3 She felt insecure

At that very moment someone screamed stop and the cage that had started going up stopped and slowly came back down. Everyone were puzzled looking for where the sound came from to see Lisa. the Lisa, operating the machine.

"It's Lisa!" Someone gasped. "How?"

"There are two Lisas!" People were shocked at first looking from both people with wonder.

Lisa Knew she had stepped in it this time. How was she to get out of this? Linda was not here to save her ass again. she had already started saying her last prayer unsure of what is to come. But some part of her knew it was her fault, if she had fought a little harder, and insisted they listened to her she would not be in this position, maybe a little part o her was excited to be here. Maybe she wished to be Lisa for one day, maybe, just maybe, she wasn't so innocent.

"What is going on?" People were still baffled by the sight and were unsure what to do.

"Can you believe it?" One of the staff asked her friend, who replied her with "Seeing is believing... or deceiving."

"Who's the fraud." One asked looking between the two, the average one was obvious, but they were unsure of who to offend or who to suck up to.

"i give up!" some exclaimed.

"This is going to be the third time i am the last to find out about changes." A boy who just walked out of the toilet said, depressed. "Should i just quit?" He asks himself.

"Please do, i have a cousin who wants your job." An eager staff said excitedly expecting him to actually 'just quit'.

Silence a voice boomed from the back and Lisa's manager walked forward, guiding Lisa to the front. At this time, the three other girls walked around the cage, to the front were Lisa was chained. Rose and Jenny putting their arms on either side of Lisa imposing and intimidating aura as the trio stared down at her, while Jisoo grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Who are you?" Lisa finally asked. Only too meet silence.

She was not sure if she should answer, how she should answer or were to start from, so she licked her lips and attempted to answer but stopped herself. she did this for a while, with no knowledge that she looked like a fish named Bob.

"She is talking to you." Jisoo says rubbing her eyes. "Just answer, no one will kill you."


"What a fraud!"

"Can we take pictures?" People had already started commenting and gossiping, when the GO walked in.

"The fans are restless, why are you still standing around? what is going on? You all sh..." He Was trying to say, when his eyes landed on the identical girls. "Oh my..." To say he was startled would be an understatement. He was flabbergasted and point his finger between them. "Th... there are two Lisas." He says looking at everyone, as if telling them, to confirm if they could see it. And they all nodded once in unison.

"Why?"He continue to question the people but they all shrugged once.

Everyone was surprised but Lisa seemed awfully calm, with a thoughtful expression she simply said "Wait in the waiting room. Let us attend to the fans first.

The band of girls once again tied themselves to the cage and were ready for lift of, while one of the staff lead Lin Lisa to the black-pink dressing room.

Stepping in she could only swallow air as she gaped at her surrounding, she was unsure if she was allowed to touch anything and even questioned if she was worthy of sitting on the chair. Everything seemed so shiny and out of her league. She felt out of place even though she was wearing Lisa's clothes.

"Sit here." The boy with name tag Tin Tin, said with a nervous look on his face.

"Am i allowed to..." She said pointing to the shiny chair.

"uh..." The boy was suddenly nervous as uncertainty washed over his face. "I think... Well... I will confirm." He said before walking away, locking the door.

Now alone in the shiny room she felt very insecure.

At the shopping mall, Linda and Mae Ran had finished performing. Linda signed autographs but refused to take pictures claiming she would get in trouble with her agency if they new she was here.

They walked back to the cotton candy stand where they left Lisa, only... Lisa wasn't there.

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