5 Finding Toes

Making myself up to the town I snuck around tilting my head at every corner. This town was completely silent devoid of all life. The houses were crumbling though for some reason the town still stood high refusing to give in.

Turning to look around I found a small group of bandits walking around on high alert. Bingo. Pulling out the hatchet that I used from the goliath I waited for them to look away before I struck.

A good bandit is a dead bandit. Waiting they never moved from their place this was getting annoying I needed them to move. I needed something so sophisticated that it would grab their attention to somewhere else. Looking down I found a rock. How convenient.

Picking up the rock I slowed time and threw it down the street causing all the bandit to divert their attention from my side. Sliding pass I slowed downtime again. Walking towards the 4 guys they ran towards me.


Now's it's just 3.


Now's it's just 2.


Now it's just me.

Though my rapid tapping caused one of the bullets to only shoot one of the bandit's eyes out and not his brain. Walking towards the near-dead Bandit I lifted my glasses to alow the poor fella to see my crimsons eye. My pupils spinning around in around a seven in total which was more than the other Mangekyou Sharingan users had.

"It seems your alive," I smirked twirling my pistol.

"Not for long though," I continued.

After Putting him under a Genjutsu I fully raped his mind causing his mouth to foam and his eyes to bleed. I finally found your lair Nine Toes.

Climbing up to the roof of the building I decided to train myself. There is no reward without risk so I decided to go frenzy and blitz my way around the block to see just how far I could push my limits.

I could feel incoming enemies on my location a total of 20. NineToes sure did grow quite following. Holstering my shotgun I slowed down my vision before running. Running on the wall I slid and kicked one of the bandits into the wall before pumping my shotgun into his torso tearing his body in half. His blood painted the walls. Maybe I should become an artist instead of a Vault hunter. Who knows.

The incoming bandits not bothering to grieve for their friend blasted away to my location which I quickly dodged by jumping off the wall and black flipping onto the roof allowing me to rain fire onto the bottom enemies.

Jumping onto one of the Bandit's head I kicked off it pushing him into the rest of his friend's bullets. Friendly fire was tolerated I guess. Grabbing my trusty hatchet I snuck behind the wall waiting for one of them to pass which they did quite nicely.

Lifting my hatchet I smacked it down onto the bandits head his brain matter spilling everywhere with his eyes popping out. That's pretty new I thought before I threw it towards the last enemy who caught me off guard he seemed to struggle to get up. His loud groan of Dispear could be heard from afar.

Coming towards him I scratched my head. My aim was a bit slack. I originally aimed for his head but... I hit his D*** instead.


Putting him out of his misery I sat down and pulled out my rations I felt tired this was the most I ever used my Eye's continuity. Hearing the loud roars of the incoming engines I shook my head. Ain't no rest for the wicked. Reloading my Shotgun and Pistols I awaited their arrival on the roofs. Laying down I awaited them to storm the town.


Pumping my shotgun the first

Making my way back to the bus the 4 musketeers had disappeared. Though the bus remained. Making my way up to Markus I asked them of their whereabouts.

"Where'd the four go off to?" I asked turning to him.

"Well they've gone off to a man named TK Baha a strange fellow with a sad tale though," Markus commented before turning to me.

"The Town has been swept though I'm gonna need to catch a ride to get to NineToes," I commented.

"I don't know exactly but they left to look for a guy known as TK Baha a sad fellow with A sad tale. Now if you don't mind me I'm going to go set up shop at the town!" He Exclaimed before making his way to the town.

I needed a ride but I also needed to train my body. Traveling to NineToes would be more efficient in Regards to training my body. Jogging my way to NineToes lair I stopped myself from going inside. I felt puffed out and fatigued. Pulling out some of my rations I drank and ate before I went in. Who knew there might be a whole minefield in there?

Chilling outside I looked at the Hyperion station. What a sight. This whole world was Highly technological. If I could only get my own I could dominate just worlds but galaxies. That would be something I smiled before getting up. NineToes was going to die today.

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