
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

4Leafy · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
350 Chs

 Chapter 185 Dinner With My Girlfriend

  The day after the Linchuan business banquet ended, a heavy snow fell and covered the entire Linchuan.

  The streets, buildings, and the sky were all bleak.

  The temperature that had just risen a few days ago dropped back quickly, just like the living expenses in my pocket disappeared silently, leaving people confused and caught off guard.

  "Damn, I didn't have any money to begin with, and I bought an mp4. This hand doesn't look like my own!" "I will never

  look at the good things recommended by Zhihu again. I want to buy everything I see. It's really fucking hell!" "

  They call me family, but they are really more ruthless than enemies!" "

  There are also benefits. This is the first time I tried to buy a mobile phone online. I was worried all day. Sure enough, it was brand new and unopened, and it was more than 100 yuan cheaper!" "

  I have bought three down jackets in the online mall. The same price, the quality is much better than in the small store!" "..." In the


  department of Wanzhong Mall, Xiao Ma Ge was loading goods into the car with his hands and feet, and his expression was a little nervous.

  Because the big boss He Yijun and the sales manager Yue Zhu were standing behind him and staring at him.

  He thought that his act of cheating on gas money had been exposed, and was thinking about whether to confess himself and seek leniency, but he was tortured by the fluke mentality and couldn't open his mouth.

  This feeling is like getting an injection when you have a cold. The beautiful nurse keeps aiming, but just doesn't pierce. It's really too torturous.

  But Xiao Ma Ge doesn't understand. With his status, he really doesn't have the face to be held accountable by the big boss in person.

  In other words, if it was really his act of cheating on gas money that was exposed, he would definitely get a dismissal notice, instead of He Yijun and Yue Zhu coming to dismiss him in person.

  And He Yijun came here just to take a look at the online shipping process.

  "It seems that we really underestimated the consumption capacity of college students."

  "Yes, especially during this period of time when offline activities ended, online sales have been close to offline sales." Yue Zhu also sighed.

  He Yijun crossed his arms: "Jiang Qin is really a weird person."

  "Mr. He, is this a compliment or an insult?"

  "It's a compliment, but... it also represents fear."


  He Yijun took a deep breath: "Have you ever thought about this, if Linchuan, no, if the whole country popularizes the online sales model, how can we who run shopping malls survive?"

  Yue Zhu's eyes were a little surprised: "If that's the case, won't our sales be even higher?" "

  What if he chooses to cooperate directly with the manufacturer? Once online sales reduce the profit of the middlemen, the price advantage will be too great. Can we still sell these things?" "

  Mr. He, this is impossible. Jiang Qin can still do business to this extent?"

  He Yijun smiled faintly and shook his head: "He went to the Linchuan business banquet with me last night. I told him not to ask for business cards from others. Guess what he did?"

  Yue Zhu shook his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes: "He asked for it?"

  "No, he made a business card display board and put it at the entrance of the banquet hall. It said Linchuan Business Top Elite Display Area. Even I couldn't help but insert one. He got all the bosses' business cards without making a sound. Don't you think this kind of person is weird?" "..." He


  restrained his smile: "Notify managers of all departments to work overtime on weekends to study the reform of the mall. We can't survive simply by selling goods."

  Yue Zhu's expression suddenly became serious: "Boss, what should we do?"

  "Jiang Qin is going to launch a new group purchase service in the store recently. I asked him to send me a document. We will study the reform direction according to his ideas. Otherwise, our pure sales retail mall will be abandoned by the times sooner or later." "

  We should reform our own development direction based on the development strategy of a college student?"

  Yue Zhu thought this was too exaggerated.

  Even if he is a learning star, so what?

  A student who hasn't even left the school gate has the ability to scare the boss to reform immediately.

  But she didn't know that He Yijun had already smelled the smell keenly and knew that even if it wasn't Jiang Qin, there would definitely be someone else.

  Just like the boss Ma who runs an online auction website, I heard that he has begun to reform from C2C ​​to B2C, and the effect is amazing.

  Once this sales model becomes popular, it will be like thunder and fury.

  In this case, the retail industry in the midstream market will definitely be affected unprecedentedly.

  Others are at the factory price and deliver to the door, why should consumers go to your mall to shop around and be ripped off by you?

  He Yijun didn't think about it at first, always feeling that this thing is too far away from him.

  But when Jiang Qin appeared in front of him and kept doing it, he realized that this was not the smell of the learning star, but the smell of the sudden change of the times.

  Relying on a college student's development project book to reform his huge mall.

  Yes, this thing does sound unreliable.

  But if one day this thing sounds reliable, it will be too late to want to reform it.

  Please take me to make a fortune...

  He Yijun couldn't help laughing.

  This was just a joke last night, but now it seems more and more true.   

  Weird, really fucking weird!

