
Learnt Influence

Carine's illusion tortured me again, for the twentieth time since her death. I was used to it, as my previous illusion of her, the nineteenth time had come after I was ambushed by Tatsukichi and his outcasts. It broke me the most, Carine dying through and through because of my weakness and me doing nothing about her death.

I woke up on a bed with applied bandages and aid and a person who was fair, having dark hair, 5'9" tall and was dressed like maid applying cleaning my wounds and applying disinfectants."So you're awake." she said and I asked her,"Who brought me here?"

"It is master Aryan who brought you here." She replied.

"Where is Aryan?" I asked her.

"Master Aryan has gone out to buy some requirements." She replied.

"When will he come back?" I asked her while getting up from the bed with pain.

"Master Aryan had ordered me to give you a few atrixes for you to go and buy painkillers from the doctors." She said as she gave me a pouch full of five hundred atrixes. 'Atrixes' are the currency of Mythica. I got up from the bed and the maid had given me a pair of clothes which had a black t-shirt, dark grey pants and a red synthetic hoodie which had white stripes on the shoulder and with long black gloves. I wore the outfit and she had given me a pair of long black boots and holsters for guns and other weapons. I tied them and she had given me the 'wrist blade', a special mechanism which is tied to the forearm and a blade which comes out of the sheath on tightening of the forearm muscles. The house was 3-bhk along with two floors.

I tied it to my right forearm and asked the directions to go to the doctor. She told me to take right after going down the stairs after exiting through the main door. After taking right, she told me to go straight and I would see the doctor's stall and the doctor selling consumables like painkillers, poison and other effective drugs. I went out of the house wearing the hoodie to the doctor and he cured me by giving me a dose of painkiller.

"You will be perfectly fine with a few moments." the doctor said and continued,"Take these five painkiller doses and poison along with these booster drugs."

"Is this ok, I mean much do I need to pay?" I asked the doctor.

"They're all a gift from me, Bobby." the doctor said.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I asked him with confusion.

"Aryan, John and Tarun were once my allies." the said and continued,"I am an indirect spy of JOULES, keeping watch on the doctors so that they won't scam the citizens of the capital nor do them any harm." in a casual tone.

"Yes sir, thanks" I said to him and then ran to an abandoned church to climb it. I climbed it and got a viewpoint of the city for me to remember a part of its map. I leaped from the ledge I viewed the city from into a haystack. After leaping, I heard a few royal army guards talking among themselves. They were taling about killing a person after his wife had been forced upon and killed by Notricchio Novani, a noble. I tailed them to the exection point and killed every single one of them with my wristblade and the knife. I saw the person crying over a hung corpse. I went to the person looking at the corpse saying,"She is beautiful isn't she?"

"Yes, not until that fucking pig defiled her" he said in an angry tone and continued,"I wish that he had just killed her. She was innocent, she could not do anything. She was my wife and one of Novani's lusts after she went up against him. I cannot even the bury her dead body as it would cost my life if it went down of here" changing his tone into a more sadder more sadder one.

"Tell me where he is, I will kill him and you take your wife's corpse from there and bury her." I said to him.

"That Bastard lives up there near the third noble street. It will be hard to kill him as he is constantly surrounded by guards." he said.

"The guards won't be a problem, prepare to take down her corpse." I replied and a group of sixteen royal army guards had come to attack us but I killed everyone of them after disarming a guard of his sword and using it to kill them. It was easy to kill them as the ones who attacked were low-class guards. I climbed to the third noble street which was situated on 'Carrier's hill', a broken hill in which mostly nobles reside because of a beautiful scenery. Novani's house was the first and was near to the edge of the hill and was less closer to third noble street,

I climbed up his single floored house and stood on a ledge to kill him. I jumped on to him and stabbed him in his neck with my wristblade saying,"May your deeds change in the next life." in a cold tone. The guards around the area were alerted and totally nine guards had come to attack me. I took the 'Jian' which was sheathed to his back and used it to kill the guards. I took sword sheathe and tied it to my back and I went back to the house in which I had woken up. It was in fifth median street. I went back to the house and Aryan was sitting on the dining table drinking wine.

"Want some, Akane?" he asked me and continued,"Where have you been?"

"I was out helping people in the city." I replied to him.

"Well, good samaritans are a dying breed in the capital." he said in a drunk tone and passed out. The maid had come to me saying,"Master Akane, your room for today is in the first floor. Let me guide you there."

