
58. Chapter 58

"Dr. Sloan, you're still here?" Dr. Martin snidely asked Mark as he made his way up to the recovery wing nurses station. Mark rolled his eyes and bit back the rudeness he was about to lay on her for that comment.

"Of course, Dr. Martin. I was brought out all the way out here by the chief and the board to do a risky rare procedure. I intend to complete that job fully and see this patient through recovery." Mark zinged, he wasn't rude but he let it known that he was by far superior in his tone and words.

"Mark.." She started off before Mark raised his hand up to indicate for her to stop.

"It's Dr. Sloan. I am a guest attending here for the week. That is all. We are two people in the same profession, except I'm just better. I don't want to talk about Chicago. In fact, I'd rather not think about it either." Mark huffed out before turning to leave the area.

"Does Dr. Montgomery know?" She blurted out, causing Mark to come to a full stop in his hasty departure. He turned to look at her with narrowing eyes, breathing slowly and counting to ten in his head to calm down just like Mama Shepherd taught him before opening his mouth.

"There's nothing for her to know, however if you mean, if I told her about you. Then yes, she does know. We don't have secrets. Sooner or later she'll be up here to visit with the Dr. Shepherds, feel free to ask her yourself. If she doesn't tear you apart first." He smirked.

Dr. Martin looked on at Mark in shock, she wasn't expecting that. She wasn't expecting him to have told people especially his girlfriend who had a lot of prestige in the medical community.

"Who else knows?" She questioned him wondering if her colleagues here at Seattle Grace, the ones who were part of Marks family knew their history.

"That's none of your business; I never signed a gag order. I had nothing to hide. However, if what you're really wondering is if my brother and sister-in-law know the real deal about you? Then of course they do." He said as she turned white as a ghost, she wondered how much they knew. Mark's brother was in line to be the new chief of surgery. Everyone knew he had the job signed sealed and delivered when the chief chooses to resign and now she's got strikes against her already. Mark continued on watching her lack of words during her inner battle.

"Here's a parting tidbit. Don't worry, they don't care about you," he smugly said. "They're private people here to work. Work and home, family life is separate to them. You come to them as doctors and they'll treat you as you deserve, professionally. Now, I have a patient to check on. Dr. Martin." He nodded as he walked away, his smug smile still in tact.