
Broken Doll (Love Makes The Difference)

[Being an orphan and working as a maid wasn't something one dreamt about. As if deprivation wasn't enough, Bismika had to suffer bullying at school. When a certain blue-eyed boy showed interest in her, she misunderstood him as her knight in shining armor. A little did she realize that, she was pulled toward a burning pyre.] .......... “I-I wanted to t-tell-“ I was cut short with a loud thud of the tray. “Here is your order, Sir,”- the waitress seductively placed the frappe. “Thanks,”- he gave an alluring smile. This was the first time I saw him smiling today. “Have you decided on the order yet, Ms. Indecisive?”- the waitress's boring tone rang through my ears. I was stunned at her rudeness. I looked at the pair of blue orbs sitting in front of me. He looked unbothered! The mistreatment of the waitress towards me was all normal to him! Well! A loser like me never deserved a charmer like him. It was time to burst my dream bubble. “I won't take anything,” somehow I managed to speak. “You can excuse yourself.” The waitress left not before giving me a disgusting look and another lustful glance toward him. I was done. “Sorry to waste your time. But, don't worry. I won't waste more. Thanks for coming,”- I didn't wait for his response. Leaving the café, I let my tears fall. He just used me for his pleasure! I felt broken. Suddenly 2 strong hands grabbed my arms and the next moment I was shoved to an empty alley. I stared at those ocean blue eyes, hard to read as always. “A simple 'sorry' isn't good enough for wasting my time. I deserve compensation.” And before I could respond, his lips were on mine and started devouring me like a beast.

_Neko_Sensei_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

When Dark Meets the Light

~Inside the convenience store~

(Bismika's P.O.V.)

My legs are hurting like a b*tch from the extra stress they had to go through to run faster. Scarlett was supposed to drop me at the convenience store instead of my house. But thanks to Liam's nasty prank he pulled earlier, I had to go back to home for changing my clothes before coming here.

Taking one of those small baskets from the counter, I come to the section where all types of pasta are available. After all, the reason I'm shopping at this point in the evening is that my 'sweet little' Meghan's text came during school and 'the princess' ordered me to make lasagna for dinner. So here I am, at her service.

Now, I'm looking for those brown rice lasagna sheets which seem to be found nowhere. Then finally I spot one box on one of the top shelves.

What da!!

I sigh helplessly looking at the lasagna box as if it were my Rapunzel and has refused to let its hair down.

Jokes apart! Back to sh*tty reality.

I'm exact 5'0" and the situations like this troubles me big time.

Now, I'm tip-toeing so my teensy-weensy hand can reach that 'treasure box'. But guess what? Whole 2 minutes of struggle but all in vain.

Giving up on my malnourished legs, I decide to ask someone for help. Asking means I have to talk to someone. Though my past experiences taught me that it is always best to keep my mouth shut, now I'm helpless.


It feels like something has dropped into my basket. As I take a look into it, VOILA!

Oh dear God! The box of brown rice lasagna sheets is in my basket!

However, before I could thank God properly, the strong woody incense-like aroma hits my nose. As I turn around to clear my doubt, the only thing that comes into my view is his muscular, firm chest under a white t-shirt.

Okay. It's time to curse my height for the second time today.

"Hi"- the husky voice comes.

One word and all my doubts are cleared now.

'It's Aiden!'

I slowly take my steps back to meet his gaze. He is smiling at me. Now, he is looking hella different.

"Hi,"- my words come like murmuring.

"Shopping lasagna sheet at this hour of the evening?"- he is trying to make a conversion.

Biting my inner cheek, I reply in a low voice- "It's for dinner."

"Okay. So, do you need any help with your shopping?"- he offers me smilingly.

However, the way he stomped off and banged the car earlier isn't giving me enough hope to accept his current buddy-buddy attitude.

"No, this box is all I need for today,"- I reply politely. "And thanks for your help."

Without waiting for his reply I turn on my heel and walk away to the counter.

'The far from him, the better.'


(At the counter)

The bald man with lots of jewelry, standing in front of me, finally makes his payment after quarreling for a whole fifteen minutes on some voucher issues.

People these days!

As the man finally makes his move in a huff, I sigh in relief and place the lasagna box on the counter.

"It's 32$ in total," the lady at the counter tells me with a frown on her forehead. Guess, the earlier customer surely gave her a hard time.

I open my purse to pay for my stuff, but the sight of my open purse gives me a small heart attack. There should be a 50-dollar bill that Carla gave yesterday for groceries. However, the purse is empty except for a few coins, leaving me to appreciate the power of my rotten luck.

