
Breaking the Marriage Law [2]

Yin Yue jumped in her chair when the chef editor threw the documents on her desk, nearly missing the cup with coffee as Yin Yue grabbed it. It would be a disaster if it spilled and she was quite sure that was precisely what her chef wanted.

Zhi Ruo looked at her with hatred, before leaning closer and poking her shoulder with her finger.

"Listen, Yin Yue. You must finish it all today. Don't you dare leave before you do," she said, looking at the pilling documents.

"What?! That's too much! Just reading it will take hours, not to mention revising! I need two days! At least two days!" Yin Yue protested, hoping that even if chef editor won't be moved by her words, someone else will.

Sadly, right after her marriage, people in the publishing house started giving her the cold shoulder. They thought she simply married because of money.

Well, technically she did. But not in the way they thought.

Li Qiang was the CEO of one of the biggest, if not the biggest one, companies of entertainment industry. 'Moonlight' managed actors who had even successed abroad, so of course he was rich.

At times like this Yin Yue hated him even more. She wasn't welcomed in her company from the start and now the situation only got worse.

"You think that now, when you've married well, you can make orders? If you don't finish it, you'll be fired," Zhi Ruo said mercilessly, and then snorted in amusement. "Well, it's not like you need the job. Be pretty at your husband's house. After all, all you can offer him is your body." Her words where sharp as knifes and Yin Yue looked down at her hands.

She took a deep breath before gazing at Zhi Ruo again, trying her best to control her anger.

"Fine. I'll do it," she almost spat these words and the red haired woman turned her back on her and left, clearly displeased.

I'm so happy more and more people is reading this, I'll do my best to not disappoint you all! :*

KagamiNeecreators' thoughts
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