
22. Chapter 22

There's been some board issues. Chapters disappearing and reappearing and no email updates and stuff. I'm going to try to post this update hopefully it works. :)

"More like knock down the attending."

"What did you do?"

"Me? Nothing, nothing at all."

"Uh huh, that's why you're all here with this self congratulatory look on your face?"

"Hmm well Dr. Burke questioned my ability to do charts while as he put it was stargazing at my husband. So I merely suggested to Dr. Burke that if he had an issue that he take it up with the Chief who was stargazing right next to me. "

"Is that so?" Derek responded in a stiffer tone, at the mention of Dr. Burke questioning anything about Meredith's ability to be a doctor he became irate but Meredith was so proud of herself for putting him in his place he just had to calm himself down.

"It is and to my surprise, he didn't take that all that well and now I'm without an attending for the rest of the day." Meredith continued.

"To your surprise?" he laughed finally relaxing and realizing she could handle this ass of an attending all on her own. In fact, Derek pitied him for underestimating his loyal wife.

"Imagine that." She said with her eyes twinkling at her own accomplishments.

"Well, since you are without a service for the rest of the day. I would not mind a second pair of hands, especially since you are the best intern around."

"Flattery will get you everywhere. But I need to take it up with Dr. Bailey, no special treatment remember." She told him earnestly.

He looked her up and down with a very obvious hint of dirty thoughts in his before responding with "oh, I remember alright." Her eyes got wide at his recollection of them earlier in his office and Dr. Bailey along with Dr. O'Malley chose that point to descend upon them. George just slid away in the background kind of hiding behind Dr. Bailey while staring longingly at Meredith. An action that once again not go unnoticed by her husband.

"Is there a reason you're here with the Head of Neuro and not with the Head of Cardio, I assigned to you Dr. Shepherd?" she asked addressing Meredith only.

"Yes, Dr.Bailey. Dr. Burke told me that he didn't need an intern for the rest of the day and that I should report back to you for another service."

"I was just telling her that I could use an extra pair of hands, since she's available." Derek jumped in. Meredith took that opportunity to give her husband who she knew meant well an evil glare that meant shut up. She had to deal with Dr. Bailey on her own and she couldn't have Derek saving her.

"You may be my boss Dr. Shepherd and she may be your boss at home. However, she's my intern and I'm her boss right now. I make the schedules for the interns and why is it that Dr. Burke didn't need an intern when I knew he has surgery this afternoon?"

"You'd have to ask Dr. Burke that question Dr. Bailey. I'm just reporting what he told me to tell you." Dr. Bailey sized her up and knew that there was more than she was letting on but she let it go for now. George's eyes got wide at Meredith's reply to Dr. Bailey, thinking he'd never have the nerve to respond like that to his resident.

"Fine, you're with Dr. Shepherd for the rest of the day. Since he is here asking for you." Both of them got smiles on their faces instantly before dropping them when Bailey scowled.

George eyes once again got wide at Dr. Bailey now just giving Meredith to her stupid husband for the rest of the day. She got to work with him 2 days in a row, he knew that Izzy would not like the new addition to her day with Shepherd and the other interns will be pissed Meredith got 2 days straight Neuro rotation. This was so not going to go over well.