
Chapter 18- A Special Rock

Wang Wei was standing in front of a beast as still as he could. The beast had a red eye and a thick black mane.

Suddenly, just like the last time, the Red-Eyed Lion knelt before Wang Wei and lowered his head to the ground.

"This confirms it!" he thought.

Knowing that the Red-Eyed Lion was not going to harm him, Wang Wei took a deep breath and put his hand in his shirt, taking off the pendant.

When the Red-Eyed Lion saw the pendant, his eyes showed a deep fear and it was even possible to see his paws shaking. His eyes were distilled and a pale white seemed to come forth on his face.

Trembling slightly, Wang Wei stepped forward.

The Red-Eyed Lion started shaking, but not moving and only looked down, not daring to look up.

Wang Wei, with trembling hands, patted the Red-Eyed Lion on the head, causing the later to shudder. It then looked up and saw Wang Wei very close to it, looking straight into his eyes.

"Do you recognize this?" Wang Wei asked while showing his pendant.

The Red-Eyed Lion only lifted its head, however, the rest of its body remained low. Then, the beast closed the right eye, only leaving the red eye open.

Wang Wei seemed to understand what the Red-Eyed Lion was trying to convey, as he suddenly stabbed the red eye with his dagger pendant.

Loud roars filled the cave, with even the echoes having echoes.

The no longer Red-Eyed Lion continued his roars of pain for a while, and the longer this happened for, the worse Wang Wei felt for causing it. He just stood there, in front of the beast, and a bloody pendant in his right hand.

Eventually, the roars subsided and everything became calm once again. The Red-Eyed Lion had reopened his right eye, while his left was closed with small streaks of blood underneath. Surprisingly, no anger, no hatred no resentment could be found on the lions face. It was almost as if, it didn't dare go against the wishes of its master.

Wang Wei just stood there, stunned at the fact that the Red-Eyed Lion didn't actually attack him even after that painful experience.

However, the Red-Eyed Lion only went back to its previous stance of kneeling before Wang Wei. At this point, guilt started to surface and tears started to creep in Wang Wei's eyes. He was never one that liked to cause mischief or find joy in the misery of others. The only reason that the idea of hurting the beast popped into his head was only because of his Father's words.

It was completely silent in the cave except for the soft breathing sounds and drops of blood dripping to the floor from the pendant.

Wang Wei decided to walk closer to the lion, as during the roars he backed away in fear, and he touched the lion's mane that was now stained with red.

The Red-Eyed lion did not resist his touch, but he also didn't move and just remained kneeling.

"What are you doing still kneeling? Get up already..." Wang Wei says softly. The beast then lifted its head and looked strangely at Wang Wei.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you but I need to know if my family is safe and I believe that you could help me find them."

After Wang Wei's words, the Red-Eyed Lion got up from the ground and changed his look to one of loyalty.

While it felt odd talking to the beast, Wang Wei felt that it could understand the language of humans, which most beasts can't do. It was simply a tall tale if he wanted the Red-Eyed Lion to talk back to him, however, it was not at all unrealistic to have a mutual understanding.

The Red-Eyed Lion walked towards the end of his cave and finally stopped at a rock.

The rock seemed ordinary, but the Red-Eyed Lion would growl softly whenever Wang Wei would walk away. Even though Wang Wei touched the rock and looked closely, nothing stood out.

Seeming to understand the problem, the Red-Eyed Lion softly bit Wang Wei's right sleeve and lifted it.

Wang Wei was confused and even slightly scared, "Huh? Hey! What are you-"

Before he could finish, the blood coming off of the pendant fell on the rock, and something strange happened.

The rock that seemed so ordinary, was now giving off a soft red glow. This soft red glow was not the type that would force one to cover their eyes, but one that attracts attention and never lets eyes off it. Wang Wei was enchanted and soon later discovered that the red glow was actually very similar to the one that the eye of the Red-Eyed Lion gave of.

Wang Wei looked at his pendant that was still in his hand. By now, the blood dried and became a stain on the blade of the miniature dagger.

"The blood of the Red-Eyed Lion's eye seemed to have been the trigger for the activation. If that is the case, just what is my pendant for?"

"Another thing I just can't figure out is who my grandfather is. Just how powerful could he be in order to set this up? Who knows, he might have even surpassed the Mortal realm! I have to meet him!" Wang Wei said resolutely.

A formation appeared on the top of the rock. It was very complex and glowed the same red as the rock, only much brighter. Soon later, the light coming from the formation became so bright that everything in the cave was encompassed by it. When the light touched Wang Wei, he felt no fear. In fact, when he became surrounded in that red light he actually closed his eyes to block off one of his senses in order the feel the light around him better. The light had a sense of familiarity that caused Wang Wei to want to be in the light. Unfortunately, this feeling only lasted for a while as when Wang Wei opened his eyes, he was no longer in the cave. Instead, he was in a house, much bigger than his own, with the Red-Eyed Lion right beside him. The house was extremely fancy, almost to the level of Heaven's Call, causing Wang Wei to feel odd. The Red-Eyed Lion, however, did not feel that way at all and even seemed to be happy when he looked around the house. He walked towards a simplistic looking door and scratched at it with his claws. Wang Wei quickly followed the beast and stared at the door to see if anything strange would happen. Then, it slowly opened, showing a middle age man.

"Who are you?" He asked. "I am not expecting a visitor for another two years."

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