand shake whatever bro hugs boys do.

"Yeah nice shot." Another boy said from behind.

Selena hit her hand on my table "Stop acting like you're gonna die. Desperate much?"

"For the attention? Well you're never gonna get it." Palome added and they all started laughing.

" Let's go." Selena held the hand of her best friend and walked out of the class together. I finally got the spit ball out of my lungs. My eyes got teary. I was so sick and tired of their behavior I couldn't help but think why they hated me so much.

"I've had enough!" I screamed fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

" Don't! They're demons." Melanie held my arm but I yanked her arm off and adjusted my glasses.

"They have to know it's wrong!" I bit my lower lip and stormed out of the class walking like I was possessed. I was determined to give them a piece of my mind and let them know they were monsters.

"Selena!" I heard myself scream.

"What?!" She rolled her eyes folding her arms.

"Sanitizer spray and nose masks." Palome told them.

" Yeah spray it on yourselves and sanitize your lives." I smirked.

"Burnnnnnnn!!" Someone in the hallway screamed.

" What?" Brianna tilted her head a bit to the left.

" You heard me right." I said moving closer to them.

"You girls are awful, inconsiderate, wicked, heartless, bunch of bullies who think whatever shitty stunts they pull are amazing."

" Wowwww I'm so affected by your words." Selena said mustering all the affectionate sarcasm into her words.

"Why are you suddenly so bold?" Palome said.

"Yeah aren't you always the. Chicken?" Brianna huffed.

" I can't believe you four. You acted like Melanie having an asthma attack is okay especially after knowing how worse it can get you know she's asthmatic yet you sprayed strong cologne and sanitizer into the air. You think spit balls are cool? You know I watched a few videos on bullies and I got to know bullies are bunch of people who have low self esteem and take it out on others to feel better. They're not confident so they act confident by making others feel miserable. I think you should stop acting so mean to make yourself feel better you're aff...."

" Not confident?" Selena's scoff turned into a laugh. " I have EVERY REASON TO BE CONFIDENT ARIANA!" She added with more emphasis on the last words.

"You're the unconfident person here, you're ugly, fat with poor eye sight, without your glasses you're nobody."

" Obviously." Palome shook her head.

" Grab her!" Brianna shouted and some boys came to hold me.

"Joyce take off her glasses." Selena said looking at Joyce. I saw she was hesitant and it made me happy to see some good in her.

"Now!" Palome gritted her teeth, all eyes on Joyce as she took big reluctant steps to me avoiding my gaze she took off my glasses I didn't bother to make her stop because if she didn't the others would.

"Break it." Selena sniggered.

"Don't break it! I just got a new pair please." Tears filled my eyes.

"Awww, who looks begging now? Didn't you say we're bullies, we'll show you how bullies act." Brianna grinned.

" Please." I muffled but Joyce obliged and I heard a snip.

"You know what give me that." Brianna snatched my glasses and threw them on the floor, stepping on them with her shoes.

"So. Much. Better." She chuckled.

"See? You're not so confident now are you? Maybe you should stop bullying people so you can be confident." Palome mimicked me then laughed out loud and the others joined in.

"Without your glasses you're pitiful without your sisters, no reputation. I feel so bad for Heather and Esme having to live with a sister who looks like the odd wheel in the circle, but it's good that at least their beauty can cover up your ugliness, yeah it covers the fact that you're like puke next to perfectly made food or art by an artist and chef." Selena spat.

" And? We have it all, the good eye sight, the body, the looks, the glam, the brains never try to think you can be like us cause you can't and trying would be futile." Palome told me stepping on my feet with her heels, their words stung like a bee. It stung like a bitch. It got to me. Tears poured out of my eyes.

"Awww she's crying." Brianna whined.

"Poor cry baby, the truth hurts doesn't it." Selena shoved me hard and I fell. I fell and I didn't stand up. I felt stuck and glued to the ground, my body trembled and quaked as the truth hit me hard.

"You ugly dirty demons!" Melanie screamed so loud I was sure students from the other blocks heard cause I heard footsteps like there was a stampede.


And that's a wrap and ouch!! Those girls are so mean I wanna rip their hairs out. Bullying is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.