
Chapter 13- Start

It was time. The family competition was going to start the very next day and Wang Wei was going to participate. Compared to six months ago, he was much stronger and his decision making improved. The final month of training was less physical training and more mental. Every day, Wang Wei would spar with Wang Jian and try to win. While Wang Wei had a higher cultivation base, he lost every time. The main reason being that he didn't know how to deal with certain situations in a fight and would hesitate, which usually means death in an actual duel.

Eventually, Wang Wei started to last longer in the spar with Wang Jian and hesitate less and less until the point where if he focused he could see flaws in Wang Jian's movements. In truth, Wang Jian showed those flaws intentionally in order to get Wang Wei to notice but as time went on, he started to slowly hide them yet Wang Wei could still see them.

Another reason that Wang Wei could never defeat Wang Jian was his speed. The second form of the Wind Breaker's Fist: Breeze Step. It enabled Wang Jian to move much faster and give an illusion of stepping on the wind. Of course, it was just an illusion as not even Wang Wei's grandfather, the creator, could do that. With this training method, it is only natural that his fighting skills improved by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, Wang Wei still was not one hundred percent confident in being able to get first place. That fight with Wang Fu changed everything and Wang Wei would be sure to not make the same mistake ever again.

Wang Wei woke up in a great mood. Today was the start of a competition that could very well change his life! He quickly got ready and socialized with his family for a little longer.

"Wei-er, while winning is definitely important, nothing is more important than your safety. If there is an opponent that you cannot defeat, it is not shameful to lose. As a matter of fact, it might even be useful and help improve you," Wang Jian said. Wang Wei nodded and continued to participate in conversations with his family, especially with Wang Li. She was so worried, and it was understandable since no close sibling wants the other to get injured. Wang Wei spent no little time comforting her, however, he himself was also slightly worried.

Eventually, the time to depart for the competition came and Wang Wei left with Wang Jian. Xie Mei and Wang Li were going to the audience and could not enter the waiting room for fighters. Wang Jian went to show Wang Wei the location while giving him tips on socializing with others and how to deal with certain 'unfavorable' conversations. Wang Wei listened to everything carefully and felt like many new doors were opened to him in the art of speaking.

"Wei-er, only competitors are allowed to go any further. Please remember all that I taught you and if you are unable to win, there is no shame in quitting," Wang Jian said, almost begging. "You are my pride and I will always want the best for you. With your talent, it won't be long till you are the one protecting me."

"Father please do not worry. I know what this competition means to you and all of our Wang Family, but if I truly cannot win then I will give up. However, I will not quit unless I absolutely tried my hardest," Wang Wei said resolutely. With that, he walked in and the sight he saw was enough to make him take a breath in.

The waiting room was filled with men and not the nice, handsome kind. At least 40% of the men there were overweight but young. When Wang Wei walked in, they all noticed and didn't even spare him another look. Except for about six people, Wang Wang didn't know anyone because while they were all part of the Wang Family, it did not mean that they were close to one another. Out of the six Wang Wei knew, four were on his bad side while the other two were neutral. That meant that in this competition, he would not have to worry about wounding a friend. Wang Wei smiled after getting used to the sight of all these competitors. He chose to quickly not count the people in the room and members of his family but as enemies blocking his path. Wang Wei firmly believed that fighting them would be easier if he did that.

Later, Wang Wei and everyone else was called to exit the room and enter the fighting ring. Soon, an announcement was heard by both the audience and participants.

"Members of the Wang Family, we will now begin the annual competition. For those that do not know the rules, let me explain. The rules are simple, the audience cannot interfere in the slightest and absolutely no killing! Besides that, almost everything goes. This competition will consist of 3 stages. The Preliminaries, Forest Race, and Dueling Ring. In the Prliminaries, all of the competitors will fight each other at the same, on the same ring until half of the participants are no longer able to fight. The Forest Race is a test of speed and luck where they will need to find certain items that were scattered around the forest. In the Dueling Ring, the remaining participants will face off in a one-vs-one duel, until only one person remains." the grand elder explained. "That one person will have the greatest chance to become the successor of the Wang Family!"

Roars of cheering sounded and the competitors all had their desire of victory lit.

The grand elder continued, "During this competition, I will maintain fairness and justice. That means that if there is a grudge, settle it outside of the competition as any grouping up is prohibited. This is a test about the strength of one's self not allies."

Hearing this, Wang Wei was slightly happy since he knew that Wang Fu and his goons were very likely to attack him. However, he was also slightly disappointed since he also wanted to settle the debt he had with Wang Fu. In the end, Wang Wei decided that this rule was a good thing for him and that he should forget everything else in order to solely focus on becoming the champion.

The grand elder put is hand in the air.

All competitors got ready and the audience tensed.

"Start!" the grand elder shouted as he put his arm down.

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