
Brian's Love story

Brian meets Beatrix in a dark place and brings her into the light and interest grew as they got to know one another. Soon enough, Beatrix and Brain love grew but they experience a lot of challenges: love rivals and contrasting personalities, would the two of the overcome and be together or would their differences seperate them?

Daoist36PEhH · Urbano
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3 Chs

chapter two

falling from a twenty story building

Its been 4 years, 4 years since Tessa got married with Fred. My life as a college undergraduate has not exactly been smooth but I am grateful that I didn't wither and I waxed strong to become a marine biologist.

The marine wildlife and its plethora of organisms, were really the most fascinating biological system to learn. I love the marine world and that is why I choose to dive into that field of study. Finally I could work officially as a biologist.

Back in the days, when Tessa and I were still children: She would take me to the public water zoo to see the plants and the animals. There was something about the way the fishes moved in the water, gracefully and freely, like birds in the water. Marvelous!

Of course, ocean diving was one of the most , cumbersome things to deal with during our practice sessions in school, but I am glad I overcame and I was graduating. 

To me, it was to good to be true. 

I decided to look extra fancy today, I put on a classic black tuxedo with a black bow tie to complement the look. I stood in front of my mirror, smiled, did some side lunges left and right to check if my trousers were loose enough so I could smash some killer moves on the dance floor, I used my hands to ruffle my bangs. I wasn't going to put up with the calm guy look today, I was gonna show my close friends on campus an entirely new me!

I sprayed my cologne on my suit and I raised my legs up, close enough so I could look checked if my shoes were polished properly, I closed my door as the rusty door hinge bid me goodbye with a:


I arrived at the graduation centre,everyone could not stop smiling and grinning. Their mouths didn't stop showing their up and down pairs of front teeth. The whole place was lit and the decorations were hella good for sure. The centre was as massive as 'the big house' stadium in India. This feeling of feeling to small in a massive event centre gripped me immediately. What amused me the most was the fact , the stadium was that big, till the point where: Some nifty freelancers (motorcyclist), saw it as an opportunity to make money. They offered services to people who wanted to move from a point in the event centre to another. From a food stand to the selfie walls for graduates

 People paid money! Like real money?!?!?. Well I didn't have a lot of friends on campus, so there was no need for me to walk (drive in a motorcycle) all around the whole stadium. 

The vibes made me feel upbeat, there was laughter and giggles everywhere. I sat at a bar chair in the bar section, at a corner. I was absorbing the energy first before joining the dance floor.

A beautiful lad, passed me by, she was looking so elegant with her high split green gown that swept the carpet grass. It sparkled with each angle she moved, her tiny pointed nose was held up high, her feet landed temperately. Like she didn't want the pointed heels she wore to touch the ground at all She called out to an opportunists ( a motorcyclists) and he came around. I managed to hear their dialogue through all the music, they said:

" Hey apple, wanna go somewhere"

"Uuhhh…yeah, I want to reach that very end, where those group of girls are" she pointed to the area almost tiptoeing. I don't see why that gesture was important really.Was she stretchy,trying to stretch to the her destination?

"As you can see, I am beautifully dressed, and I spent a lot of money on what I am wearing.i bought all this at an expensive price but I would pay less for the service you are about to render" she said as she moved her tiny nose as she spoke, 

"Also, I am low on cash so I have to give you some other kind of payment for the service, a payment you would enjoy more than money." She gave him a knowing glare, I laughed once I heard that, whoa! 

My entertainment for the moment, entered the motorcycle after negotiation with the price. My interest dampened and I turned to the bar steward to ask him for the best drink he could offer at an affordable price. 

Then I heard a loud sound,

"Thud!!!!" I turned my back and it was the lady. She had fallen. I laughed because, the first thing that came to my mind was pride goes before a fall.

The bar steward said the same thing out loud, I turned back and stared into the man's eyes for a few seconds, he returned a quizzical look to my sudden gesture and I shoke my head down while laughing, wow!!

The girl was helped by people around, fortunately there wasn't any major injuries, just a few bruises here and there. The bungler motorcyclist, just stayed on the ground that he fell. Out of embarrassment maybe. Or maybe he played dead, so the girl doesn't actually kill him for his incompetence.

The drama I had experienced in the main hall was enough, I decided to head up to the top floor where I could breath.

The elevator was in use so I decided to take the stairs, an average person would avoid. I took the staircase, slowly, step by step I counted my steps.

450, 451, 452…I climbed and counted.

When I felt like all I could see the end of this molehill. 

453, 454,455, 458..i skipped a step of the staircase testing the limit of my thighs. When I felt like I had finished climbing this mole hill.


It came to an end. I was on the top of the building.

Wow the view(nightsky) was , inexplicable, it felt like I was in a Japanese animation, I stared into the night sky, the stars twinkled at different periods of time. As I was staring, a shooting star appeared and disappeared , fleetingly. 

I brought my head down and I spotted a lady at the corner. I was at her back and I couldn't see her front view.But from what I saw,She had a slender petite figure . Her hair was brown in color with pink touches at the edge, this hair had volume and it fell back wavily. It reached the middle in between her shoulder and her hips. Each curl looked like noodle strands and the wind took it for a dance, the hair went with the beat of the wind.

 The dress she wore had displayed her voluptuous figure , naughtily, I wanted to know if her front was endowed too.

 I moved forwward to a point where I could see her face, I was so curious about this girl. Why?

 I was attracted for reasons I could not explain. When I saw the side view of her body, my legs that already felt weak from climbing those stairs, became weaker. 

Her facial features were exotic. She had a fair skin tone .Her nose was so uptured and it looked like a bean, her almond shaped dark blue eyes were something that appeased my sense of sight, her winged lashes were so beautiful, it could sweep me of my feet.I could have sworn that I saw a glint in her eyes as I stared. Her lips were small but still looked surplus. Her cheekbones were rosy! And yes! The endowment, full and round, I looked down at this model I saw in front of me, from head to toe, she didn't even wear makeup but here I was so amazed by all her features. If I wasn't being silly, her body should be added to the wonders of the world.

I was so focused on this features that I forgot that her aura was giving of a sad one. I took a good look at her eyes and it started dripping tears, she looked up into the sky, closed her eyes and the tears overflowed. I wonderedwhat made her feel so sad. But I didn't want her to, I wondered if there was anyway to share her pain.

I was a stranger and she might see me as a guy with bad intentions approaching her all of a sudden, I decided to keep my distance.

She cleaned of her tears hurriedly like she saw a person coming and then she hurried to climb the air conditioner and stood at the roof pavement. That is when I had to stop day dreaming because I could foresee what was about to happen, My reflexes were as fast as lighthning. 

And I held her hand.

"Don't, don't do that."

The girl looked down at me, her gaze felt dead. It was empty, she looked like she had lost her soul, I don't know why she was crying but trying to kill herself is too extreme and I wasn't going to stand and watch. I mean: who would?

" leave me alone" she spoke to me but it sounded like a whisper.

I didn't listen to her and I still held her hand .She looked at my face again, she looked surprised, she stared but after a few seconds, she turned her face and thrust her feet to the edge of the building .The building was about twenty stories high, what was wrong with this lad!? She thrust her feet a second time and my legs that were weakened from climbing the stairs lost balance a little, what ?!?! ?

Was I going to die while saving this lady?

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