
Two Brothers (3)

--Second Princess, Iris POV---Alusia's Castle--


I watch the two in their stances. I don't want either of them to be hurt, I want to stop them but it will make them notice me, furthermore, it's not really my problem, is it ?

"Ara, Sister ? What are you doing hiding behind a pillar ?"

My sister, Eleanora apparently finished her meeting, she surely wanted to go to the ball, but she noticed me doing weird stuff instead.

"Ah- Nothing, and I'm not hiding..."

Eleanora noticed the two. She was a bit surprised looking at them.

"Oh- are those the katanas you're always talking about when you're back from the Yarusen Kingdom ?"

"Yes... And they apparently count on using them to do 'practice', but I decided to watch them to prevent trouble."

"Ara, Mind if I join you then ? It'd be a shame if two handsome boys were to hurt each other."

I was right, even my sister find them handsome...

Well, let's watch what they'll do then.

The white man bursts forward the moment the 'practice' was declared.

Their speed was much faster than any human could do, they blocked all attacks from each other, we could only see the sparks coming of the blades clashing.

If you looked away for a second, they could at least attack 20 times each.

Left, right, right, left, above, under, horizontal, vertical, piercing, striking, All was there, not even one of them was in lack of endurance from this inhuman fight.

The moment one of them was surprised, the black one, rolled under the blade and got back on his feets helping with his hands, he then counter attacked the white man.

The white one surprised as well from this sudden move, threw his katana in the air and used his hands on the floor to dodge the attack as he recovered his weapon like it never happened.

"Oi, Reyn, You're pretty good at that for a newbie !"

"I got a little help from you, that's only natural."

It seems the black one was named Reyn.

At the attack of his ennemy, Reyn took his sword and deflected it while striking back from the right.

The white man already had his guard on his right at that moment. They truly are beyond Eleanora, me or even a general's army.

I don't even know if a surprise attack would work against them at that point.

Left, left, right, above, all was dodge easily.

And they stopped. Not even one of the two was injured, not even a scratch from a fight that intense even though it was only practice.

They used sharper weapons than all countries could have, the only country selling them would sell 5 in a year due to their expensive price, yet, they used those weapons as practice, they apparently didn't even care about the danger.

"I feel like they could teach the generals how to fight..."


It is really disturbing to see two youths around the same age as us who can fight that easily.

All the generals in the Kingdom would be ashamed by them.

"Perhaps, they could be S-class ?"

"The only S-class I know are the heroes in the Yarusen Kingdom, I doubt it."

At the end of their practice session, the two changed their clothes back to what they were earlier and turned back to face the corridor. Not even a single drop of sweat was on their forehead, I don't even know how it could be possible.


--Reyn POV--Alusia's Castle--


When we turned back, we both noticed two beautiful ladies watching us.

They were the first and second princess, no one was accompanying them.

{Looks like trouble happened to be here.}

From all the things done this day, it is now surely the early afternoon as the sun was over the courtyard, reflecting on both ladies.

"Ah, Greetings Princesses, I don't think we've met yet. I am Reyn Kirae, and this is my brother Xaros Kirae."

Apparently surprised at the fact I knew who they were, they turned towards me, I seriously hope they didn't see anything, but I think it would be too much luck to have.

"Oh so you are both new nobles- I am the first princess Eleanora Auyr Rayshald. Nice to meet you both."

"And I am the second princess, Iris Auyr Rayshald. Nice to meet you too."

As Xaros and me both bowed towards them putting our right hands on our chest, we tried to flee troubles.

"Wait a second-"

But troubles caught us first. The one asking us to wait was the second princess, Iris.

"Can I do something for your Majesty ?"

Both were bewildered at the sudden change of someone who just sparred at a non-human pace, my polite talking seems a little too high or arrogant maybe ?

"Uhm... How ? I mean... how could you both be this skilled at swordsmanship ? Were you engaged in a knight's academy ?"

"Sister, that's impolite !"

Eleanora tried to stop the questionning, but instead, Xaros answered happily.

"No, we are just two nobles, we just wanted to spar a little in the courtyard of a castle this magnificent. Now, if you excuse us."

At those words, Xaros had a little smile on his face, he seems happy to be here.

We both turned away and started to go back to the ball.

" Ah, Reyn, Xaros, you're both back !"

"Yeah, we're back. We think we will leave now, so take care Lark."


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