"Please do." I replied to her with embarassment and followed to the second room in the first floor.

"Master Aryan had special plans for you today." She said and I asked,"What is it?"

"I do not know, sir." she replied and went out of the room after making my bed. I removed my clothing and wore the spare dresses which were kept by the maid for me. I wore them, and surpisingly they were my exact size and were comfortable. I Laid on the bed and slept after experiencing this tired day.

The next day, I was woken up by the maid was sitting me in cowgirl position wearing lingerie only. "What are you doing, ma'am?" while being embarassed.

"I am your servant, me-ow." she replied coldly, showing less emotion.

"Hello, ma'am can you get off me?" I said to her.

"Call me Aoi, requesting me to get up." She replied coldly

"Ok, Aoi please get off me." I said to her.

"Master Aryan is waiting for you downstairs." she said while getting off me. I didn't ask her why she sat on me on a cowgirl position wearing only lingerie. I went downstairs to the living room and Aryan was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.

"Aryan, you prick, how can you order your maid to do something like that?" I said to him irritatedly.

"What are you talking about, Akane?" he asked me with confusion.

"Quit playing dumb." I said and continued,"Your maid was sitting on me in cowgirl position wearing only lingerie." in a irritated tone.

"Why didn't you commit adultery then?" he asked me and continued,"Remain a virgin."

"What the heck, I will lose my viriginity to this specific person." I yelled at him.

"Who? Boss Forecrust's daughter?" he said and I blushed out of embarassment remembering that day when Angela forced herself on me.

"You had something planned for me it seems." I said to him in a serious tone.

"Yes, I had planned on showing you around the city." he replied and stood up saying,"Get in your gear after freshening up and then we will talk business."

I went upstairs to room and took a bath as Aoi had put a towel for me. I dressed up in the outfit which was given to me yesterday and I even tied the sword which I had taken from Novani's corpse yesterday. I went downstairs and Aryan was waiting for me sitting on the sofa patiently. Aryan got up as I went to him and he told me follow him to the center of the area. The area was called 'Anathic timber' and every area had a tower in the center.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked him.

"At present kill the captain of this area and set a retreat signal by setting fire on the tower." he replied.

"Where is the captain?" I asked him.

"Find him yourself." he replied and i activated the second skill of 'mode x', which allows me to distinguish enemies, allies and targets through walls. I climbed to the rooftops and killed the guards on rooftops. The in jumped to a ledge and killed the two guards guarding the captain with the wrist blade and the knife. I killed the captain by stabbing him in his left chest with the wrist blade and climbed upto the tower. I set it on fire and leaped into a haystack removing the influence of royalty around the area.

"Why did you order me to do it?" I asked Aryan.

"Removing royalty's influence in areas will allow us to purchase the shops, buildings and landmarks around the area." he replied and gave me a pouch of seven thousand five hundred athrixes.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked him.

"Buy the garage there along with the shops around the area. You can also fashion yourself some armor in the blacksmith." he replied and I first went to the blacksmith and bought myself a leather spauldor for my left shoulder and a vambrace for right forearm to hide the wristblade . After buying armour,gg I had seven thousand one hundred athrixes left and I bought the abandoned garage and a medical store. I had two thousand five hundred athrixes left and I found an abandoned sports car. It was suprsingly working and was in good condition. "Good" Aryan said and told me to drive the car to a private dormitory.

"Why are here?" I asked him while geeting down from the car.

"It will be your home for now." he replied.

"Why didn't you tell me this morning itself?" I asked him.

"It was intended to be a surprise." he replied and continued,"Use the remaining for your rent here and recover your bank account."

The dormitory owner had come and it was none other than Aoi. I was scared and I asked her,"Are you the owner of the dormitory?" and she replied,"Yes, and maybe you're confused why I work as a maid for Aryan."

"Why do you work as a maid?" I asked her.

"Maid is just a disguise, our original purpose is working together against royalty and performing heists to damage the royal army's economical stability." she replied.

"Well, miss Aoi. Take him to his room." Aryan said. Aoi told me and Aryan to follow him and I went to my room on the first floor. There were already a bed, a cupboard and a television for my normal life.

"Akane, recover your bank account and I will bring you a set of casual and daily wear clothes." Aryan said and left. I gave the money for my rent and I had about a thousand athrixes left as my rent was two thousand athrixes. Aoi had given me the JOULES communication device and wentout of the room.