
32. Chapter 32

"No, he's my brother-in-law." Meredith replied with a full voice with a nod and smirk.

Meredith knew she shouldn't have said that and she knew she shouldn't be enjoying the look on Izzy's face right now, but she was. It was taking all her strength not to burst out laughing. She had made her mouth into this fine line trying to hold it in, but Derek always said her eyes gave away her laughter. He was the only one who could read her like that, so she was safe from Izzy and Dr. Martin really knowing how amused she was.

"Mark is your brother-in-law?" Dr. Martin asked in shock, Meredith and her both were taken back at her use of first name personal basis and not the official 'Dr.Sloan' moniker. The fact she used his first name, confirmed to Meredith that something happened in Chicago that was beyond professional.

"I mean Dr. Mark Sloan." She corrected herself trying to hide her initial reaction.

"Mmm hhhm." Was all Meredith could get out, if she spoke she would start laughing because that look was still on Izzy's face. Meredith turned to face just Dr. Martin and nodded her head affirmative.

"Dr. Martin, how are the tests coming along?" The Chief asked as he strolled up to the group to check on things. He needed to know how this was going to be handled because his plastics team could not afford a lawsuit or bad PR right now, they couldn't mess a case this big up.

The Chief addressed Dr.Martin while glancing to Izzy and Meredith to nod a hello. The Chief sized them up thinking Izzy looked a gasp over something and Meredith looked odd, like she was biting her tongue.

"You okay, Dr. Shepherd?" he asked. Meredith looked at him and just smiled while nodding her head affirmative again.

"We have differing opinions sir." Dr. Martin started off, she glanced towards Izzy." Dr. Stevens and I agree that this patient should get the best care this hospital can provide and that's by me going in and doing a bone recovery." She then glanced towards Meredith, "However, Dr. Shepherd here disagrees and thinks that this case requires a full bone structure reconstructive surgery. She thinks that we even need to call in Dr. Mark Sloan in to perform it." She said in a tone that signified she didn't agree with Meredith and she did not want Mark anywhere near Seattle Grace.

"Scans and blood work." Was all the Chief said in response, putting on his glasses and holding his hand out. Signifying he wanted the papers and scans. Dr. Martin handed him the bundle in the chart and the Chief. He took the scans and placed them up on the x-ray light board. Not saying a word, just studying the scans. He took them down, and put up another set of scans. With his back still to the other 3 doctors surrounding him, the Chief finally spoke. "How long until we need to speak to the family regarding options?" he asked still facing the scans.

"I told them we'd go over options this afternoon, after all the results were analyzed" Dr. Martin stated to his back.

"Dr. Shepherd, is Dr. Sloan still in Private Practice working out of the same flag ship offices of Mt. Sinai?" he asked, standing more stiffly. Dr. Martin and Izzy both straightened their posture to this question themselves.

"Yes, Chief." Meredith confirmed, finally being able to communicate with words again.

"Then it looks like, I have a call to make." He stated as he finally turned around.

"Chief…" Dr. Martin started off before the Chief raised his hand up to make her stop. "I know you disagree, and it's very possible Dr. Sloan won't be available to take this case and you would then do the recovery surgery. However, considering this young man's age and the amount of damage. We need to at least ask and see if Dr. Sloan is willing to take this patient on as a reconstructive case. We owe it to the patient to at least try. So when you go into that meeting with his family this afternoon, you can truthfully say you explored all the options and not just settled on the easy one. I'll page the three of you after I've spoken to Dr. Sloan."

And with that he turned and left the area to go to his office to figure out how he was going to entice the best Plastic Surgeon in the country to fly all the way out here to do just one surgery, he's done countless times.

Dr. Martin just looked at Meredith with a bit of disbelief, apprehension and uncertainty all rolled into one then she turned and left. Meredith not wanting to stick around with Izzy took off towards Derek's office castle to hide out and tell him Mark could be coming.

Leaving a once again speechless Izzy in the aftermath standing there.