
Episode 2


Nina: Are you okay, Charlotte? You look so pale and sleep-deprived.

Charlotte: phewww! This is not even me. It's just a left over of last night's dinner.

Nina: I see! So who had you for dinner last night?

Charlotte: my marriage was this close to packing up last night! This close!

Nina: did you have a fight?

Charlotte: a fight would have been better. I told you stupid Jaykob wouldn't stop ringing and texting me, right?

Nina: yea? What happened?

Charlotte: Deric read some of his messages and went absolutely bunkers! He accused me of infidelity and every thing else known to man! We argued until about 3am this morning. Really heated argument. Nina, I just wanna go somewhere nice and quiet and be alone! I'm so fed up of it all. I really am!

Nina: did he get physical?

Charlotte: nah, Deric would never raise a finger on me.

Nina: you should have explained to him that Jaykob is only a hopeless stalker

Charlotte: I tried but he saw a message he sent to me about the cinema we went together

Nina: oh blimey! You couldn't put up any convincing defence to that, could you.

Charlotte: none. I was just blabbing and you know Deric is very smart. Anyway, who left these on my desk?

Nina: it's a memo for board meeting this afternoon. Apparently, we will be officially introduced to the new manager.

Charlotte: have you seen him at all.

Nina: not sure, but I saw a white man sitting in the manager's office. It could be him.

Charlotte: Jaykob should know. I'll text him and find o..

Mr Adrian: sorry ladies to interrupt. Is any of you Charlotte?

Charlotte: I am. How may I help?

Mr Adrian: forgive my manners! My name is Adrian and I am the new manager. I will be officially meeting all the staff this afternoon. But before then, I need you to do something for me, if you would.

Charlotte: sure.

Mr Adrian: I've just noticed some unpaid bills and I need you to write cheques payable to the companies I've written down here. I've also included the amounts due to each company . When you are done, please bring the cheques to my office, thanks.

Charlotte: alright. You'll have it in half an hour

Mr Adrian: perfect! Thanks (walks back to his office)

Nina: hmmmm! Looks like things are about to take a new turn

Charlotte: he seems hands on! Anyway, I better get on with it.

(Before half an hour, Charlotte finished the cheques and took them to Mr Adrian. After about 7 minutes, she got a call from Adrian asking her to come to his office immediately. So she went)

Charlotte: you sent for me, Mr Adrian?

Mr Adrian: I did. Have a seat.

Charlotte: (sits down) thanks.

Mr Adrian: how long have you been working here?

Charlotte: a little over 4 years

Mr Adrian: have you received any formal warning at all?

Charlotte: no, sir.

Mr Adrian: unfortunately, you will be getting one today.

Charlotte: why is that?

Mr Adrian: you've just made a mistake that's capable of causing this company a huge loss. I clearly wrote down the amount of money due to each company.

But from what I have right in front of me, you have made the sum of 1.5 million naira payable to Extext&Co. That is the amount due to Tiletides PLC. Down here, you have made the sum of 2000 naira payable to Clearglass instead of 2 million naira.

You see, these errors may look minor but think about what would have happened if I had asked you to post these cheques. We would have been in a mess.

Charlotte: I…I am really sorry, sir. It's just not my best day today.

Mr Adrian: it takes only one bad day to do a permanent damage to a business

Charlotte: I have been having lots of problems in my marriage, sir. I promise this will never happen again.

Mr Adrian: I'll give you some days off to sort thing out. Take one week.

Charlotte: sir, I am better off coming to work. I don't need the break. Please?

Mr Adrian: go back to your desk. You are pardoned. Take care.

Charlotte: thank you, sir.

(Charlotte got home at 9pm and met Deric watching the TV but the light was off.)

Deric: how was your day.

Charlotte: good. Why are you in the dark? (Tries to switch on the light)

Deric: the bulb died

Charlotte: why haven't you replaced it?

Deric: we have no spare

Charlotte: phew! Well, I need a new bulb because I will be working online tonight. Here is two thousand naira, get a bulb with it please. If you can be really fast, that will be great.

Deric: can I have the car keys?

Charlotte: you mean you need a car to go the the corner shop, come on! You actually need the exercise as you are beginning to put on weight

Deric: Well, if I am going to walk, you will not have the bulb as quickly as you asked.

Charlotte: there's not enough petrol in the car. I'm not letting you waste it. So I can wait!

(Deric was walking to the shop when he heard a female voice call his name. He turned around and saw a lady in a sports outfit running after him)

Chioma: Deric!!! Do you remember me!

Deric: I don't mean to be rude, but I don't remember you.

Chioma: did you study at Kings College London?

Deric: I did. Wait a minute, are you Chioma!

Chioma: yes, I am!

Deric: you are joking! Oh my God! Chioma! What are you doing here!

Chioma: you have changed! Look at you! We just moved in last week. We live at number 40

Deric: this is amazing! We live at number 38!

Chioma: wow! You must be married now.

Deric: I am. Tell me you are!

Chioma: with two kids. Hehehe.

Deric: You???

Chioma: yea! yea! My youngest is only 5 months. As you can see, I'm trying to lose my baby weight. I was just coming back from jogging when I saw you! What a small world!

Deric: unbelievable! My uni crush!

Chioma: hahahaha!

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