
Bound to be Yours

The story of friends who became lover's. The cold Wolfe heir of a famous group had soften after meeting his childhood friend whom he loves. He loves her with his life and is willing to do anything for her. He confessed at her before he left, she confesses to him after she came back. " I've been keeping myself for the past few years. You told me who I am and you are you, While I am I and you are you. So long as the world contains us both, Me the loving and you the loth. While the one eludes, must the other pursue". She and her childhood friends who loved her as much as she loved them meets back for many years and changed differently. The guy whom she likes before had turned to a cold sarcastic man, her overbearing friend has turn to a sarcastic warm mature man. In her presence, she meets her manly childhood lover and her hunky bestfriend. She gets problem after being with them, and she was troubled by her two beau who always compete to each other just to win her heart. Who will win her heart? [ Note: The story has been put to stop due to its personal reasons. Hoping for your cooperation and understanding]

Claveleote · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 5 The Vaca~

Weeks had passed, another beautiful day as the sun shones through the curtains of her room as she squinted her eyes and continues to limps on her bed. Ariel woke up from her slumber and washes her face, after then went to the dining table to eat her meal yawning. While eating, her brother Julius came and sat near to her not saying anything.

" Good morning...". Ariel says to Julius warmly. " Morning" he nod his head in response and ate the served food. Ever since their family is little strict to them, talking while eating isn't allowed. Ariel finishes her meal and walk out of the dining room before her mother Ivana had called her out.

" Ariel, Aren't you suppose to go with your brother on the beach?". Ivana asks as she sat on the coach on the living room while watching TV, which is next to the dining room. " I'm going for a walk. I'll just wait for brother to come". Ariel replied and walk out of the door. Birds chirping and humming sounds of air passes by. She walk towards the stall and sat on the wooden chair that was placed under the acacia tree.

Siting up as she leans her back and her arms around her head on the chair, she sighed little tired. She lifts up her head on the blue sky and closes her eyes, her eyelid appear to indicate that she is indeed bored. Taking along while resting their, Julius had finally came for her and told her to get ready.

" I already did pack my things, what is it you need anything else?". Ariel stood and walks forward to Julius, she pats his shoulder and walk further towards the car in front of their house.

" Shouldn't you be with your brother by now?". Ivana asks Ariel and caress Ariel's hair. " Brother is there... ". Pointing to the direction where she went just now, she smiles and walked in the house. Her mother is heading out to work so only Ariel and Julius are left at home, but since their grandparents went on the next city after the meeting yesterday. They were given a week to have a vacation.


They are going out on the famous resort, Boracai beach Resort. An Island with many far beautiful and amazing views, many kinds of different eye catching areas and well known beach .

Have you ever came here or took a peek?

As they head on the resort, the astonishing view of the beach had already taken Ariel's mind. She thinks of nothing rather than go play in the beach, after they had arrived and check-in for a place to stay in. The sea shimmered in the sunlight as waters sparks.

Ariel had already gone to the beach leaving the attendant York Zenon and her brother behind, she brought only her affinity card on her pocket as she check out the beach but to her surprise. Caspian was unexpectedly their, She went close to look if she was humiliating or it is real. As far as her footsteps gets near towards him, the more it gets clearer and clearer. Caspian catch sight to her direction and was very surprised looking aghast.

" A-ariel?". Caspian utters and covers his mouth, Ariel was wearing the cute summer cloth which is a pink half sleeves and shorts. Ariel nods her head and hug Caspian, he blushes bluntly and patted Ariel's back.

" It's good to see you here". Caspian told Ariel, she smiles politely and gave a questioning looks to him. " Oh, I was doing nothing. By the way, you came here for a vacation is it?". He responded as his eyes scrutinized at Ariel up and down. She seems very different than she usually does, her pitch pale skin where exposed.

Her shoulders were V-neck that she looks slimmer and a little tall, her amber orange hair wasn't tied up and it slid to her shoulders as glistening lights reflects to her face. His heart stoped a beat as she stare at the girl in front of her, he let out a deep sigh as he clenched his fist. ' What is this strange feeling?'.

He shooks his head and reached for his pocket, he then takes out his affinity card and asked Ariel if she wants to have some icecream with him. Ariel politely accepted and walked with him on the beach, they bought out an Vanilla and strawberry icecream on a cone.

