
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Great Plans

"Milia, now!" Yet, as soon as they were sent flying, Alvin shouted at her.

His Magic Energy circulated frenetically as a powerful blast of wind happened behind him and Milia. That blast acted as a cushion, preventing them from crashing with too much force against the wall. Linfel acted again!

Milia, quick to grasp Alvin's plan, immediately activated her collar. The Magic Energy within surged, forming a protective bubble that propelled her upwards. Alvin, equally swift, was enveloped by the same bubble, lifting him from the ground.

They gravely underestimated the Level Four Magic Beast, a creature of immense power. Before they could even ascend a single meter, the Serpent's tail lashed out with incredible speed, striking both of them simultaneously. The force of the blow sent them hurtling into the ground and then the wall. The Bubble of Magic Energy, their last line of defense, shattered instantly. The collars' power vanished, leaving them vulnerable.


The serpent didn't stop there as it sprung in their direction once again. It was a Magic Beast hunting its prey. It didn't know the meaning of holding back. Milia saw the beast's mouth opening. Instinctively, she held Nori's core close to her chest, shouting in her mind. 'ALVIN!'


In the next instant, the bloodied body of Alvin appeared once again, making Milia's emotions stir and a tear come out. This time, however, Red Magic Energy flowed through his meridians. Linfel had always been able to create Red Magic Energy with Yellow Magic Energy. It's just that he couldn't store much of it due to his level. That said, he kept it safe in his core, just in case he needed it at some point.

Yet, he couldn't control Alvin's body at the moment as Alvin's strong emotions made it impossible to intervene. When Alvin saw that Milia was about to be killed, he simply moved on his own. Linfel then saw himself forced to utilize that Red Magic Energy and give it all to Alvin for one last struggle. That was the only reason Alvin, injured as he was, managed to get in front of Milia when the attack arrived.

'Sigh... I guess I shouldn't have provoked this guy back in the pond. Oh well, it wasn't a bad run,' thought Linfel, prepared to die with Alvin and Felia. There was no way they could hold this thing down as they had utilized all their magic energy again.

"Hmph! Acting tough in my territory? Know your place!" However, in that last second, a ray of Blue Light came from the skies, crashing against the serpent's skull like a meteor!



The bone helmet of the serpent was pressed against the ground. It struggled with all its might to get free, but the leg pressing its head didn't budge. Finally, the attacker's eyes turned cold as he increased the pressure.

*Crack! Splash!*

His leg went through the bone helmet, breaking through the enormous serpent's head and smashing its brain. Blood began to gush out while the serpent's body still moved. It was already that, but just like a snake, its cells were still alive and would continue to move for a while before settling down.


The man pulled his leg out of the serpent's head and kicked it away, making it crash against the wall in the distance. "Just why the hell am I paying those idiots? This is an Academy Testing Ground! And yet, they didn't notice there was a Level Four Magic Beast here. If I don't get a few heads fired this time, my name is not Xalafel."

Sure enough, their savior was none other than Xalafel, a Level Five Magus and the academy's principal!


However, neither Alvin nor Milia had the chance to talk to the man. They quickly lost to their injuries and fell to the ground, unconscious. Felia and Linfel also had their connection with Alvin canceled. Felia was completely empty and couldn't even float anymore. As for Linfel, he still had a little bit of Yellow Magic Energy, so he was the only one to get up and assume his Familiar Form. "Now, that was scary..."

Xalafel was surprised to see that Linfel still had Magic Energy to move around. However, he saw the state that Milia and Alvin found themselves in. "We can talk later. I'll bring these two out to receive treatment first."

"Ah!" Linfel quickly remembered something. "Just a second!" He quickly used the remaining of his Magic Energy to carry Milia and Alvin's body within the Purple Flag's range. Thanks to that, Alvin and Milia were now considered to have completed the exam as well. "Alright, we can go now."

Xalafel didn't know what to say. Those two were almost dead, but the Familiar thought more about the exam. However, he shook his head and quickly took Alvin and Milia's bodies with him. Of course, he also brought Felia, Linfel, and Nori away.

As they took flight, Linfel looked back in the serpent's body direction. Different from the other Magic Beasts they killed before, he could feel that the source of Magic Energy of the dead serpent didn't disappear. "How come that thing still has Magic Energy?"

As Xalafel flew up, he spoke. "Level Three Magic Beasts are able to condense a Magic Core, just like Maguses do at the age of twelve. From there onwards, their magic Energy is stored inside the Core instead of being spread around their bodies." Xalafel then waved his hand, causing a gust of wind to hit the serpent's head. In the next second, a Magic Core flew out and was caught by his hand. "Here, take it."

Linfel was surprised to receive that. The concentration of Magic Energy inside was truly enormous. However, Xalafel warned. "It can't be used for training since it is contaminated with the Magic Beast's Energy. However, it can be used as a source of energy for other things. You might get a good price from this. Consider it an apology for missing that Level Four Magic Beast in the examination area."

Linfel felt ecstatic, though. Contaminated? That was not a problem at all. It's just that Linfel was also kind of sad. The Magic Energy inside was also at Level Four, Green Color Magic. He still couldn't absorb it. 'I will keep it for later when I reach Level Three,' he thought to himself.

Xalafel didn't know what Linfel was thinking, but he didn't care either. Even though he didn't show it, he was over the moon. 'Truly, truly impressive. Alvin, this old man has great plans for you.'

Poor Alvin... =X

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