  "Hey, Mr. He, I have sent you the project book you asked for."

  Ten minutes later, Jiang Qin called He Yijun's mobile phone.

  "Thank you, Mr. Jiang." He Yijun's voice was full of energy.

  Jiang Qin said bluntly, "You're welcome," but he was confused: "Why do you want my project book? Group buying in stores has nothing to do with the business of your mall." "

  I want to learn."

  "Why are you so humble now? I'm just an ordinary college student. If I have to talk about learning, I should be learning from you."

  He Yijun was silent for a moment: "Mr. Jiang, in fact, when we first met, I always thought you were very flamboyant and presumptuous. You wish the whole world knew about your awesomeness."

  Jiang Qin twisted his mouth: "I feel the same way now!"

  "No, you're not. You are actually the most humble person in the world. You have good things in your stomach, but you don't want to pour them out." "Mr.

  He, what's wrong with you? I'm a little scared." He Yijun

  laughed on the phone: "Just a joke, but I have something else. Are you free on Saturday? Bring your girlfriend to my house for dinner."

  Jiang Qin's mouth twitched: "Why do I feel like it's a Hongmen Banquet?"

  "It's Manqi. She's clamoring to see her sister Nanshu. It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about. Is that okay?"

  "Then I'd rather obey than be disrespectful. I will definitely bring my good friend with me."


  After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qin couldn't help but feel a chill on his back, forcing him to open the cabinet, find the blanket he used on Christmas Eve, and put it on to keep warm. I don't know if it's a

  psychological reason, but he seems to be able to smell the soft and elegant body fragrance of the little rich woman.

  No, that's not right.

  After putting on the bottom line, I will no longer be a mortal, and I can't touch the lust of the world!

  What body fragrance, it's all an illusion!

  Jiang Qin took a deep breath and decided to calm down. As a result, the more he breathed, the more fragrant it became. It was simply a dead cycle, which made him think of the gift on Christmas Eve.

  "Boss, why is your face so red, do you have a cold?"

  Wei Lanlan took a cup of steaming hot water and couldn't help asking when she passed by.

  "It's okay, it might be the heating. The heating in our Linchuan University is really good. Next time Principal Zhang comes to visit, I must praise him."

  Jiang Qin calmly cue Zhang Baiqing, his expression is like a gentleman, not panicking at all.

  Then he opened the drawer at hand, put the business cards collected last night on the table, picked out the small ones with low difficulty, and handed them to Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing.

  "I studied it carefully, and these small bosses are probably easier to talk to. You should do a background check first, and then take them down one by one later."

  "Are these also members of the Linchuan Chamber of Commerce?" Wei Lanlan picked up a card and looked at it.

  Jiang Qin nodded: "Yes, but they are also at a lower-middle level. They go to the banquet to find partners. You don't have to be too cautious, just treat it as a practice." "What if they

  collapse in practice?"

  "That means they will be abandoned by the times."

  Jiang Qin unscrewed the thermos cup, glanced at the bottom of the cup, and silently moistened his throat.

  The group purchase to the store is a plan he has been thinking about for the past half month. Since the milk tea card of the winter solstice, the gears have been slowly turning. In

  other words, even if there is no Linchuan business banquet, he will definitely do this in the later stage, but he will take a lot of detours. The sudden appearance of this banquet is considered to be a step ahead of his plan and a unique opportunity.

  Business is like this. Many opportunities and challenges will not leave you enough time to prepare.

  So do you eat it or not?

  Of course you have to eat it, even if you are full.

  However, the current size of the group purchase is not large. In the eyes of those real big bosses, it is just a toy. Whether it is strength or reputation, it does not have enough persuasiveness.

  Therefore, Jiang Qin decided to pick up some small ones to eat first. As for

  the toad, let's eat a little swan first, and we will talk about Kun after the new year.

  At that time, he will eat the Normal University and the University of Science and Technology, quickly radiate to the surrounding business circles, straighten his back, evolve into a golden toad, and then rely on his ability to deceive people with a mouth full of nonsense to eat a Kun.

  This should not be a big problem.

  By then, with Linchuan as the base, he will dismantle Zhihu, package the group buying as a whole, and expand outward.

  Jiang Qin picked up a pen and wrote a few keywords on the sticky note, and stuck it on the top frame of the computer.

  "Wenhao, how is the situation at the University of Science and Technology?"

  Dong Wenhao raised his head when he heard the voice: "The business has stabilized and is catching up with the initial investment. The pace is twice as fast as that of Linchuan University. The operating costs should be recovered before the holiday."

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips: "Tell them not to be anxious, take steady steps, why do they have to move so fast? It's the New Year, don't scare Director Hu to have a heart attack again." 

  "Making money can also scare him sick?"

  "He doesn't care whether we make money or not, he's just afraid that we run too fast and lose our shoes."