I start searching every corner of the bag. What if I had put the bill in some of the side pockets?

But no. All other pockets are empty like my luck.

"Please, be quick. There are other people, waiting in the line,"-

the lady speaks without hiding her irritation.

I feel something heavy on my chest. There is no way I could possibly lose the money. I sure did put it inside my purse.

However, I have a bigger problem right now. How am I supposed to pay the bill?

I can tell my eyes are glistening. "Uh-uhm. I think, um-I forgot the money at ho-home,"- I somehow manage to say.

The lady clicks her tongue in annoyance. "What are you doing here without any money? Now, just move aside so others can make their bills. Don't waste our time," the lady orders me rudely.

Now, all I want is for to ground to be divided and engulf me inside.

"Make her payment from this,"- Aiden's manly voice brings me back to reality.

I was so busy controlling my tears that I didn't realize the presence of someone else beside me.

He has placed a 50-dollar bill on the counter and waiting for the returns. I anticipate hearing something from him. However, he has decided to stay mute. He isn't even looking at me.

The lady makes the bill and hands him the box in a bag. Taking the bag, Aiden does something unexpected. He grabs my hand and walks to the exit.


~In the parking lot~

Aiden walks to the parking lot without releasing my hand. I also follow him silently. Then he stops next to a white Mercedes and turns back to face me. To see his expression, I am craning my neck back while he is leaning forward to make eye contact.

The boy sure has a freaking height to compliment his gorgeous body.

"Do you need to buy something else? I can buy for you if you want,"-handing me the bag, Aiden speaks politely.

I still can't believe how those fierce eyes can show concern for a mere nobody like me!

"No. I just came here to buy this,"- lowering my gaze, I take the bag. "And thank you for helping me out there,"- I feel my voice cracking. "I'll pay you once I get the money," I try to sound normal.

"That won't be needed,"- Aiden smiles.

Then he does another unexpected thing. He lowers his shoulder to match my height. One of his hands is placed on his knee to support his weight while he places his other hand on my cheek. With his thumb, he caresses the tear marks on my cheek.

"Don't cry over small things. Okay?"- he says in a low voice.

It feels like, I forgot how to breathe at his cold touch. Even the situation at the counter wasn't this intense.

As he is waiting for my response, I make a small nod with my lowered head.

"So, do you have a ride? If not, I can drop you at your house,"- he offers me. But being in the same car with him will be too much to handle.

"Thanks. But my house is nearby. I can go by myself,"-I lie without looking at him.

"You sure,"- his doubtful voice scares me. But then his phone vibrates and his attention diverts to that call.

Thank God!

"Okay, I'll be going then,"- I excuse myself.

Aiden stares at me for a moment before nodding. Without saying more, I turn on my heel and walk away.

'One more minute with him would make me faint.'


~In the kitchen~

I check the look of lasagna, baking inside, through the glass of the oven. It looks fine. Just a few more minutes and it will be ready for taking out.

I take off my apron and began to think about the event in the store. If Aiden wasn't there, I sure would get myself into a deep sh*t. I should have been more generous to him. However, my brain isn't supporting the decision as it recalls his angry sight.

"How long would it take?"- Meghan's high-pitched voice makes a halt to my thoughts.

"Just a few more minutes."

"Thanks for keeping us starving until midnight."

Meghan has a sharp tongue. As she is done with her taunt, she turns on her heel to walk back. But before she could leave, something comes to my mind.

In the afternoon, I saw Meghan in my room, after getting out of the bathroom. I was changing my clothes inside, so don't know how long she was there in my room.

'Has she seen the money?'

"Meghan?"- I call her softly.

"What now?"- she replied annoyingly.

"Uh-um, did you by chance see a 50-dollar bill in my room?"

And maybe it's my imagination, but Megan's face looked pale for a second. However, she swiftly changes her expression.

"What are you trying to say?"- crossing her arms, Meghan sounds mad.

"Um-m. I lost a 50-dollar bill, you know. You were in my room today. So, I was asking if you had seen the money anywhere in my roo-,"

"I didn't see." Meghan doesn't let me complete my words. Then she turns on her heel and walks away.

Something seems wrong. When I saw her in my room, I asked her if she needed anything. She said she wanted some snacks. But normally she picks whatever snacks she likes from the kitchen. She also looked awkward.

'Dis she....?'

No, you stupid brain. Don't dare to nurture this vile thought. Otherwise, it will be the end of me.

What do you think about Meghan?

Comment it and let me know. (●'◡'●)

_Neko_Sensei_creators' thoughts