
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Livros e literatura
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161 Chs

Tremors 1


I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles. Hope you share your feedback with me.



"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" is being used.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 21


Ted and Andromeda were talking about something when in a loud pop, Harry and a bruised Tonks appeared in front of them, making the couple jump in fear.

"Nymphadora, Harry!" Andromeda said in shock, seeing their bruised and tattered state.

"What happened?" Ted asked in a hurry as he brought the first aid kit and started checking for any injuries that needed immediate treatment.

"We got ambushed."

"Don't know who they are, but they are good. Totally 7 people including the leader." Tonks reported.

"Explain, now!" Andromeda said in a stern tone and Harry and Tonks looked at each other and started explaining. Though they are bruised, they are not life-threatening.

"So while they were scared of Harry's wrath, we escaped." Tonks ended with a satisfied smile.

"This is bad. I didn't know you have a target on your back, Harry." Ted said in a worried tone.

"It's fine. They can't do shit even if they want to like in this incident. I have my trusted bodyguard after all." Harry said, patting Tonks on her head.

"Hmmm. Yes, yes. Write that to my boss." She said proudly and Harry nodded with a happy smile. As if summoned, an owl made its way towards Tonks.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." She said, allowing the barny owl to land on her hand and taking the letter that was tied to its leg. Harry gave it owl treats and with a happy hoot.


Junior Auror Tonks.

We are writing this to ask you about the 'Earthquake' incident in Birmingham. Hope Heir Potter is doing well.

A few hours, a group of wizards attacked Birmingham and destroyed most of the city centre's property.

Most of our Obliviaters are on the task of clearing their memories and covering up. While doing one such task, one of the muggles pointed out they saw a young couple walking nearby and their descriptions match yours.

So can you elaborate if you have any part in this and if you have, explain what happened, NOW!

Hope you are doing well, Heir Potter.

Good Day,

Madam Bones,



"It's more like she knew we were there." Harry joked and Tonks agreed.

"So that's what they are calling it now? The 'Earthquake' incident?" Andromeda said and everyone nodded.

"I want to know who comes with all these weird names in the ministry. If possible, give them a piece of my brain." Harry sighed and Tonks started explaining what happened on the parchment.

It took her an hour to explain everything to Harry's satisfaction as he chose to remove certain facts from the report for the sake of the Childcare centre's safety.

Ted and Andromeda also skimmed it to make sure anything doesn't appear as Tonks's fault and the DMLE simply can't blame her for the incident and get rid of it. He knew how Ministry works too well to not do it.

After intense scrutiny and approval, Tonks sent the letter through one of the same owl who patiently waited for them to finish, eating the owl treats Harry is giving it.

After that, both of them collapsed, exhaustion and the strain they put on their bodies catching up to them. They didn't go to their rooms and made the lobby their makeshift bedroom.

"They look serene even after such an encounter," Andromeda said and Ted nodded.

The couple didn't find even a trace of worry or fear in the duo even after facing half a dozen grown men in combat. He can only assume what makes them happy though.

"The Children are too sweet for Harry to be worried about. Such nice children and I didn't expect that old coot to send a letter to Harry. It's very bold of him." She said as Harry explained about the letter from Lord Greengrass.

"Should Harry meet him though?" Andromeda asked and Ted went into a thinking pose.

"I don't see why not. But let's weigh all pros and cons to be clear about the agenda of the meeting." Ted said and Andromeda agreed. They soon went to sleep, leaving the couch sleepers there, so as not to disturb them.

DMLE Office

"What! Harry Potter was attacked, again!?" Madam Bones said in surprise. She is a stoic woman to say such things, however, everything happening is breaking her stoic mask.

They wrote the letter to verify if the claim of a muggle was true. But didn't expect the Potter boy to be in the middle of this.

"Give me her reply." She demanded and Shacklebolt gave it. She read through the paragraphs line by line, not wanting to miss anything and after reading, gave a sigh of relief.

"They somehow managed to escape this. I didn't expect such proficiency and tact from them. So 6 unidentical Wizards and their leader." She concluded and Shacklebolt nodded.

"Go through all the international port-key records and check if such a large group arrived here and when. Send some hit wizards for a look-out for them. And, don't inform this to the Minister. He is causing enough ruckus already and we don't want him accidentally spilling this to the public." She ordered and Shacklebolt sprang into action.

'Damn it, Potter. Why would you always attract trouble to you? But it's a great feat to defend against 7 people at once. What are you hiding from us?'

To stand against 7 fully grown wizards is not easy. Potter must have some skill and Tonks' part in this is greatly exaggerated to make him look weak.' Shacklebolt concluded.

Working as an Auror for many years, he knew how things work and where to look to find the answers. As soon as he read the letter, he knew some things are hidden and some are bloated.

But he is satisfied with the given information as they already concluded it. If only the Minster knows this, he will make a big spectacle. He smiled to himself.

He knows the self-centred man does anything to keep his post as the Minister and will undoubtedly make this more chaotic than it is needed. That's the reason why Madam Bones doesn't want the man in the know.

He made his way to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes to discuss. He also had to inform him.