
Boy with useless skills

I'm kinda new on this stuff so please don't judge me strictly. The kind boy named Tamashi Tsuyoi was 5 years old when the world beneath him started to shatter from dreams to reality. Why? Well the reason for this is pretty obvious. From the age of 5 people awaken there skills which are granted by gods they vary from rarity to power and the person himself. He and his childhood friend and best female friend Aria Mokuma were already 5 which means that they should awaken there abilities. Tamashi who was full of enthusiasm was first to awaken his skills and...he was disappointed...well they were trash in simple words. The society started to look down on him and even his friend.....she betrayed him. But! Do you all think that this shit will stop him from achieving his goal? NAY! Hardships would forge him to become more powerful than now! Lets follow the adventures of Tamashi and his friends in my new story! This story is harem story with cute and shy mc and lustful girls after his di- Author was slapped by holy bonk while you started to read this novel

Jumbo_Ignir · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Well well well I am here with a new chapter and I wanna say sry for the short chapter from before. From now on I will try to write at least 1000 of words but sometimes chapters might be short cuz...bruh I am not a robot. Anyway hello and....LETSU STARTO!!!

As we entered the Altar unfamiliar feeling started to cover my soul. I really don't know what exactly was it but it was enough to make me pale and sweat drop a little which didn't go through curiousity of Aria's eyes.

-Something the matter?

She curiously asked me while being concerned for my health. Really it was obvious that she would notice my state because really she is an elf and everyone knows that elves haw rather good sight but even so she would be blind or not even an elf she would still notice my state.

-N-No everything is ok! I am fine!

I just smiled to her trying my best to hide my feelings right now because I didn't wanted to be burden in her way. She believed me while we continued our way towards goddess's statue. The rest of our way was rather calm or rather strange. Everything around us was covered by grass and beautiful flowers which were making the place look like noble garden. Of course as we were kids we wouldn't care for things like "beauty" but we still were amazed by sight around us.

-I wonder is it ok to get some flowers back home?

-I think it is ok...but I am not sure...

Really I wasn't sure about this idea of my friend because this place was holy and I don't think that goddess would like someone to get her flowers.

-Maybe we should not get them...

-Hmm? But why?

I explained her the possibility of being scolded by elders of our village but would this girl listen? Hell nah! She gathered some flowers while I just face palmed but even so as long as she is happy it was enough for me.

-Look does it fit me?

She said showing the rose which she placed on her hair like an jewelry. It really was fitting to her hair colour. Those blond golden hairs and bloody red rose were fulfilling eachother. I unconsciously became red as tomato and stuttering like a mad man said.

-I-It l-looks p-p-perfect!

I was completely red which didn't got unnoticed by my elf friend. She just smirked and with smug face got towards me.

-Hm~? Why are you suddenly so red Tamashi-kun~?

I didn't know what to do as I was unexperienced boy with no actual idea of how to act with woman so I decided to listen to my heart and speak from soul.

-I j-just think th-that this red rose made your beautiful face more beautiful than before m-making you look like a-angel....

This unexpected words made Aria to emit stream like fire after being off. She was red like tomato and her long ears for sone reason were moving up and down like ears of cat who had been feed by it's owner.

-I-I-I.....Th-Thank y-you....

Did we switched roles? This was first thought of mine when I was seeing her. But at that moment I didn't knew what made her that red.

-See we are already here!

She pointed her finger towards the giant statue of beautiful woman whose beauty was truly unmeasurable but it was expected after all it was "Ella" the kind goddess of our world. Every men would really fall for her beauty even young boy but for some reason I was exclusion. Well I really think that she is beautiful but to fall in love? No sorry. Not like I'm being rude but for me the appearance isn't the only factor. I think the best in woman charm is there attitude, behaviour but firstly soul and personality. I really don't care whether girl is ugly nor beautiful I care for there soul. Well does this make me egoist? I don't really know.....

-It is really huge!

I said amazed by the size of statue which was build for goddess.

-The only thing which is left is just pray and get skills!

Aria said that like it was nothing while I was REALLY nervous. How should I pray? If I will pray honestly my skills would be good? My head was bombarding with thousands of thoughts and questions while Aria looked towards me and sighed to my manners.

-Tamashi-kun! You are too nervous!

-N-No I just....*sigh* You are right I am very nervous right now....

She just held my hand while softly looked towards me. She truly knew me. She didn't said anything but just looked to me with soft eyes.

-No matter what happens I will always be your side!

These words really helped me in this situation I found remaining bravery in my heart and gathered it in my soul.

-Ok! Now let's decide who will be first to enter.

I really didn't cared for the turn so I politely offered her the rights to go first. She slowly but bravely stepped forward bending herself to her knees while closing her eyes and starting to pray. Well that was somewhat prohibited to get skill while someone is with you. The reasons are simple. First) It is easy to defeat your opponent seeing there skills. Second) You can determine the way to defeat or control someone knowing there skills so that's why it was prohibited but seeing Aria without worries praying here in front of me meant that she really believed me which made me happy but a little worried because of her free attitude.

As she started her prayers she started to emit blue light which was surrounded by blue particles. These particles are called "mana particles" which means she successfully gained her skills. While she was glowing three tablets had appeared on sky.

—Skill: Spirit user

The owner of this skill is loved by spirits and can control them through his will.

—Rarity:SR(Super rare)

—Skill:Magical Swodsman

This skill allows user to mix magic and swordsmanship in one making the attacks very powerful in input and output. Plus the user learns swordsmanship without the needed skill.

—Rarity:UR(Ultra rare)

—Skill: Magic increase

This skill increases mana heal of user by 10%


Whoah! She had got very useful skills. 1 SR,1 R and a simple R skills which were supporting eachother. I can bet that in the whole world there are minimum of 10-20 persons who can par with her. I was really happy that she got those skills and a now I was curious and excited for mine.

-Yahoo! I got good skills!

Her carefree attitude somewhat amazed me but I scoffed those thoughts and were mentally preparing myself for my turn.

-I guarantee that you will get really good skills and than we would create our own party!

-Y-Yes! My three slots would be good as yours.

Think of slots...did I told about slots limitation?

-Slot limitation

Every human being have only three free slots which could be filed once when you are getting your skills.

So now I was heading towards the statue while seeing Aria's thumbs ups for me. I started my prayers while deep in heart wanted skills as good as Aria's.


The user can analyze any object and determine whether it's useful, dangerous,safe,useless

—Rarity: UR

—Skill: Free slots

Gives user free slots making him to learn various skills

Caution:The skill which is learnt isn't as good as original one and user cannot learn combat skills



Gives user ability to accelerate for short time.


As soon as I saw these skills I fell to my knees while despair caught my soul.


I said while tears started to fell through my cheeks. Well at first those skills aren't useless but the main problem....there aren't a single combat skill. Analyze  despite it being UR skill it's useless without a single combat skill plus Free slots it's very good but....why I cannot use combat skills!? It is useless in simple words for example even without certain skill you can learn swordsmanship nor anything else but skills increase quality of your speciality. Let's compare old cup with new which would you choose? In many possibilities everyone get new pot. Why? Because of quality the object posses. The better quality the better the usage the swordsman with needed skill will always win against swordsman without one. I was in very bad situation I was hopping that Aria wouldn't be disappointed in me but when I turned my disappeared became even deeper than now.

-I am sorry for you... Tamashi-kun.....

These words were enough to shatter my world upside down. The person whom I thought would cheer me up turned out to ve the first person who was disappointed in me.

-N-No Aria...I...

For some reason I wasn't able to normally speak while tears were pouring through my eyes seeing her disappointed eyes.