
Bounded by the shackles of fate

It came as a wonderment, that the elves were able to find a weapon strong enough to enter the realm, without them being apprised. This served as an advantage to them, as they were thriving in infiltrating a lot of space and managed to seize the important capitals, which served as pillars of the realm. They were well aware of where they should attack, and what stood as the support system of their Empire. It was prominent that they had a helping hand from within the realm, the individual must be someone who knows the secret which their enemies must never and they were after something, something within the palace walls, that was their main target. However, the battle only took them a month or less to end although a lot died, they somehow managed to conquer the elves and forged a new protective Impediment for the realm. The protective impediment that had been keeping them till someone found her mate. Sighing she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to do that, the spell they used to trigger the impediment was a very emphatic one, they had their best mysticism intellectuals conjure the powerful force field which had kept them for decades in peace without the intrusion of external forces. abruptly, she felt a familiar energy, one that was protruding from none other than Elder Burton, it was the energy of a furious light hyde, his entire body glowed white and he seemed like he was going berserk as he was carrying a crazy look like he had lost his mind. he launched a ferocious attack towards Xavier aiming with full speed and the beast bearly managed to doge because he was lost staring at his blossom. But Burton didn't end there, he created a spear out of his proficiency and summoned Attulac, his beast, and merged fully with it within the blink of an eye he was charging towards Xavier again as he roared in rage. Since Xavier was distracted Bacillia took this opportunity and snapped out of her daze as the rest had also joined in, Ekila had also resumed her stance. Xavier dodged his next attempt with little effort and frowned at the distraction " How dare you to bewilder the conversation between me and my blossom! " he seemed pissed and gritted his teeth harshly glaring at Burton, who didn't seem to care as he charged amuck towards Xavier, only to be thrown by him without much effort, " weakling!" he spat in disgust as his eyes searched for his mate frantically. #extractedfromchaper34

Missy_Ti · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Got caught...

He continued to suck her delicate pale skin causing faint red blemishes on her. He trailed the hot kisses, from her nape to her throat, rendering her to moan again.

She didn't feel right at that moment and tried to summon all her remaining intrepidity and resilience to ward him off and quickly got up on her feet.

His lustful gaze traveled across her alluring body as the thin silk fabric she wore exposed her a little. He groaned and closed his eyes tightly shut. Her scent only grew stronger as she yearned for his touch.

"one kiss, was all it took" he chortled, by now his fangs had elongated as his eyes gleamed with lust for he just wanted to mark her as his, as soon as possible. But he had to hold back for one must willingly accept, for the mate marking to be successful.

Oh the urge to be with him, the thought of him marking her, made her apprehensive, the fact bothered her but it was the truth and it hurt so bad. The fact that you're the mate of someone who slew your father, and conveyed sorrow to the people you ruled for millennia through the never-ending battles he and his cohorts waged against us, the unbearable pain of losing something you loved the most during times of war, Oh only if you knew!

"Leave! " she made sure her tone stood firm, and as frigid as it can get.

"but I'm sure my lady enjoys my services" he mocked.

He walked closer to where she was standing and spun her around so she was looking at him directly. "I'm confused as to why she would tell me to leave so soon".

His golden eyeballs burned with great intent and came into view now that he had made her look at him forcefully. Those eyes, she avoided gazing at, the eyes that boldly spells out sin, unrighteousness, great power, and bloodlust, the eyes that made her fall for him anytime they came to her clear view, it was hard to deny those eyes were captivating, alluring, and... No words can seem to describe it to it's fullest span.

His exceptionally long jet-black hair was tampered with as the strong wind passed by, he batted his eyelashes as his hair covered half of his face, he distorted his lips a little bit and frowned.

His reaction made a bearly noticeable smile appear on Bacillia's face as she leaned in and tucked the loose strands of his hair backward. He was still holding her waist and didn't let go of it like if he did, she would leave him forever.

Bacilla pulled his strong arms that claimed her waist away and let out a frustrated sigh. "This isn't right, what if someone sees us? No, I can't take this risk, I... I just can't, what kind of a leader am I, if I cannot sacrifice?"

" Leave now, I don't want you anywhere near me Xavier, I'm warning you, just stay away from me" she gathered her courage and muttered those words as coldly and calmly as she could. She didn't want to let her guard down because of him, never!

"then I guess I have no choice" his smirk deepened.

"What—What—do you mean?" her voice shook as a deep frown settled on her face.

Xavier hauled away from her concocting a satisfactory amount of latitude between them, the air around stiffened as his demeanor altered, he looked much graver than he was just a few seconds ago making Bacillia quiver a little.

"War!" he smirked.

"war?" she scoffed.

"you heard me quite well... Mate" his tone marked seriousness, and his facial utterance also supported it.

Something was wrong, she could feel it! Something is lurking behind the shadows... Its aura wasn't something to shun, this feeling was familiar, she knew who it was! With widened eyes she looked at the huge tree which wasn't quite far from where they stood, Xavier trailed her gaze and it fell upon a woman, she stood next to the tree while one of her arms rested on it, and a smug smile appeared on her lips while she noticed the stupefied reaction on her sister's face.

Xavier scowled at the one who made his mate restless, it was none other than Bacillia's elder sister Alrak gazing at them with an evil smirk. The harsh wind blew past her making her hair sway gloriously. The dark Blue dress she wore swept the floor exquisitely.

"Bacillia..?" she faced a bleak expression as she moved closer towards them slowly while she knotted her fingers together.

Her brows curved, and she twisted her black lips in a disgusted manner as she set her eyes on the nonchalant-looking Xavier who stood there silently watching the pathetic drama she displayed before them "you" she pointed with an unnerving tone.

" what do you seek in this realm of ours?" she questioned knowingly but didn't fail to hide the disgust she felt.

Dark energy assembled around her fists, and her gray eyes gleamed with murderous intent, she knew very well she didn't stand a chance but his presence for some reason made her furious and she was heading somewhere with this stupid action of hers.

She sent the dark mist flying towards Xavier at very full speed as she muttered some words under her breath, like Bacillia had known her intent all along, she had the urge to stop her sister's crazy act... No, not like if she never wanted to, Xavier couldn't stop her effortlessly without lifting a finger.

Just like the wind Bacillia had shielded him, her hands shielded them from the attack as light energy emerged from her palm creating a strong field for the both of them. The dark mist immediately dispersed into thin air.

She turned to Xavier " please leave" she pleaded hoping it would work, but all hope came crashing down as she witnessed her sister being strangled right in front of her as her bones made terrible crushing sounds.

Yes! Just like she wanted, it was happening, her plan was working. She smirked inwardly as thick red blood oozed out of her mouth.

" How dare you?" he squeezes harder making her wince a little.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and it pulled him with great effort, Bacillia tried to stop him from creating more mess, as she couldn't even bear the sight of her sister in that unfavorable state.

But what made her a little suspicious was that she wasn't even trying a bit to release herself, and the mist she summoned earlier was quite weak, but why?

Xavier groaned and threw Alrak across, and she ended up pummeling against the tree in which she hid earlier.

She coughed, making blood gush out of her mouth once again. She got up and stared at Bacillia in treachery.

She wanted to run and check on her but a cold hand stopped her movement, and she stared at him in disdain " let go of me!" she hollered.

" don't yell" he fired. " look here, we have unfinished business"

"but don't worry I'll be coming back next time and when I do, " he glared at Alrak nastily. " trust me there will be blood" he let out a psychotic chortle and left...