
An Unexpected Encounter (3)

"What happened earlier? Why were you dirty?"

Diana asked after Alexandra finished eating the cake she brought, Alexandra insisted on eating dinner— it was already past 8 o'clock— because she wasn't in the mood and she just wanted to eat something sweet. Alexandra just stared at her with those big and innocent blue eyes of hers, she was debating on whether she should tell her or not. Diana saw that she was hesitating, judging from what happened earlier when she returned, something happened that traumatized her.

Diana heaved a sigh and her hand reached out to caress Alexandra's cheek, "You don't need to tell me, just remember that I'm here for you, okay?" Her voice was sweet and gentle as usual, to Alexandra's ears, her voice sounded like a lullaby. Alexandra lied down her bed and Diana tucked her in.

"Sweet little angel,

close your eyes,

let your problems drift away tonight,

in the sea of dreams,

in your paradise,

sleep tonight,

o sweet little angel of light."

Diana's voice filled the room, her voice sounding like an angel and when the song ended, Alexandra's eyes were closed and she was asleep. Diana smiled and caressed Alexandra's cheek as she whispered,

"Goodnight, sweet little angel."


Alexandra fluttered her eyes open, the birds sang a tune outside her open window and the sunlight went inside her room indicating that it was already morning and she needs to get up. She looked at the clock at the wall in the center of the room, the short arrow pointed at 8 and long one pointed at 9, 8:45. She woke up 15 minutes early. She decided to remain in bed for 5 minutes when a moment later, Diana entered the room quietly.

"Diana…" Alexandra called out to her quietly and Diana whipped her head to the side and looked at her. She showed her usual smile and spoke in a gentle tone of voice.

"Young miss, you're awake. Wait, I'll just ready the bath for you" She said and went inside the bathroom while Alexandra waited in bed. Alexandra recalled what happened yesterday. If maybe, that guy missed the rock and slashed my neck instead, then I'll be dead, my head would be cut off. I wouldn't be here now then.

She will never want that to happen, she's already happy and contented in the life she is living now. Sure, she was trapped in a palace with no one to play or have fun with but at least she gets to eat 3 meals a day, she gets to take a bath in cold water, she wears expensive clothes, she sleeps in a king-sized bed, and she can eat cakes anytime she wants. She knows that she kept on reminding and telling herself that but she just can't help it.

However, despite all of those, there was still something empty inside her heart, it felt like a puzzle piece was missing in a puzzle. She was longing for something, her heart was longing for something.

It was something that she longed for even in her previous life.

"The bath is ready." A voice interrupted her train of thoughts and Alexandra got down her bed. She wore her slippers and walked to the bathroom, her wavy platinum-white hair was all messed up and her eyes were tired. Diana followed her inside the bathroom to help her take a bath like what she usually does every morning.


Alexandra wore a sleeveless red dress and as usual, the skirt reached her knees. She was wearing a pair of red flat shoes and she wore a necklace with a red gem that is the size of a teardrop.

"Would you like me to style your hair, young miss?" Diana asked Alexandra while she was combing her hair. It was silky and smooth. Alexandra's hair was long and it reached her knees, Diana would always style her hair when Alexandra allowed her or asked her to do so.

"Yes, please. Something that won't get in my face or eyes," Alexandra replied, her voice sweet as usual.

Diana decided to style Alexandra's hair into an elegant bun which suited her very well and Alexandra loved it. Both of them left the room, "You don't need someone to guard me today, I'll just stay in the library anyways" Alexandra said when Diana closed the door. Diana replied, "If that's what you want, young miss." Diana accompanied Alexandra to the library which was not far from her room before she left her alone to do her duties. She wasn't in the mood to go to the garden because of what happened yesterday, maybe she'll go tomorrow.

The maids stopped teaching her a week ago because they already taught Alexandra everything she needed to and she learned everything. Alexandra was a fast-learner, which was half of the reason why she was quick to learn, and she's actually an adult, what they taught her were basic things. Some of the maids would teach her another language and it was really useful because there are books in the library that were written in a different language which she doesn't know. She was an extraordinary 5-year-old to the maids' eyes and 18-year-old Alexandra feels somewhat guilty.

Alexandra went to the 3rd bookshelf, the one near the door, and her eyes caught something interesting. She took out the book with a title, Flowers. She walked towards her usual table and she sat on the wooden chair as she shifted making herself comfortable as possible. She opened the book, flipped an empty page and an image of a red flower that looked like an orchid greeted her eyesight, it looked beautiful and enchanting. On the right page of the book, the name and some details of the flower can be seen.

Abyss was the name of the flower. It can be used to poison someone and when you inhaled its scent which smelled sweet, you will slowly die while experiencing hallucinations that seem like you are being sucked in a dark hole or you are falling in a dark abyss. You can be healed with an antidote. This flower will only be found and bloom at where the sun shines the most, usually at the slope of the mountain, on top of the hills or mountains.

That flower looks pretty but it's deadly, that is one scary flower. She thought to herself and moved to the next page where another image of a beautiful flower is seen.


The day ended quicker than she thought, she only read and ate. The book was interesting and she still hasn't finished it, that's why she brought it with her to her room. Alexandra just finished eating dinner and is heading back towards the room while being carried by Diana because she asked her to and Diana happily granted her request. Diana opened the door and placed Alexandra down. Alexandra ran to her bed, climbed up, and place the book on top of the drawer beside her bed. Diana walked towards her and tucked her in as usual.

"Can you sing me the lullaby you sang to me yesterday?" Alexandra asked and Diana happily nodded. "I'll be happy to do so, young miss." She said and she sat down at the edge of the bed while Alexandra stared at the ceiling.

"Sweet little angel,

close your eyes,"

The room changed. The ceiling was white, the bed became small, a teddy bear was placed beside Alexandra's head and the room was small. It wasn't Diana singing on the edge of the bed. It was as if she was in her previous life.

"Let your problems drift away tonight,

in the sea of dreams,

in your paradise,"

The lady had long platinum-blonde hair, she had a pale and small face, her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and she had a slender figure. She was wearing a long-sleeved dress that went past her knees. A sweet smile was plastered on her pale small face.

"Sleep tonight,

o sweet little angel of light…"

The lady finished singing and she stood up, walking towards the door of the room. Alexandra lifted her hand, trying to reach her. She opened her mouth to speak but no voice came out. She was slowly consumed by darkness and she was pulled into a deep slumber. The last thing that she saw was the smile of a lady, her eyes that showed sadness and her mouth opening, whispering her words to the air.

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