
Boss, please be self-possessed

At first sight, Min Jiangxi was a tutor for the interview, but QinZhan mistook it for a woman who threw herself into her arms. He asked, "how much is it?" She replied, "two thousand an hour." "After sleep?" "Pre tax." "It's very cheap. I'll pay for it!" From then on, she was the teacher of children during the day and the shield of the black faced king of hell at night.

DaoistflOfXJ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 4: Good looking but also requires self-knowledge

Sunzhiwei was so hurt that he shouted and scolded: "Shit! You wanna get killed?"

Before his words were over, Qin Zhan suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the hair on the back of the man's head. Without thinking about it, he pulled him back, and then slammed forward.

The indescribable sound of impact and fragmentation occurred at the same time. It was dull and clear. It was this moment that made min Jiangxi, who was stunned at the side, feel like a shock.

Sunzhiwei groaned stiffly, completely losing his ability to make noise. Qin Zhan dislike him for was so dirty that he grabbed the man's back collar and whispered, "the first time I saw someone more arrogant than me."

Sunzhiwei mechanically turned his head and faced Qin Zhan with a bloody face. He seemed to want to see his face clearly. Qin Zhan looked at him with coldly. For two seconds, he hit his head against the glass wall again. "What are you looking at?"

Sunzhiwei made a faint voice in his throat. He didn't know whether to beg for mercy or help. Min Jiangxi stood not far away and looked at it. A sentence sprang from the bottom of his heart: Give a dog a bad name and hang him.

Just as sunzhiwei flirted with her, just as Qin Zhan hit him whenever he wanted.

The waiter had already called the manager. However, when they saw Qin Zhan, they didn't dare to come forward. Instead, they arranged the waiter to dissuade the guests from the VIP room to watch, and quickly surrounded the "crime scene" into an isolation zone.

Qin Zhan seems to be in a bad mood tonight. Sunzhiwei was unfortunate, causing "black devil" to rage. In a short time, sunzhiwei has become a hedgehog.

Min Jiangxi stood still and watched helplessly until her body was suddenly touched. She stung and turned her head. Seeing that mother sang was putting clothes on her, she begged in her eyes and said in a low voice, "please persuade Mr. Qin not to kill anyone."

Min Jiang's face is expressionless and indifferent. She thought: What if Qin Zhan didn't help? She died here tonight. No one will speak for her.

Maybe her reaction scared mother sang. Mother sang looked at her for a moment, feeling guilty and speechless. At this time, Qin Zhan, who was on the fire, looked at Min Jiangxi and said, "go change your clothes and wait for me downstairs."

All the people present looked at Min Jiangxi up and down with some of fear, thinking that what her relationship with Qin Zhan. How can he teach others a lesson for her personally?

Min Jiangxi turn around and leave without saying a word.

Minjiangxi was not sure what Qin Zhan meant. She left the troubled place, changed her clothes and went downstairs. Qin Zhan arrived before her and sat in the rest area waiting for her.

Min Jiangxi stepped over and stood a few steps in front of the man. She did not sit down. But nodded calmly. "Thank you for helping me just now."

There's no sign on face. Qin Zhan lit a cigarette and said, "sit down."

Min Jiangxi stood still. Qin Zhan took a puff of smoke and looked at her from the smoke. A few seconds later, he said again, "please sit down, Miss Min."

Minjiangxi's eyes moved, and she became more alert. Qin Zhan saw through what she was thinking and said bluntly: "it's easy for me to find a woman. There's no need to intimidate or lure. But many people rely on tutoring to make my ideas. There are too many bad people these days, so I have to guard against them."

Min Jiangxi quickly calculated in her mind. Indeed, this would explain why he followed her out of the VIP room. It would not be because she was too charming. He fell in love with her at first sight. Knowing one's limitation at any time would be better.

She showed a sudden and embarrassed expression, min Jiangxi reappeared a smile on her face. She sat down and said with regret: "so it is... I'm sorry, Mr. Qin. I was rash. Don't take it to heart."

Qin Zhan didn't care how fast min Jiangxi changed her face. He didn't even care how sincere her smile was.

Minjiangxi was not wordy. She took out the prepared resume from her bag and politely put it in front of Qin Zhan. However, he didn't even look at it. He said faintly: "don't look at it. I'll give you a one month probation period. If you can teach well, you can charge me the price."

Minjiangxi smiled and said, "I heard that your family's tutor changed very frequently before. Can I ask, is it the parents' reason or the children's reason?"

Qin Zhan lifted his eyelids and looked at her. Without answering, he asked, "the interview is the right of parents, unsuccessful interview is my fault?"?

Min Jiangxi tried not to think about his' interview 'process, and smiled: "of course not. You are the most thoughtful and responsible parent I have ever seen."

After that, she said, "can you talk about your children?"

When it comes to the boy at home, qin Zhan can't help but feel a little more helpless. "Twelve or thirteen boys are the age when dogs are tired. In my family, dogs are not tired, but people are tired. It depends on your ability to deal with him."

Minjiangxi politely said, "naughtiness is the nature of children and their right."

Qin Zhan said, "I didn't hire you to be his playmate, let alone a nanny."

Smart people should feel the danger at this time, but min Jiangxi looked calm and said as usual: "of course, I am not at this price as a nanny."

Qin Zhan glanced at her and said, "I'll call you a teacher. I hope you do better than you are."

Tonight, with twists and turns, Min Jiangxi has been unable to describe this interview as rough or smooth, but fortunately, the result is what she hopes.

In fact, the formal face-to-face chat with Qin Zhan was very short. It took only five minutes. He left her phone number and asked her to come on Monday. Then he asked, "where are you going? I'll have someone send you."

Min Jiangxi got up and said, "thank you. No, my boyfriend came to pick me up."

Qin Zhan inadvertently brushed a touch of disdain at the bottom of his eyes. It was a mockery that she was still on guard against him. As expected, he didn't take it to heart. He was even more lazy to say a word to her again. She really didn't look good enough to be forced into prostitution.

They walked out together. Min Jiangxi's mobile phone rang in the middle of the journey. After she connected, she said, "I just finished talking. Now I'm walking out. Wait for me."

After leaving the DK gate, Qin Zhan's driver drove Bentley in front of him. Min Jiangxi said goodbye to Qin Zhan and walked quickly to the street. He looked up at random. There was really a man standing in a police uniform. He walked a few steps in front of Min Jiangxi and said something. They got into a car together.