" So, are you also here for a Vaca~?". Ariel asks and stick out her tongue to her strawberry Icecream. Caspian nods his head, his cheeks then turned pinkish after starting at Ariel. He just can't think properly even though he used to be with her, but he felt different than usual.

" Your Vanilla will melt anytime if you don't eat it, mine is sweeter than yours. Would you like to have some?". Ariel gave a generous smile and reach her Icecream to Caspian and says to him sincerely " Here".

He smiled and licks the icecream. " It's sweet as you but I would prefer vanilla, it's better than your sweet self". Caspian licks his lips and wiped it with his thumb, he took another bite of his Icecream Cone, Ariel puffed her cheeks as she pouted to him.

Sweet self, huh?

" Let me try". Ariel, she bit Caspian's Icecream and gave him thumbs up. " It's not much sweeter, it's like a sundae... I prefer to like mine" says she, he was stunned looking of what she just did. He just can't believe this girl beside him could be this close to him and acts this recklessly.

" Then let's have a sundae, it's less bland and sweet. The same as you combines better and sweet". Caspian told Ariel and tries to teas her as he ran back to the Icecream truck, he looked back only to see Ariel standing there with her hands on her chin pouting.

" You don't want some?". He said and turn his gaze to her. " If the Chocolate isn't that sweet, of course I want some". She replies and walk towards him. " Your such a slow poke, hurry before it runs out". He said mocking her slowness, her prideful manner came out as she spoke. " Then I'll just ask them to make me some". He turned solemn hearing this, he smiled awkwardly of what she said and grabbed her hands, they both ran towards the truck.

" Hey!". Ariel hesitated and saw the gloomy face of Caspian, she didn't say anything more and followed Caspian towards the truck.

" Mr. I'll have two Sundae and...". Caspian points to the board menu.

" one Fluffy mild cupcake please". Ariel said, Caspian nods to the man in front of them and didn't bother to let go of Ariel, the staff looks at both if them. She smiles and turns her gaze to Caspian and Ariel. " Oh, hello. You both suits together. Little miss, Is he your friend?". Asks the lady in front of them. Ariel nods and glance at the lady in front of them with a smile.

" you already know that, Elena". said the man as he took the Chocolate syrup and poured it to the sundae. " I just want to ask them, Daniel". Elena, puts another cupcake on the paper bag before giving it to them.

" Excuse me. It's... you put another...". Ariel looks up to Elena. Caspian stared on what was Ariel doing, she opens the bag and handed the other cupcake to Elena.

" It's okay little miss. You can have it". Elena said smiling sincerely.

" Thank you!". Her voice was low but vehement. When she first saw Ariel, she knew that it was the daughter of the famous Shen family. It may sounds sneaky, Elena is actually the daughter of the old assistant of the Shen family, so all the members of the Shen family is familiar to her.

Even this young miss hasn't gone in public, she quickly notice Ariel as the member of the Shen. Due to their rare seductive looks, anyone who would encounters them would be pleased or seduced. Ariel thanked them and walk away with Caspian. " The young miss hasn't change at all". Elena muttered looking to where Ariel and Caspian went, she crossed her arms on the table and laid her head.

" The boy seems familiar ". said Daniel as he sat beside Elena and look at his phone as he scrolls down. " Who?". Elena turned to face him.

" The boy next to little miss, he seems to be From the Zhou family". Daniel eyes scrutinized at his phone, tying to search details about the Zhou family.

" Huh?, what do you mean? ". She asks in confusion.

" The young master Jin of the Zhou family". Daniel showed the details to Elena, she lazily sat up and take a look at his phone. She smiled and responds in a deadly tone to his reverence face.

" You've got such an smarty hyper mind, huh".

Are you one of them?. Let's see.

* If you can answer...

*this riddles you have a...

* hyper way of thinking... ;)

[ Riddles ]

Choose one and comment it down, No cheating

(1) The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

(2) What room do ghosts avoid?

(3) Always in you, sometimes with you. If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?

It's easy, you just have to think about it. Hints are everywhere.

Their will be riddles every five chapters and I hope you answer it. If you have any suggestions and opinion for the story, feel free to do so leave it on the Comment section below. Thank you and have a great day...

Claveleotecreators' thoughts