
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

We Are Very Similar, Alvin

The young woman narrowed her eyes as she looked at Alvin. "Do I know you?" Even though it seemed like he knew her, she had absolutely no idea who he was. 

Alvin tried to calm himself. "Eh? Ah, right! Ahem! No, you don't. However, I doubt there are many people in the academy who don't know who you are."

"I see..." Milia nodded. "You are also a student there then, I believe?"

"Yes," Alvin then took out his MCOM and opened his academy's registration ID to show her.

Milia slightly nodded once again. "That makes things easier. I need to talk about the incident with the fishing boat earlier. The sir on your side should be your father, right? It would be nice to hear the recount of the story from him."

Lucau was puzzled, though. "You talking about the Magical Sea Beast that swallowed my boat? I already told the Marina Guards everything that happened today."

"Hey, you two," Felia intervened. "Are you going to keep the visit standing up at the doorsteps?"

"Right, right!" Alvin quickly came back to himself. "Milia, please come to the living room so we can talk. This is nothing like your mansion, but it's definitely better than staying outside."

Milia had no reason to refuse. She looked at her bodyguards outside and gave them an order. "You wait for me here. I shouldn't take long."

One of the bodyguards didn't like it. "Young lady, we can't allow you to be alone with strangers."

Milia's expression turned dark. "I told you to wait outside. Did you not hear me?"

The bodyguard sighed and accepted the order in the end. "Yes, young lady. We will wait."

Milia then entered the house with Lucau and Alvin. As for the bodyguard, he took out his own MCOM and made a call, explaining to his employer what had just happened. Soon, an answer came from the other side. "Forget it. No one knew you were going there anyway. Just make sure to not let a single fly enter the house."

"Yes, sir!" The bodyguard quickly accepted the order and finished the call.

Inside, Milia was gathered with Felia, Lucau, Alvin, and Linfel. 

"I'm going to prepare something to drink. Linfel, come and help me," Felia. 

"Eh? But I have no idea how to prepare anything..." Linfel, indeed, had never eaten before, so he was clueless.

Those words puzzled Milia, though. "You... don't know? But all Familiars come with knowledge of the various types of dishes and drinks of our world. Is he a defective one?"

Lucau, Alvin, and Felia felt a chill in their bodies. 

"Errr... no, nonono!" Alvin quickly tried to cover for Linfel. "When I created him, I specially configured his AI to not have any knowledge about such things."

"Why?" Milia didn't understand. It wasn't like such knowledge would make the Familiar worse or anything.

"Why? Why indeed? Hehe... Hehehe! I just liked to mess with the options, I guess? Hahaha!" Alvin answered with a cheap smile.

At the same time, his father whispered in his ear. 'Is it true?' Little did he know that a Magus's hearing ability was exceptional, so Milia heard everything.

Alvin nodded at his father. 'Have you never noticed that Felia can do pretty much all chores? Do you truly think that I taught her that?'

'Now that I think about it, your dormitory in the academy would probably been half destroyed by now if you were the one responsible for its upkeeping...' Lucau answered, knowing his son very well.

Alvin's mouth twitched. "I'm not that bad!"

"Said the kid who almost put my house on fire not long ago," Lucau answered without caring at all.

"I was five! How was it not long ago?! It's been a decade!" Alvin wanted to cry already. They weren't even whispering anymore.

It was then that Felia commented. "Well, he did indeed almost put half of the dormitory down... twice..."

Alvin bashed his head on the table at the center of the living room. Why is his familiar doing this to him? Did he mess up with the creation process?


Only then did they notice the girl trying to hold her laugh.

Linfel then patted Alvin's shoulder. "It's okay, Alvin. Now I see we are very alike. I got an entire boa-"


Alvin and Lucau immediately grabbed Linfel's core, stopping Linfel's words. "You just shut up!" The idiot wisp almost handed himself out. No one knew he was responsible for destroying the boat, after all...

Alvin glanced at Milia, who tried to hide her smile with not much success. He got all red again, feeling like burying his head on the ground. Linfel and Lucau didn't know, but Milia was like a goddess in the academy, and here he was, being humiliated by his family and a wisp he barely even knew! "Enough with the chores thing. Felia, Linfel, go prepare something for our visit to drink." He just wanted to change that topic already.

Felia then pulled Linfel along, both going to the kitchem. There, Felia used her Magic Energy to create a simple sound barrier and spoke to Linfel. "Sigh... I completely forgot about this detail. Indeed, we Familiars are AIs, so we obviously have many random things added to our memory during the moment of the creation of our souls. Linfel, try to not mention such things anymore."

"Is it that bad to not know how to do chores? To be honest, I truly have absolutely no idea how to do any of this..." Still, Linfel was determined. "However, I'm very willing to learn!"

For some reason, Felia felt like the whole academy would go down in flames if he tried. Indeed, she could see the similarities between Linfel and her master. "Errr... let's not mention it anymore, shall we? Just look how I do things, and that should be fine."

In the living room, Lucau looked with a smile at Milia. "That's a lovely smile, young lady."

Milia was taken aback and immediately went back to her cold expression. "What smile? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Just now-"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Milia insisted, looking away.

Lucau shrugged his shoulder. "Yes, yes, you don't..." He then went back to the main topic. "So, why the sudden visit?"

To laugh, of course! No, not really...

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